Hey hobo man, hey dapper dan

David, with his teeth in the park this morning.
David, with his teeth in the park this morning.

We had a very nice day today. Slept a little late and then I went out to the boulangerie for some croissant and brioche. All very nice. Alex met us around noon, and we went out for lunch to a Chinese restaurant that David and I went to in November. It rained a bit in the afternoon but we avoided it.  Have to go out and get an umbrella tomorrow.  Did some laundry today, which is very nice to be able to do leisurely and on my own.

As you can see from the picture, we took a nice walk this morning in the park across the street.  It is a sweet park on the Champs Èlysées with a restaurant, theatre and puppet theatre.  I looked up the schedule for the puppet shows, and hope that we can catch one.  I think it is the usual Punch and Judy stuff, but could be fun, and certainly something to say we have done.  We also had a nice nap in the afternoon.  So nice to take an afternoon nap!  Tomorrow, I hope to get some exercise in and we are having a visit from Claire, which will be fun.

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