Monday, Monday

Today’s Occupational Therapy session was cancelled because Oxford hasn’t approved yet.  There is too little time between when the previous session is, and sending a request to Oxford.  Hopefully we will be back on schedule tomorrow.  We did exercise and walked outside again. This time further than yesterday.  David also said that he thinks that he isn’t getting enough ink on the blog, so I am supposed to talk more about his achievements.  This afternoon, after his nap, David got up and on the TV there was a slideshow playing of photos from my computer.  On the screen was a picture of Fred, and David said “Fred”.  I thought that was really good, and told him so.  Then there was a brief pause, and I asked him what my name was.  He looked puzzled and stumped.  He smiled and said “Fred?”  When Siobhan was here, I asked again, and he still wanted to call me Fred.  I said there were worse things he could call me.

He had a good session with Siobhan, and he is saying more and more each week, it seems.  He asked me to make meatloaf for dinner, and that’s what I did.  I had to improvise a little, but it tasted good, I thought.  Then another nap, Antique’s Roadshow, the last two blog entries and object number 70 – Hoa Hakananai’a Easter Island Statue.