In my body, it’s well known, there is not one selfish bone

We did the usual again today – walk, swim, exercise, etc – and then went to Cabazon where all the outlets are.  I wanted to get a piece of luggage for our trip.  I am worried about maneuvering the wheelchair and a carryon bag, so was thinking of getting something that I can carry like a backpack.  Anyway, we took the drive to Cabazon, which was a big mistake.  It was a complete zoo.  I hoped that I would find a handicapped parking space, but they were all taken, and there were a lot of them.  Needless to say, the family that took the last one, in their huge SUV, all jumped out of the car with no problem and put their parking pass up.  Irritating, but there were two other folks waiting for spaces, so we headed back to Palm Springs.  Went to TJ Maxx to see what they might have.  We got there and David wasn’t sure what I wanted and why.  I tried to explain, but he kept saying, we have luggage, and why do we need more.  He then said that he wanted a yellow suitcase that was there, and we got it.  There was one there that might have worked, but wasn’t sure about it.  So, just to recap, we went out to get a carry-on bag for me, and ended up getting a suitcase for David.  We might go back to Cabazon during the week, when it will be calmer.

Got home, and David laid down for a bit, then watched some cooking shows while I made dinner.  Another curry.  I then finally made lemon tarts from our lemons that are coming in.  The crust smelled great – almonds, flour, sugar and butter – and the lemon filling looked good too.  We will see how it tastes tomorrow.  They came out of the oven after I read the blog and before I read more of Exodus 1947.
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I am getting desperate for blog titles, so don’t read too much into this one.  sometimes I feel like I am grasping at straws.  Though, I love the song it is from.