Get out the brilliantine and dime cigars

On the program I use for my walks they have a button for your power song, you know, the song that gets your going.  That is where the title comes from – my power song.  For those of you who know my old phone, it was my ring tone – I was attempting to have the gayest phone in the world, and how could you go wrong with having Charles Nelson Reilly as your ringtone!!

Anyway, we all need a boost now and then.  This morning I went on my walk and I used the power song button a few times.  When I got home, David wanted to attempt a walk in the morning, and we did.  We may try it again, but he began to peter out in the last half of the walk, and I wished I had my power song to get us going.  Not sure if that song would have worked for David, maybe something by Gloria Estefan, not CNR.

After the walk and a shower, we were off to dancing with Caren Doll.  I couldn’t bring myself to videotape, I think it would have made people feel uncomfortable.  After that, we went to see Blade.  Blade was away for about ten days, and part of that time, he was in the hospital with kidney stones.  Kidney stones in Salt Lake City!  David’s response was “bad”.  Blade, I think, has a little thing for David.  He was telling him how much he likes seeing him, and wants to make sure that he gets to work with him anytime he can.  He is probably the best PT there, so that is a good thing.  He also is very sure that David will get more strength in his leg and more use of his arm.  Here’s hoping and trying!

We both were ready for a nap when we got home, and laid down.  Just as we were drifting off, a storm came through that was pretty intense.  The wind was blowing the rain sideways, but it was over almost as quickly as it came in.  There is thunder rumbling now, and some drips of rain starting.  After the nap, dinner and I had to run to the drug store, then some more Breaking Bad, the blog and the book.

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