Friday, September 28

The 1:30 meeting went very well. We met with the Social Working and David’s three therapists. They are hoping to keep David working at the Jewish Home until October 30th, which sound right to me and David. More important than this – we are going out for dinner tomorrow night. David is able to take off site trips as long as he is back by midnight, so tomorrow we are going out to dinner, a week from tonight we are going to a dinner party around the corner from the home and I am making arrangements for him to come home during the day next Saturday. All great stuff, and I think it will make David much happier to begin doing more normal things.

After the meeting, we had PT where David walked without the brace, and his right knee is getting stronger all the time. Yvette also said he has more feeling in his right arm. Progress all around. Siobhan also tried to convince David that he was speaking better today than he was on Monday, but he doesn’t seem to believe any of us.

Tonight, I had a great dinner with Gene and Liz (thanks guys!), and came home to measure the height of the bed and the tub to get ready for the end of October. More progress, and more to come! I will post some pictures tomorrow of our dinner out.

One thought on “Friday, September 28

  1. How fantastic. Let me know if you need any help, Scott. Getting over a cold, but hope to visit again soon. Big hug to both of you.

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