I’m ready to move out in front

Well, sorry it has been such a lapse, but our last week in Paris was a whirlwind, and we are now safe and happy and exhausted in London.  I will back up and tell a bit about our days in Paris before Joy and Michael arrived and then the trip to London and our first day in London.

Last Friday we went to see Le Roi et Moi, which was sadly in English.  If you haven’t caught it, this was R&H’s The King and I.  To begin our trip to the theatre, we headed out the door and were surprised to not see a single cab, Autolib’ or Uber to be had.  Quite unusual and shocking, so after seeing that if we waited in the line for a cab at the cabstand we would miss the first act, we started walking.  As we headed down the Champs Elysées I checked on my phone for Autolib’ and a car was available by the Petit Palais, so I reserved it and we headed that way.  As you might guess, the traffic was horrendous and I thought we would still miss the beginning of the show as we were crawling by the Louvre.  I had noticed earlier and then as we headed along, that there were lots of firemen out in both dress and normal uniforms, which seemed odd, but I thought there must be a firemen’s ball or something.  Once we passed the Louvre, the traffic began to move a bit more, and we made it to the theatre just in time.  At the theatre, there were firemen opening doors for people and helping us into the lobby.  My best guess was that it was the firemen’s community service night.  I still don’t know exactly what was happening, but, always nice to see the firemen out.

The show started, and our seats were not great, but for €10 each, I couldn’t complain, and at the end of the show, I was glad that we hadn’t paid for better seats.  When we bought them the box office agents said we could get better seats for more money, but I opted for the handicapped seats.  The show was disappointing in general, but I have to say that it is wonderful to hear a show like that with a full orchestra, and I mean a full orchestra.  Not just a pit band.  I blame the director for the poor quality of the show.  That and they seemed not so well rehearsed.  Anyway, at the end of the day, we were glad we went, but it wasn’t fabulous.

On Saturday, we went out with Alex and Claire to The Bristol for drinks, which was lovely, and something nice to do, but, expensive.  €26 for a cocktail, but, they do give you a free pre-cocktail drink and kept filling up our snacks.  Also, the mirror over the bar that turned into a huge TV screen was pretty cool.  Watched a bit of the World Cup and then we headed off for dinner.  A local restaurant that looked very nice, but, honestly and sorry to say, it was the first bad restaurant experience we have had in Paris.  Inattentive staff, eurotrash fellow customers and the food wasn’t so good.  Needless to say, all this came at quite a price.  Have crossed this one off the list.  Le Boeuf Sur Toit.  Not worth the time or the money, and it was recommended.  Maybe it was a bad night, but life is too short.

Claire, me, Ed, Theo, David and Alex at our dinner on Avenue Gabriel
Claire, me, Ed, Theo, David and Alex at our dinner on Avenue Gabriel

Sunday we had Alex, Claire, Theo, Ed and Alexis over for dinner.  I was planning on making chicken and had done some preliminary shopping on Saturday, but was looking forward to going to a local street market to pick up some last minute things.  On the morning, I checked online to see what types of merchants would be at this market, and I had made what I like to refer to as a Scott mistake.  The market was open on Saturday, not Sunday.  I immediately checked to see what time the Franprix was open until, and they were closing in an hour.  Claire was on her way to help me out, so I ran to the store to get chicken and the few remaining items.  They didn’t have butchered chickens, so I had to buy whole and wasn’t looking forward to the job of cutting them up.  I got home, and Claire arrived, and I explained that we weren’t going to the market as planned.  Butchered the chicken and began cooking.  Made chicken with a white wine and mustard sauce with roasted broccoli and mushrooms and onions.  A wonderful evening!  Or at least I thought so.
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Then, on Monday, Joy and Michael arrived.  Their flight was delayed by about two hours, but they arrived safe and sound.  So great to see them.  Michael went to sleep immediately, and Joy, David and I headed out for a walk.  Not too long, but nice, and a good introduction to Paris.

Joy and Michael on the Seine Cruise
Joy and Michael on the Seine Cruise

Then a nap, and off to our dinner cruise.  It was very nice, and glad that we did it.  The dinner was nice, but the views along the Seine were great.  The one glitch was that at about 10pm the captain had slowed down near the Eiffel Tower so we could have a good view of the light show.  At 10:10pm, I asked the waiter if he knew why the tower didn’t do its thing, and he said that tonight was the first night that they didn’t light the tower until 11pm.  Otherwise a great night.

I am going to end this post now, and publish, because otherwise, I won’t get it done until mid-July!  We are beginning our last day in London today, and having a great time.  We all fly out tomorrow morning and David and I will be in Vermont tomorrow night.


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