Ladies parade on the Champs-Élysées, and it’s all for you

The title tonight is inspired by Vivien Leigh’s 100th Birthday and Paris.

View from apartment - makes you think there should be a French Mary Poppins!
View from apartment – makes you think there should be a French Mary Poppins!

Today we braved the rain and took not one, but two buses to get to Musée d’Orsay.  Again we were greeted by an immense line at the door, and again we were whisked past the wet, huddled masses and into the lobby of the museum.  When I went to get on the line inside to get a free ticket, I was told that we didn’t need to do that, and we could just go in, which is what we did.  We saw two of the special exhibitions Masculin/Masculin, which was very interesting, and at moments sort of comical.  Then we went to see a collection of paintings by Hungarian modernists and Béla Bartók that was really great.  Most of the artists were new to me, and I thought they were great.  The colors and intensity were incredible.  We then made our way through the crowds in the impressionist galleries, which are always nice, but would be nicer with fewer people to navigate through.  At one point, there was a woman who was meandering in front of me and I was trying to avoid hitting her, and I did a good job, until as we were passing behind her, she decided to meander backwards into the wheelchair.

When we left the museum, the rain had let up, so we walked across the Seine to the Palais du Louvre and caught a bus home from there.  Once home, we had some sandwiches we picked up in the park by the Louvre and then David laid down for a nap, while I went out to do some shopping that needed to be done.  I also got the badge for the Autolib’, so tomorrow, I promise, I will drive!

Made dinner, then read the blog, book and some news items.  Tomorrow we are spending with Claire in the early part of the day.

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