Masculine toast and masculine butter

New statue in the front yard.  Not really, just another visit from the great egret.
New statue in the front yard. Not really, just another visit from the great egret.

So, I am very proud to say that the title of this post has a number of connections to what I am about to write. Extra points to anyone who can name all of them and the show this one is from. The other morning, while I was sitting in the kitchen, we had another visit from the Great Egret. Not really sure if it is the same one, but it looked the same to me, but I suppose they would all look alike to me. It was wandering around the front yard, and when one of the neighbors came by with her dog, it flew off, only to return a few minutes later.  This time, it was only scared off when the folks who are staying in the house across the street came out to take pictures.  I am sure that there is some sort of meaning behind the bird’s fascination with the Kenison/Shapiro’s, don’t you think?

We went to see The Grand Budapest Hotel on Sunday with Donovan, and we enjoyed it very much.  Funny and quirky and beautiful, as you would expect.  Very satisfying, I thought.  In other cultural news, we went to see the SongShine performance of The Music Man.  SongShine is a group primarily for folks with Parkinson’s but also has members who have had strokes and other neurological problems whose speech has been effected.  Next year, I think it would be a good activity for David, and the caregivers participate as well.  The performance was very nice, and many of the voices were quite good.  I was really surprised by Mrs. Paroo who was quite old but sang with a lot of authority.

In the not so cultural news, we have been catching up with RuPaul’s Drag Race, which is loads of fun.  So glad to see Gia given her walking papers and made to sashay away.  She was working my last nerve.  I am a fan of Bianca DelRio, but not sure if she will make it to the end.

Today, David was my hero.  We had speech therapy while Maria was cleaning.  He did really well with Holly and she was impressed with his communication and so was I.  She said that she was fascinated by the way David thought, and particularly the way he would write things down.  The whole idea that he knows absolutely, and with very few errors. the number of letters in the word he is trying to write, and normally the first letter.  filling in the rest is still a crapshoot, but it is getting better, and he is devoted to his journal.  Have I told you that he started keeping a journal?  Basic stuff – day, date, what he has for breakfast, lunch, dinner, activities, etc.  We are now going to start making sentences up from what he writes.

Well, back to David being my hero, as if the progress wasn’t enough.  Many of you may know that I have a bizarre and extreme fear of birds.  It really borders on ridiculous.  When we got home, I saw that the window was open in the living room, and went to close it.  To my horror (and dismay) there was a bird on the floor next to the window.  I didn’t scream, but did tell David that he had to come and help.  It looked like it was dead and must have flown in when they were cleaning.  Now the only thing that freaks me out more than a living bird is a dead one.  David got up, walked over to near where the bird was, and asked me to pull a chair up for him to sit.  I worked up all my nerve to get that close, but did it and backed away immediately, after surveying the situation, David asked for a paper towel and a bag, which I brought to him.  Again, steeling myself to help our, I turned my head and held the bag open, and he dropped the poor little thing in.  It was moving a bit, and for a moment, I thought the humane thing would be to put it out of its misery, but I just opened the screen door and tossed the bag outside and closed the door quickly.  As soon as the bag hit the ground, the bird began flapping its wings and took off over the pool.  I told David that he was my hero, and passed out from the stress and exhaustion.

We also have a pair of birds who are building a nest in our lemon tree.  I have decided that we can peacefully coexist.  As long as they stay in the tree, or fly away when I come near.  That’s our deal.  Or my deal.

David had a massage this evening, and I picked up my new glasses, and then got some lamb for dinner.  David was very relaxed after the massage, which was good, and we had a nice dinner before heading to bed and some TV

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