Going mad shooting sparks into space

David worked on the stationary bicycle without support for his knee again, which was great.  Blade was impressed and he seemed less exhausted afterwards. He also didn’t need as much reminding to keep his knee in.  We also went for an evaluation, well, actually two evaluations.  First with a trainer who might work with David and then we went to see about a device that will help keep his foot from dropping when he walks.  We worked with something like it when we left New York, and the physiatrist thought that it would be worth a look.  Actually, I suggested it, and he agreed.  It worked very well in the office, and now we need to find out if insurance will cover it.  I think it will speed up his walking speed quite a lot.

At Life Changes with Cedric there was quite a bit of drama.  I had mentioned that there was a guy who seemed to despise another member of the group, and they almost came to blows.  The guy who can’t seem to shut up started talking about some nonsense, and the other one began to wheel out of the room and Cedric asked him to stay and share what his week had been like.  He turned around and rejoined the group, and when the other one continued, he called him an a-hole, and that was it.  The talked asked him to step outside, or rather, wheel outside.  When he refused, he left with his aide to file a formal complaint.  I think the best part was when Cedric asked him to call the talker to apologize, he said over his dead body.  The most interesting part was seeing the group divided and taking sides.  Most against the talker.  Excitement at the Stroke Center!

We went to see a pretty bad movie that was part of the Film Festival.  You know you are always in trouble when a movie sounds like it is a good concept.  It was billed as a Rock and Doris style comedy with a gay twist.  Well, it was just awful.  David became quite angry when I wouldn’t leave, and every time people left, he would just say “come on!”  We stayed to the bitter end, and it was pretty bitter.  We are going on Sunday to see a documentary about Elaine Stritch, which should be better.  I hope!

I read David the Gabrielle Giffords op ed piece that was in the New York Times.  It was good, but I think David thought it would have more details about physical and speech therapy.  Speaking of politicians, I am getting great joy in seeing Chris Christie squirm.  Coming from NJ, I feel like I know him and his pals so well.

I have been playing more tennis, which is great and David began serving today.  I didn’t get to see it, but Bill said that he was hitting really well, and I have to believe him.  David said he wasn’t hitting very well, but, I believe Bill.  Dinner tomorrow night with Blade and Ralph, which I am looking forward to. Baked a cake today and Boeuf à la Bourguignonne is the project for tomorrow!