Monday, September 10

David between therapies
David waiting for the Amanda, the OT

The picture to the left is David waiting for the Occupational Therapist this morning.  He is wearing the T-Shirt that Paula brought for him from Brazil.  Bridgette, I thought you might like to see the shirt from Sao Paulo!  David is staying one more night at HJD, but will probably be moving tomorrow. It will be very bittersweet, because he has become attached with the therapists particularly.  There is another video of him walking without the contraption, but using just the chair.  He is still getting lots of help from Steph and York, but it is a big step for him which is great.  He also was doing more exercises for his arm, and is getting a little more strength there as well.  He has begun saying words that he doesn’t mean to say.  Like “teacher” which he will say at the oddest times, when he means to say someone else.  At first I thought he was saying it for the therapists, but I think it is just a catch all for almost any person.  Liat says that is normal, and actually a good sign.  I’ll take that.

As I said, I am looking forward to his move because hopefully he will get a private room.  It was almost impossible for him to do Speech Therapy in the room because his roommate was making such a ruckus.  I mean, you can’t blame him, but it just seems wrong to subject other patients to that, and everyone is coming by and apologizing,  but that doesn’t help him sleep better at night or help him concentrate during Speech Therapy.

We had a visit from Randy Miller, Lynn’s son, which was very nice.  Lynn sent lovely flowers, which were beautiful, and matched Miss Piggy’s gown!  Other than Randy, and the therapists, it was a slow day, and I packed up a lot of stuff and brought it home so we won’t have so much to bring uptown tomorrow (if we actually go tomorrow!)  I am hopeful though.

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