Happy Birthday David!

Happy Birthday David
Happy Birthday David

Today we celebrated David’s 66th Birthday. As I said in my last blog entry, I baked a cake last night, and iced it this morning. It came out well, I think and David loved it.  David was very happy to get all the wishes from friends on FaceBook and email and we even had a few calls today from friends and family.  It is great to be able to put the phone on speaker, and have him participate in calls now!  Not only good for practice, but also a boost to his mood!!  We had only Physical Therapy and Speech Therapy today, and Caroline in PT did some more testing.  David beat all his original times by quite a lot.  I don’t have the final numbers, but he dropped about 10 seconds off walking from an original time of about 38 seconds, and 5 seconds off the shorter walk from an original of 20.  He also beat the one that he did a couple weeks about by 3 second!  In one surprise feat, when he began walking for one of the test, he got up from his chair and took two steps before realizing that he left his cane next to the chair.  Little by little.  Speech with Siobhan went very well, and he is getting better at comparisons, but still needs some work.

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Be began the second season of Enlightened, and it is getting even better.  Tonight’s object was a Taino Ritual Seat.

4 thoughts on “Happy Birthday David!

  1. Sending birthday love. Dancing a birthday song for you here with the kids (‘Dancing in the moonlight’ by King Harvest) Seems we should all be dancing in the moonlight to celebrate this big day with you!

  2. Last night Dick and I went to a Hawaiian dinner. Part of the entertainment was a gal playing the ukele and singing “Tiny Bubbles.”. I videoed it for you. It’s a little blurry as I started smiffling thinking of you both.muck love Pat

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