Monday, October 1

The word for the day was “Chicken”.  I prefer bacon.

Another good day.  I arrived at the end of speech therapy, and just in time for lunch.  I had on my calendar that today was one of the days when the lunch was not so great, so I picked up some VietNamese sandwiches at the corner, which were yummy.  Certainly better than the dried up chicken that was served up.  PT was delayed again today, but we got to do some walking and standing with Minet and during the PT we had a visit from Stephane who had a box of Macaron in hand, which I used as incentive for a few more steps!  It worked!  Had a nice update from Stephane on goings on at UNIS.  We went back to the room and were soon joined by Betsy Landis-Tipton who was in town for a wedding.  A very nice visit from this UNIS grad, and talked about living on the west coast.  She has been in LA.

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Reclining Scott
Reclining Scott

2 thoughts on “Monday, October 1

  1. I prefer bacon, too! It is so nice to hear of all the progress. Give David a big hug for us and I hope to be up there soon. xo Joanne

  2. Hi Scott

    Writing on behalf of Andrew. We are rehearsing the music. We think maybe end of Oct and would love to sing to as many as you would like. We are just scheduling with the group and probably a Sunday.
    Any songs you and David love that we might already know or may be able to quickly learn? Emphasis on maybe!


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