Monday, November 19

The week begins!  We had an appointment to have David’s eyes checked this morning, and I left a message for the aide to meet us, but she never showed up, and wasn’t there when we got home.  Oh well.  We had a visit from Stephane, which was great, and got an update on UNIS happenings.

Soon after, Jennifer came and we took David to have his blood drawn.  The Doctor called this morning and his INR number is low now, so we are trying alternating a full pill and half pill every other day.  Hopefully that will level things out.  From what Ritchie Montgomery told us (he is also on Coumadin) this will be a regular process.  Checking the blood and adjusting the dose.

When we got home, Abigail stopped by for a visit, which was great.  Thanks for the snacks – particularly the cashews, David loves them.  Then is succession we had Rose for Physical Therapy and Siobhan for Speech Therapy.  I took a nap during the Speech Therapy, and got up and made chicken piccata for dinner.  It came out well, I thought.  We then caught up on “Dexter” and “The Good Wife”.  Still have “Homeland” and “Boardwalk Empire” to work through.

David is in bed, and I am happy to say that last night, after I finished writing, I got one of the things on my list done, and three others were done today.  As I say to David, I just have to be happy if I am moving forward!