Monday, September 24

I hitched a ride with Liza this morning, and we got up to 106th Street after fight some mid-town traffic due to the UN opening and all the rigamarole associated with it!  The city has been quite the zoo for the past few days.  The other night, when I was walking home (I walked again tonight, which may become my M.O. for this uptown stay) down Madison Avenue (it is far less crowded than Fifth Ave), I saw three men in dark suits approaching who shooed me to the side of the side walk, along with other folks, around a single couple who were window shopping.  I didn’t look too close at who they were, but it was one of those classic New York moments.  Really?  I can’t walk down the sidewalk because someone who is more important would like to do some window shopping? Really?

Anyway, I digress.  We got uptown, and had a nice visit with David and then off to Occupational Therapy.  Yvette did some work with the sonogram to get the muscles in his elbow stimulated, which was fine, and then did some weight bearing on his right elbow.  We then bade Liza farewell.  Then Speech Therapy with Siobhan, and eating for an audience with Melinda.  During the speech session, I headed out and was hoping to get some pad thai, but their kitchen didn’t open until noon, so got some sandwiches from a VietNamese place that was quite good.

After eating, we found out that PT would be a half hour late, so we went to the garden.  It was a little cooler today, so we had to go into the sunlight.  We stayed out for about 3/4 hour, and then headed up to meet Minet for PT.  Did some walking and some work on the strengthening his right knee and leg extension.  He did well, but still needs to be able to extend his right let and not let it buckle.

Then it was back to the room.  David insisted I try to grab a few ZZZZ’s in his bed, which I did for about 20 minutes.  he also insisted I tell you all about the noises that we hear in the hall.  Like the lady down the hall who was screaming as we were going to the garden, who was bellowing “Help!!! Tell someone that I am supposed to be on the fourth floor!!!!” over and over and over again.   We are on the fourth floor, but I didn’t want to burst her bubble.  And the lady next door, who is so belligerent with the aides, that I begin to understand why some of them are surly and rude.  She keeps screaming at the top of her lungs “MISS!!! … MISS!!! MISS!!! … MISS!!! MISS!!! … MISS!!! MISS!!! … MISS!!! MISS!!! … MISS!!! MISS!!! … MISS!!! Is this my pill for my nerves???!!!”  My reply is, “where is the pill for my nerves??!!”  I think that people as they get older don’t really change, they just become more intensely who they have always been, and it is sad, but nobody, except the neighbor’s  irritating daughter comes to visit her.  There are all these very interesting people in the “HOME”, and many of them are very pleasant and inspiring, but the few bad lemons (as I was once described by my typing teacher in HS) seem to make the most profound impression.  There is also the old man who has his leg amputated, who always has a smile, and has the most delightful disposition and his wife is there almost every day, and she also has a very positive attitude.

This brings me to David, who has kept his sense of humor, love of life, and ability to make me feel loved and appreciated throughout the most difficult situations.  It keeps me going every day, and makes every moment worthwhile.

Finally, we had a visit from Pamela Kahn which was great, even in spite of David’s last minute railing at the fact that Pam and Dave didn’t make it to the wedding.  I have tried to explain to him that if he was given the obstacles to getting to someone’s out of town wedding, he would have done the same thing, but he didn’t agree.  Sorry Pam and David, he made me promise I would put this in the blog!  Also, we got a delivery of four folding chairs for the room, but don’t know who sent them.  Please, whoever sent these well needed gifts, let me know so I can thank you!  They will make visits on 106th Street much easier, but also come in handy when David is at home and having visitors!