I’m tired of laughing and I’m tired of crying

Today, after quite a start of the morning, I was pretty productive. David and I almost came to blows about my to-do list. There were three things that I didn’t have on the list, and he didn’t understand why I hadn’t added them, or forgot them. Anyway, I immediately thought of this, and while the show was never produced on Broadway, it was a musical that I loved, and the video below always cheers me up. Well, this is an updated version, and worth the watch. Sorry for the language, but, that is what makes is so good, I think!

Anyway, after reconstructing the list, and adding a whole bunch more to my list, I tackled some of the items, and was glad to cross them off. More for tomorrow. Then, we had Physical Therapy with Blade. He really is terrific, and gets David and me, which makes everything easier. I also don’t feel bad about having to pay for the initial sessions out of pocket, because, he told me that under Medicare, only 36 sessions per year are covered, and that includes Speech, PT and OT, so we will go through those in about three months.

So, at today’s session, a number of things happened.  Blade thinks that David is communicating very well, and he told us about a colleague he worked with almost 20 years ago who had a stroke, and has more trouble communicating than David does.  He also said that I was very smart, and David just said bad and no.  I think he was still thinking about this morning.  Blade thought I was smart, because I mentioned that I had noticed and change in David’s ankle, and it was looser, and I thought that it might be a sign that he will be getting more movement back in that area.  The same thing happened with his arm when that started to come back.  It is, and we have some more exercises to do with the foot and ankle to encourage that.  Blade also said that he was very impressed with David’s trunk control, and of course, David immediately let me know that I was to write about that in the blog.  I said I was going to find some reference to an elephant and his trunk, but, alas, the only musical I could find was “Elephant: The Musical” from The Tall Guy with Emma Thompson.  Blade also thought that David was walking really well, and he was taking the tips that he was given, and incorporating them well.

Blade asked about the blog, and I confessed that he was mentioned in it already, and that I did not change the names to protect the innocent.  I then explained that while his name is Blade, i was pretty sure he wasn’t ever a stripper, which he confirmed.  He also said that he wanted to come to Paris with us.  Wouldn’t that be nice – to travel with your physical therapist!  I think he was kidding.

Then the bank and home.  David took a short nap, I made dinner and we took a walk and a swim.  Fortunately, we took the swim early, because just before I started writing this, a raccoon was using our cement pond to do his evening exercise.  First he took a dip in the hot tub, and then did a few laps in the pool.  Then he left the building.  Tomorrow is trash pick-up, so my guess is that he (or she) has a regular weekly schedule, but I hope she (or he) uses a different pool each week!

We watched a little TV, then the blog and more of the book.  This morning, when I was taking my walk, I took this picture that I thought was beautiful.

Rainbow in Palm Springs
Rainbow in Palm Springs

2 thoughts on “I’m tired of laughing and I’m tired of crying

  1. I found this entry particularly touching, Scott. You ARE beyond smart: smart and compassionate in innumerable ways.

    Thought of you as we went to see the “free for all” (used to be at Carter Barron) Shakespeare performance of “Much Ado About Nothing” at the Harmon a couple of days ago. A side splitting Latin rendition.

    Carry on, raccoons and all! XXX Abigail

  2. Scott, I read you every day with joy and thanks. Glad CAlifornia is working out so well for both of you and happy about David’s progress. In other words thanks to you both for your love. From the cottage in New York …. Susan willens

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