Friday, September 14, 2012

Today was uneventful.  We got off to a late start because of taking care of some morning business, but then we were off and running. First with Yvette, the Occupational Therapist followed by some standing with the OT and the Physical Therapist, Minet.  Then a break, and I took a walk, but when I got back, he had already had Speech Therapy with Ilana (I think that was her name, will check tomorrow).  Before my break, Mary and Peter brought sandwiches for lunch, which was great.

I was exhausted after the second PT session, and I wasn’t even doing any of the work!  We went outside to sit in the garden again, and at around 4pm, we had a visit from Jane and her husband, and I want to say it was Bob, but that is probably wrong.  I have got to get folks to begin signing the book again, or I will never get names right!  Sorry.  Jane worked with David at UNIS, but is now retired, and we look forward to more visits, as they live nearby.

Then, I headed home, and took a nap, and now remembered that I had to write this, so up for a few minutes, and now, back to bed!  You will forgive any typos or glaring grammatical errors!