July 29 – morning

It is about 8:30 AM and I am just getting up.  I only got up once in the night and the usual thoughts ran through my head – mostly David’s new word – why?  So, I will be heading across the street to the hospital to spend the day looking at David and making small talk.  I am sure he is liking this as much as he liked talking on the phone, but he still seems happy to see me when I arrive, and it makes me feel better.

First, you will have to forgive me if I start repeating things, I just can’t remember what I have said, wrote or done already.  Yesterday I talked to David’s Niece Amy (Harvey’s Daughter), who is a Neuropsychologist and works in this field.  She gave me all sorts of great information and I have already let the nurse know to give information to the Social Worker on Monday morning to get started on the process of finding him a rehabilitation facility in NY to get started.  It looks like that may be about two weeks away, but will come up quickly.  I am hoping that he will get into The Hospital for Joint Diseases at NYU Medical Center.  It is relatively close the the apartment, and Amy has contacts there, and says that it is one of the best rehab centers.

So, this is where things stand this morning.