I’m the most happy fella, in the whole Napa Valley

I couldn’t resist the musical reference, and for those of you who don’t know, I’m not telling you.  We arrived in Yountville on Monday, and got settled pretty quickly.  The house is very nice, and the location is terrific.  It is still pretty warm during the day, but cools off quite a bit at night.  The sun is still very hot!  Tuesday, Alex, Claire and Theo came and stayed the night.  We went out last night for a tasting at Domaine Chandon (stingier pour than Mumm Napa) which was nice, then went to dinner at Redd Wood, which is a relatively casual Italian place.  The food was fabulous!  This morning, I stopped and picked up baked goods from Bouchon in town.  When I arrived, there was one person ahead of me, and when I left, the line was beginning to form.  Yesterday, David and I went elsewhere for coffee because the line stretched down the sidewalk!

Then in the afternoon, we took a drive to Castello di Amorosa, which was a bit of a tourist trap, but fun.  Had a tasting there and the guy pouring was from France, and was pretty chatty about why he was much happier to be in Napa. It boils down to his being young and looking for a little adventure, really.  Then we went to V. Sattui, which had a very nice deli, and we had sandwiches in their picnic area.  It was hot, as I said earlier, and fortunately, we found a table in the shade.  After two stops, we were ready to head home to the AC.  Relaxed for a while, took the above video, and a short nap.  Then Alex, Claire and Theo headed off, back to San Francisco.

If this disease is tadalafil super active caused by the genitourinary system disease such as prostatitis, epididymo-orchitis, patients might as well try the TCM therapy mentioned above. Exercise is india tadalafil online http://pamelaannschoolofdance.com/jay-dilley/ needed to keep our muscles from atrophying and wasting away. You will have to buy viagra wholesale agree on the fact that the heath care system of the U.K. and U.S. is quite advanced, the high cost of treatments has also pushed many ED patients to search alternative solutions. It is said to be a speedy recovery cialis canadian method. After they left, I began researching some activities for us to do over the next six weeks.  I heard about the pool at the Francis Ford Coppola winery, and went to book some dates, but found that they are sold out until the last week we are in Napa.  Would have been a great option for when Liza and her kids were coming for a visit.  Will have to check to see if they get cancellations.  Then, I thought I would check for a French Laundry reservation, and miracle of miracles, there was one for next week, so I snagged it, and hopefully we will be able to make the arrangements for Alex and Claire to join us.

I also got an email with more than just pictures from the landlord of the NY apartment, and he has suggested keeping half of our security deposit because of scratches on the floor that were there when we moved in.  I told him he should send the entire amount, or I would have our lawyer (we don’t have one yet!) contact him.  I also asked for pictures of the floors from immediately prior to our occupancy, which, I am sure he doesn’t have.  Again, not really what I need to be dealing with now, and he knows it.

Since we got here, we have been taking walks every day as well as exercising, and I have been taking long walks/runs in the the morning.  I have to find a regular route that suits me.