Friday, October 26

Today was another two visit day.  I went up and arrived in time to have lunch with David, and sat in on his Physical Therapy session.  After that, I headed back home to a clean apartment – I love that!  Watched a little TV, and then headed back uptown for Date Night.  I brought a belt, and a nicer pair of sneakers for David to wear.  When I arrived, David got dressed in a real shirt with buttons, and jeans and red sneakers.  He even appreciated the belt.  He looked great, but didn’t want me to take a picture, so you will just have to trust me.

We went out for Mexican food at Papasito’s Grill on Broadway.  It was great!  Generally, it has been very easy rolling into a restaurant in the wheelchair, and folks have been very accommodating.  I hope it continues that way.  I have always taken the time to scope out the prospective restaurant before we show up to make sure there are ramps, ample space, etc.
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Tomorrow morning, I am picking up the car from UNIS, and driving uptown to pick David up and going home for the day.  I will be keeping the car through Tuesday, when David comes home, because I was warned that the parking space location, on the East River, may not be safe with the threat of Sandy breathing down New York’s neck!  Let’s hope it is more hype that hurricane!