Nice work, if you can get it

Still very cold.  BaBa came this morning and got David up, showered and dressed, while I headed out for the workshop with the Complete Theatre Company.  It was good, and I am hoping to actually do something next week.  Maybe read what I have been writing.  They seem pretty open to hearing new stuff, so, I will take the plunge next week.

When I got home, BaBa was gone, and Gail had come and will be coming back on Saturday to work with David.  I did get a message that David’s afternoon Speech Therapy was cancelled – Siobhan just got back from South Africa, and had lots of work to catch up with, and will be coming on Friday.  We headed down to the pool next, and did some walking in the pool.  David’s stride is much more even when in the pool, which is to be expected, but I think it is good practice.  The instructor was twenty minutes late, and worked with him for the hour.  It as pretty cold by the pool because of all the glass, the gaps in the doors to the patio.  Most of the time we were there, the lifeguard was trying to figure a way to keep the draft out, will little success.  After we left, David said he thought we would skip the pool if it is that cold again, and I agreed!  The water was really OK, but the air was pretty chilly.

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Anyway, got home, had dessert with David, and our usual ritual – Blog reading, Audiobook and another object from the British Museum.