It’s clear we’re going to get along

Today, David and I went to the Doctor for a check-up before the trip, and everything looks good.  We also got flu shots.  All good stuff.  While waiting for the Dr I mentioned to David that I neglected to tell you all about a moment yesterday that will give you proof that David’s sense of humor and bite are still totally intact.  While with Arlene, she was giving him words to repeat and working up to longer words with more syllables.  When she got to “Considerate”, David shot me a look that all of us got very quickly.  I asked when I had not been considerate, and he just said “Please”.  I am sure he was joking, but is referring to the fact that I am not helping him as much, physically, to do things and asking more from him.  He understands the reasons for this, but still wants to be pampered.  Some things haven’t changed a bit since the stroke!  And, because of that, I had this damn song that the title is from in my head for the entire day!

Anyway, we went to the Stroke Center and arrived during a musical performance by Angie Whitney.  She was really good, and the evening last night would have been better if she were performing!  David was getting into it and even got up and danced with Glorianne.  Then, he went to Speech group with Mary and Jeffrey and I ran off to have the car washed.  When I got back, we headed home and had lunch that Maria had dropped off – chile rellenos – which was delicious!  Then, some swimming and relaxing in the sun before we headed back out to Cabazon to do some shopping.  As we approached, and I saw cars parked on the street, I thought it was going to be a repeat of Sunday.  The parking lots were pretty full, but there were some handicapped spots available, so we were safe.  The center is under construction, because they are turning what used to be parking into 45 new stores.  I have no idea what other stores they could add!
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Anyway, we got our shopping done – shirt and sneakers at Nike and a carry-on bag and small bag from Tumi.  We did it pretty quickly and easily.  Then home.  As we were driving back into Palm Springs, the light on the mountains was pretty spectacular.  The colors on the mountains changes from moment to moment and day to day, but is almost always inspiring.  Had dinner, watched The Good Wife, read the blog and book.