Nice, quiet Sunday

We went to the movies this afternoon.  The Place Beyond the Pines.  It was not at all what I expected, and really was three movies in one.  Pretty depressing.  Before going to the movies, we took a walk (sans cane) on the street.  Once we got to the sidewalk, David held my arm, but really didn’t lean on me heavily.  His gait is getting more smooth and and even.  We will continue doing this to build his stamina and security with walking outside.

We played some scrabble, and watched The World According to Dick Cheney, which I had hoped would feed my dislike for him, but it really just confirmed everything that I already knew – a very bad man who thinks that nothing he did was bad.  Not surprising that he learned at the right hand of tricky Dick Nixon.

I had rehearsal in the evening, which went well.  We have two more rehearsals this week before we head into tech and open next week.  It is looking good, just need to tighten it up a bit.  Stayed up late to watch Funny Girl, and earlier, watched a bit of Hello Dolly!.  Must have been Streisand musical night on AMC.

One thought on “Nice, quiet Sunday

  1. Hi, Scott. These last few days, your reports of David’s growing independence and assurance are just thrilling. Thank you for being there every step of the way — in more ways than one — and keeping us informed… really, it is beautiful.
    Love, Susan

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