It’s the song I love the melody of

Today we had PT with Blade and then tennis with Bill.  On our way to tennis, we stopped at Koffi, and David said that he wanted to try moving a little more when he played tennis today. I told him that I would talk to Bill, but that I was concerned that hitting the ball is a lot to keep his concentration on, and adding walking might be a bit much, but that I thought that pivoting on one foot might be a good idea.  When we arrived, talked to Bill about this, and he was game to give it a try.  David was shifting his right foot forward and back to prepare for forehands and backhands, but it was tough.  Often, he would move his feet after he hit the ball, but it is definitely something to work on.

I hit with Bill after David, and sad to say, David is still better than I am!  Bill says that I am not hopeless, but I have to practice.  When we get back from Paris, I think I will start that up. I even did a little serving, which was always the worst part of my game (if you can call it a game!)  It is funny, but he had me holding the racket very differently than I had been shown in the past, and I think it will make a difference.  Also, his tips about serving were great, and I was actually making it over the net and in the box.

Then home and in the pool.  The temperature today was about perfect, and the water was also the perfect temperature.  Then shower and shave and David took a nap.  In the mail, again today, was a bill from David’s stay at the hospital, and it finally dawned on me that I think these are coming because Medicare wasn’t paying out anything while the government was shut down.  I hope so, because they weren’t small, and what’s the use of having Medicare if they aren’t going to cover anything!  We also have to pay quite a premium to Medicare, which I found rather shocking, but they are basing it on David’s taxes from when he was working, so will have that changed as well.  Now that the government is back up and running!

Started packing tonight for Paris, and will have to do some more editing, or repacking, because it is going to be tight.  We are going for over a month, so a lot of stuff is needed.  David has been addicted to YouTube, which is interesting, because he is finding some interesting stuff.  I am curious about The Grand Hotel Budapest movie.  Looks quite bizarre.  Off to bed now and the blog and book.

So, I started writing this before reading the blog, and when I read it, David reminded me that yesterday, in the speech group, Arlene went around and asked what Carpe Diem meant to each of the folks.  Most said what you would expect – keep doing stuff, work in the garden, travel, etc.  David said – appreciate Scott.  Very loving and very sweet.  He also added that he appreciates me in spite of the fact that I am deficient in many ways.  Well, he just said “bad”, but Arlene knew what he meant and so did I!

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