Is it really March already?

Another quiet day.  Went to the movies this afternoon to see Oz, The Great and Powerful.  We both liked it.  I am a sucker for the Oz stuff, and visually, it was pretty great.  Also watched another episode of House of Cards (UK) and The Good Wife.  Neither were particularly satisfying.  I can’t remember what made last week so much more rewarding, but they were.

More Julia Child, as she and Paul arrived in France and she has her first meal.  It is fun to hear her, even though someone else is narrating, it is her voice you can hear.  Then the blog and object 84, a Mexican Codex Map.
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I feel like I am letting the readers down lately.  We have been getting into a rhythm or rut, if you will, and I suddenly realized that time has begun to slip by.  I cant believe that it is almost mid March!!  The days go by with an unsatisfying regularity.  David sensed it tonight, and was concerned with my well being.  This week, I am going out twice – to see Julie Halston at Birdland tomorrow at 7pm (join me if you can – David may also come, but we will decide tomorrow) and on Thursday, going to Town Hall with college pal, Mary, to see Liza and Alan Cummings in concert.  Looking forward to seeing Mary!  Its been too long.  Anyway, I will try to make the days more interesting and report!!