Hey old friends, how do we stay old friends?

It has been too long, I know.  I have been busy with the new job, which is going great.  Don’t want to rub it in to east coast friends, but the weather is sunny and warm most days.  We are in the middle of planning next season, which will be very exciting, I think.  It is a bit of a tightrope to walk – balancing while still trying to push the boundaries.  Just have to keep from falling.

David and I went to Ashland Oregon for the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, which was lots of

Joan and David waiting for the start of Pericles
Joan and David waiting for the start of Pericles

fun.  Saw four plays in three days – Much Ado About Nothing, Pericles, Guys and Dolls and Fingersmith.  All were really interesting, but all around, and this may not come as a surprise to everyone, Guys and Dolls was my favorite.  Not my favorite musical, but in the hands of Mary Zimmerman, it was pretty delightful.  I highly recommend a trip to Ashland, and we may even go back over the summer for another chunk of their season.  It was opening weekend, so there were lots of events, and Joan and Lynn were terrific hosts and kept us busy.  I was worried that David would get overdone, but he was very willing and able to keep up.

Theo eats and David peeks
Theo eats and David peeks

Before we headed to Ashland, we had a great visit from Alex, Claire and Theo.  It was a great time and Theo loved the pool.  We got haircuts, ate (maybe too much) and just had a terrific visit.  David and I are beginning to figure out when our next visit to Paris will be.  I think sometime in the fall.  I have been making regular visits to Palm Springs and David has been up to Livermore twice now.  He still hasn’t warmed up to the town, but I think when I get into a new house (I am in the process of buying a house in Livermore) he will feel more comfortable.  The lovely cottage that I live in now just doesn’t do if for him.  Mostly, it is the adjustable bed that he misses.  Hopefully soon, I will be in the new house.

The house was built in 1952, and it is perfectly located (I can see the roof of the theater

We all got haircuts that dat - Alex, David, Theo and me
We all got haircuts  – Alex, David, Theo and me

from the dining room) and it is in very good shape, but still retains a lot of that 50’s charm.  The Thermador oven and stove top are a trip.  Still trying to figure out if I want to keep them or redo the kitchen.  David and I had fun picking out colors on my last visit to Palm Springs while Joy was there.  I can’t believe that I didn’t take any pictures during that visit, but it was pretty short for me – only a day and a half really.

Well, I will publish this now, and will try to keep to at least a weekly schedule of postings.  I have missed our moments together!

One thought on “Hey old friends, how do we stay old friends?

  1. Thank you thank you — for being back in touch and with such good news!! Love and luck in the new job to you, Scott, and a hug to David for progress, and for courage.
    Love, Susan

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