Maybe I just had a bad day?

Well, we were at the Dentist this morning, and I got an email from the Foreign Service Testing center with not great news.  I didn’t pass the exam.  I thought I had done well (particularly on the essay), but was a little concerned with the section called “Biographic Information”.  Mostly questions about your personality and experiences, with many questions about very recent work experience, which I haven’t been doing.  Well, certainly not in the sense they meant.  Anyway, that was the area of the test that I didn’t do so well on.  Anyway, I was bummed to say the least, but waited until we got home to tell David.  I knew he would be disappointed, but he was actually dumbfounded.  He couldn’t understand how I passed the exam twice, but not now.  I felt worse for him than for me.  He kept saying sorry.  Anyway, I think I was ready for it, but just didn’t come up this time.  Maybe again next year.  I have to work on my Biographic Information.  More thoughts on that later.

So, that was the bad news.  The great news is that when we were exercising this morning, David was able to move his right arm.  It was very little and, as you can imagine, weak, but he moved it just the same.  This is a very promising sign.

We got home and then headed out to get haircuts at our barber on 31st Street.  Then home and we had a visit from Jane and Henry Berliss.  Very nice and got to see pictures of their new grandson.  Very cute!  Also, some great conversation.  Jane is also going to do some research to see if we can get David quilting again.  She thinks that there may be a way to use a frame and do some one handed stitching.

After the Berliss’ left, I got a call the Rusk and PT and OT are cancelled for tomorrow because they had to resubmit some form to Oxford.  They were very apologetic, but it is all still very irritating.  I will get on the phone with Oxford tomorrow to make sure that everything is in place for Monday.

I made David a light supper, and I went out with my friend Michelle to Flex Mussels on 13th Street.  Very good food and it was great to chat with Michelle.  Then home, Project Runway, yesterday’s blog (no comments or corrections) and object 73 – Inca Gold Llama.  Reminded me of Candide.

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