Now go off, unravel on your own

Got up early this morning, took my walk, and then prepared for Jose to come and help me move furniture around.  It only took about 20 minutes, but what a difference it makes.  Maria came too, and with promises of tamales for tomorrow.  After that was done, David and I went for our walk, and that went well.  Then, home and exercise and got ready for the first speech therapy session at the Stroke Recovery Center.  We met Mary at 1pm, and I left David with her and headed to the storage unit to put some stuff away.  When I got back, David had been able to answer most of her questions, which was great, and she thinks that he is doing splendidly.  She mentioned another patient who had a stroke almost twenty years ago and who has less speech than David does.  David was not happy to hear that.  He was pleased with the session though.

Got an appointment with the Neurologist on Friday morning, and maybe we will get to the bottom of the dizziness issue.  We had a nap in the afternoon, and a swim and then dinner before I headed off to an audition for a small ensemble that is part of the chorus.  The audition went well, I think.  The guy who is putting this together asked about my conflict for October – December.  I said that it was right, and that the chorus director knew about it and said that I should sing, and we would see if it made sense for me to sing in the concert.  The performance isn’t so important, but working on the music each week is the point.  Anyway, we will see.

We watched a Breaking Bad and the SYTYCD Finale.  Then the blog (both of them) and the book.  Tonight was about Mr. Owen, who sounded like a villain in a Dickens novel.  I had a title for the blog earlier today, but it has completely slipped my mind, so this one will have to do.