I know the way we should spend that day

OK, now I am just getting lazy.  The only connection the above lyric has is to the day of the week.  Very sad, I have to say, and I am disappointed in me!  Anyway, another uneventful day.  We hung out at the house, exercised and went for a walk.  No swim in the pool today for David.  His toe was bothering him in the morning, but was better in the afternoon.  We had unusual thunderstorms today.  Well, really nothing to write home about, just unusual for Palm Springs.  It was relatively cool today to – only about 95°.

I went out and did a little shopping – just some stuff for around the house, and then we took a long afternoon nap.  Again, I took the longer nap, but David was laying down when I went out shopping, so it all evens out.  Then we had dinner, Dexter, the blog and book.  More distances and numbers that make your head spin, but still good.  Tomorrow we have a full day – Social Security office, the Stroke Recovery Center and Dance with Judy’s stand-in and then Physical Therapy.  I will take some pictures and include them tomorrow.