I lived! I lived! I lived!

The title of tonight’s blog is simply a tribute to Jane Connell who died today.  Long live the Gooch!

This morning, I took my walk, and when I got home, it was time to get ready for the first of two speech therapy sessions for the day.  We got ready and drove to Rancho Mirage, and when we arrived, the receptionist couldn’t find David’s appointment.  I explained that we were supposed to see Arlene, but she insisted that we didn’t have an appointment, and printed out the list of appointments that David does have.  It was one of those mornings, and I just didn’t feel like arguing with her, so we left.  Besides, he had another session at 1pm at the Stroke Recovery Center, so I thought that it was OK.  When we got home, there was a message on my phone from the receptionist.  She was terribly sorry, but David did have an appointment with Arlene and did we want to come back tomorrow or Friday.  We are going on Friday.

I took David to speech at 1pm and took the car to be washed, then we headed home.  Swam, exercised and watched some more Breaking Bad.  Then the blog and more of the book and sleep.

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