Look at what you’ve done, then at what you want

Today the speech therapy session was cancelled at the Stroke Recovery Center, so the day was all ours to do with what we pleased.  That, by the way, is way too much pressure on me! We did our usual exercise, swimming, lunch (finished off the tamales and I made guacamole) then, I had to come up with something, so we took a drive.  We drove south through the valley and made it to Indio.  Pretty dull, actually, but we were out.  Then, on the way home, we stopped at Koffi for Coffee.  Well, iced coffee.  It was nice to sit out and read the free rags that advertise all that Palm Springs has to offer.  Then home, and we watched some more Breaking Bad.

We do keep moving, but today, aside from the drive, was an exception.  I felt very stagnant and only felt productive making the guac.  Tomorrow we are back to our schedule, and we have the Speech Group in Rancho Mirage.  That should be interesting.  It looks like it is a pretty large group, and it is something that we wanted to do when we were in NY, but could never find one that quite worked.  We also have plans for dinner with Donovan, which will be nice.  The weather today was great – cooler, which means 102° not 112°.  Even the pool was under 90° today!
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David is seeming less bothered by the dizziness, but when I ask he says he is still dizzy, so not sure what is going on.  Tonight, the book went through the creation of the Periodic Table, and talked about how perfect it was.  I have to say, while I was not fond of chemistry, I remember having an affinity for that table.  It just seemed so perfect, and made such sense, and put everything in such perfect balance.  Why can’t life be like that?