He may have hair upon his chest, but sister, so has Lassie

Yesterday was sort of lost.  I woke up and had some pain in my hand.  I was able to take my walk, and it was feeling a bit better, but throughout the day, it got worse, and finally at around 4pm, I headed to urgent care.  My guess was that it was gout related, but the Doctor said that it was really rare for gout to appear in the hands.  He took some X-rays just to make sure, and he said it might be gout, but more likely some arthritis.  So, I am back on prednisone for a couple days.  Also some pain relievers.  Today, my hand was better.

Last night I made a batch of Macarons, which looked beautiful, but were hollow in the center, so checked the website for troubleshooting Macarons, and found that most likely, I overbeat the egg whites.  Will make some more on the weekend.  I couldn’t sleep last night, I think because of the drugs.  This morning, I got up at about 9am when we had an appointment with a pool renovating company to get a quote.  This was after falling asleep, finally, at about 5am.  We went to the Stroke Recovery Center for Life Changes with Cedric.  One of the woman who is a regular at the center, shared some stories that she wrote about growing up during WWII near Tripoli, Libya.

Later in the session, we talked about the mother of one of the clients at the Center who passed away earlier this week.  I met her once, and she used to bring her relatively young son(in his 30’s, I think) to the center.  When we first got to Palm Springs in the early summer, I went to a support group for caregivers, and she and I were the only folks there.  She actually talked about her concern about what would happen to her son if something should happen to her.  She passed away from cancer, but I was told that she was diagnosed within the past three months.  Her sons came after the session was done to talk to folks.  She was very well loved at the center.

David an I went home afterwards, because Let’s get Physical was cancelled.  Finished up the macarons and we were ready to head out to the Speech Group’s holiday party.  I brought my macarons, but they weren’t a hit.  I don’t think anyone knew what they were.  We also brought a selection of hats from our collection, which were a hit.  A lot of pictures taken.

When we got home, I took a nap and then got up to make dinner.  We watched Project Runway: All-Stars then began to tackle the rest of the Christmas cards.  Done.  David became impatient with me at a certain point, and I sent him to bed, and finished on my own.  I am sure I have said this already, one of the other times I was on Prednisone, but it makes me pretty irritable, not my normal easy going self.  Fortunately, I will only be on it for a few days.

I will end, since I am talking about drugs, with an observation.  There is a commercial which seems to be on all the time now.  It is for some prescription for low testosterone, and the guy narrating says he is relieved that, after seeing his doctor, he is suffering from low T and not age.  It strikes me as funny that he hasn’t made the connection between his age and his low T problem.  So, now I guess when a man reaches a certain age, he will not only buy a corvette, but also start testosterone replacement therapy.  Oh, yes, and usually buy a bad hairpiece.  Just saying.