Love with all the trimmings

Yesterday, for Mothers’ Day, I baked a cake. There was no mother available, so David and I had to eat it. It looked beautiful, if I do say so myself. The cake itself, however, was dry. I have got to figure out what went wrong. It didn’t rise the way it should have either. The mirror glaze worked OK, and the salted caramel cream was delicious!

Happy Mothers’ Day

No, you aren’t losing your mind. Yesterday wasn’t Mothers’ Day. I never posted the above, so I will just pick up here. Hard to follow a lovely cake with the SCOTUS shit show. What, with tRump’s brown shirts shooting up grocery stores and elementary schools, this should just seem normal, right? When did the repugnicans become such a bunch of Gladys Kravitz’s? They keep talking about this cabal that Hilary runs, but it seems to be more projection. Maybe MTG and Gaetz are the gatekeepers? They are evil in the flesh. Lying, cheating A-holes. They need to crawl home and start fixing their own rotting houses. I hope that this is all the last gasp of a dying movement. Hopefully the death rattle won’t be too violent.

During the pandemic, I did a bit of genealogy, which was enlightening. The big takeaway was, I am very white. Most of my ancestors came over in the early 1600’s. No pilgrims, but three years later, they arrived in New Hampshire. Like many immigrants, they were fleeing religious restrictions. My Dad was an atheist, and his independent, curious and progressive vibe was always a wonder to me. I don’t think he taught me this, but we both believed that religion is the root of all evil. It is too easily perverted. My mother hedged her bets and gave money to the church, but rarely went. She would just say that is really just one tenet to follow – treat people the way you want to be treated. They both were conservatives who understood that religion has absolutely no place in the government. It is one of the main reasons many people came to America. Freedom to worship. The court today, took a step to bring religion into the government, and that is exactly what they want. They don’t understand freedom, liberty and what this country is about.

We have to stop whining and start changing things. My one hope is that in November we will drive a stake through the heart of the monster and sanity will be restored. Not to mention avoiding fascism.

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