I’ll always be Alice Toklas

Today we had another good day.  I had my walk in the morning, and when I got home, we began getting ready to see Blade.  Physical Therapy went really well, and I was pleased with how well David is doing.  We then went to Bristol Farms for lunch, on Blade’s advise, and it was perfect – quick and good.  Then, down the road to see Arlene for Speech Therapy.  That went well too.  David still doesn’t think he is making improvements, but he is.  He is reading words much better than he was a few months ago.  Arlene also said David was lucky, and he got his back up, because he thought she was going to say he was lucky because he had me.  She didn’t, she said he was lucky because he was able to do a lot of things that other folks can’t.  He conceded that I made some of that possible.  On the way home, we stopped and had iced lattes at Koffi, which was very nice.  The weather has been great!

Then home, and we headed to Hunter’s, a local gay bar that is celebrating its 15th anniversary.  The Gay Men’s Chorus was called in to sing happy birthday, and I participated, and David came along.  It was a nice event, but we ran after we sang, and headed home.  David was tired from a full day and took a short nap, while I went shopping for dinner.  After dinner, two more episodes of Breaking Bad – we may just get caught up!  The the blog and the book.  Delving into atoms now.  Almost as mind boggling as the universe!

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