Monday, Monday

Well, it was a lovely day in NY, but we didn’t get out.  Slept very late – 10am.  Had to run out to get breakfast and coffee, then David had time in the pool with Chrisviany.  He was very happy with the work today – normally he says he doesn’t want to go back!  I made Julia’s Suprêmes de Volaille aux Champignons (Chicken Breast with mushrooms, but that looks better, no?)  It was very good, if I do say so myself.  We will see what the scale says tomorrow, but I was restrained in my eating.  I mentioned the dreaded scale yesterday after the Chinese food (which usually is very bad for my diet) and I actually lost a pound!

Then the blog, and Paris Reborn which was not so great tonight.  Will keep it going though.  Off to bed.  Night!