Mars in retrograde, in the worst way – that’s my story, and I’m sticking to it!

Today, we got up early/on time and were out the door by about 8:40.  Plenty of time for our 9am Speech Therapy, or so I thought.  I called for a car with UBER, but discovered that they wouldn’t be picking up up for over 10 minutes, so found a cab and cancelled the car.  Told the cab driver that we were going to 38th between Second and Third.  He stated across 32nd Street, then took a turn downtown on Madison and I repeated that we needed to go the 38th, and he muttered something.  He turned on 30th, so I thought we were back on track.  He then asked if we were between third and second, and I said yes, so he went across Third Ave, at which point I realized, he thought I said 30th not 38th.  So at this point, we are going to be late, but only a few minutes.  When we circled around and headed up Third Ave, we made pretty good time, and got out of the car to find a line out the door for the ONE elevator that was working.  We were so close, when some woman (obviously not a New Yorker) being kind but stupid, was gesturing for people to go ahead of her, as she let the ONE elevator close and go up the 18 floors to pick people up.

We made it upstairs and were only fifteen minutes late.  Fortunately, it was an hour session, otherwise it would be very sad.  We talked about movies and David recommended Midnight in Paris, Skyfall and ARGO to the therapists.  The conversation about things that he is interested in are great.  He is very engaged and is able to get information out.  Istanbul, Paris, Daniel Craig, Sean Connery.  All good stuff.  We were able to work a little later, because, after all, Mars is in retrograde.  I don’t really know that, but it certainly seemed like it.  We were supposed to have Occupational Therapy today at 10:30, but Oxford hasn’t approved the sessions yet.  Oh Brother!

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He got up soon, and we had dinner, watched Project Runway and Glee, then off to bed and still no audiobook (but have one to listen to), read the blog (no corrections) and the object was a bronze hand from Yemen.

2 thoughts on “Mars in retrograde, in the worst way – that’s my story, and I’m sticking to it!

  1. Dear Scott and David. I just want you to know that I start every single day with your message, so WITH you as you plow, enjoy and soldier on. What an inspiring partnership you are. Any thoughts of coming to DC for a visit? We could engineer a place and a small reunion of a size you could manage. I will let you know when I plan to be in NYC next. Am doing a lot of coaching in groups these days and still involved with DuPont Circle Village membership.

    If it’s not too much trouble could you tell us again the name of the “object” book? I want to start it with my grandchildren.

    Lots of love to you both, you intrepid guys ! Abigail

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