No Red Carpet, but walking all the same

Today we put David to the test.  We walked down to the lobby, out the front door and around the corner, then back in through the service entrance and back up to the apartment.  It was a trial run for our outing to a restaurant, which will happen later this week or next weekend.  When we got back, David was exhausted, and wanted to take a nap.  I took a walk and ran some errands.  Now that David can get up and go to the bathroom on his own, I am able to leave him alone without any worries, which is great.

We watched a silly movie – Wanderlust – that I liked more than David.  My tolerance for silly is much higher than his is.  Then we got ready for the Oscars.  I was texting with the fabulous Julie Halston the whole time, which was loads of fun.  Just got David into bed, and because it was so late, no reading.  I will read two objects tomorrow, and maybe an additional chapter of  The Pickwick Papers.  Was generally pleased with the winners tonight, except I don’t get Quentin Tarantino in more ways than one.  I thought Django Unchained was based on another film, wasn’t it?  How could it be an original screenplay?  There must be a loophole somewhere, or it only took the name from the original film?

Best dressed: Jennifer Lawrence