Lazy Vermont day

We got a slow start this morning.  Ran to Stewarts to get breakfast provisions, and made eggs with cheese and coffee.  I had cereal.  Special K.  Trying to make up for dinner last night.  Jerry came over at around 9 with his worker Eric, who does a lot of the work around the house here.  It was great to see both of them, and Jerry was impressed with David’s progress.  We then waited to hear from the movers, and I didn’t know when they were coming, so didn’t want to leave the house for too long at any time.  We ran out for lunch, and that was it.  The movers came at around 3, and all the stuff was in the house, and we unpacked.  The table looks great in the new room out back.

We sat out on the deck for a while and watched the chipmunks running along the berm.  Everything looks great, and the iris’ are blooming and the peonies are just about to break out. Sorry that we will miss them.

After sitting and unpacking, we ran to Bennington so I could go to Staples, because in our rush to get out of NY yesterday, I forgot my phone charger.  We went to Chauncey’s for dinner, which was fine.  David ordered ravioli and I had a garden salad with chicken.  Then home, and we watched TV.  Tonight, it was the blog and back to The Great Gatsby.  It really is a terrific book and it creates such vivid visuals.

It started raining tonight, and is supposed to rain tomorrow and Saturday, so not sure what we will do with ourselves.  We have a few errands tomorrow, and in the evening we are having an early anniversary dinner at the Wilbuton Inn.

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