Monday, August 20

Today was a weird day. There were moments of eagerness followed by moments of fatigue, but David pushed through the Occupational Therapy with Amanda and Physical Therapy with York, where he did mostly sitting exercises. He is still complaining of headaches and dizziness. They did some scans of his brain, and we should hear the results tomorrow. Dr. Qu thinks that it may be sinus issues, which would be my guess.

We had visits from Marjorie Ellenbogen who brought David an audiobook – some mystery/spy thing but she also brought me an audio book as well – Florence Henderson’s Life is not a Stage. I asked, how did she know, am I that transparent (not to mention shallow)?? I can’t wait to hear what she says about her date with Greg Brady!

After Ot and PT and a little rest, he did well with Speech Therapy. Afterwards, Monica Miracky came to visit, and when David was ready to take a nap, we headed uptown and I had a great visit. It is great to have people to talk to who are supportive and loving. She is staying over and will visit again tomorrow morning.

I went back to HJD for an evening visit, and David had eaten dinner, and told me about his visit from Andrew Brust. He was almost ready for sleep, so it was a short visit. I think that my visits in the evening are the best, when there is a sense of calm and I can tell him about how I am doing, and what I am thinking and hoping. Dr. Karp came by and said he was doing well, and the headaches had seemed to have subsided, I think that is a good sign for tomorrow!

One thought on “Monday, August 20

  1. So heartening to read about the continued progress and even better David’s returning appetite! I am enjoying the visuals of his room full of friends visiting and bringing food – frustrated by the distance that I can not be there myself. Think of you both very often, and of course are wishing you both strength and a speedy recovery!

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