Oh My God, May is almost here!!

Today was our busy day, and we had Speech, Occupational and Physical Therapies.  We started in the morning with Speech, which was good.  We looked at wedding pictures, and David was able to get most of the names out, which was great.  I also showed Karen what I have been doing with the the Proloquo iPad program – putting in names, food, etc.  She also suggested that I download WordQ, which is a typing and word prediction program.  It will help, and David may be able to email from it as well.  I think that coherent emails are down the road, but, there is a road there, so I am glad.

Then we had Occupational Therapy with Maneshka, and David is very upset because she had been dating this guy, and it ended because he said she was too urban.  What a lame reason.  From what she said, I think he just isn’t as social as she is.  David made it clear that he wanted to give this guy a piece of his mind.  We worked on something that was quite scary for me, which was, how does David get up if I am not around and he falls.  The outcome was that he just couldn’t fall, unless I was there to pick him up.  He still has trouble with processes like that.  First step, roll over on your stomach, then get up on your knees.  That’s where we lost him.  He promised never to fall.

Then we walked home, David had some ravioli and I had a salad, then we both took a very short nap, and then back to RUSK.  On the way over in the morning our friend, Rush of 34th and 3rd was there, lecturing us about God and damnation.  I was glad that he was not directing it at us in particular, but all the folks passing by.  In the afternoon, he was having some lunch with, let’s say, Glenn Beck of 34th and 3rd, although, I am sure he is working another corner.  No lecturing, just planning between the two of them.

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Another nap for David, and I began cooking after Judge Judy.  Then for dinner I made a Bolognese sauce, and David had pasta, but I just had the sauce and salad.  Still working on the diet, and at the end of the blog I have decided to do my own weight watchers and list my current weight.  I will preface it by saying that my weight last week was 217, and inching towards 220, which I have to confess is not at the top of where I have been.  This morning I weighed in at 213.5.  Not bad, and if I don’t begin shoveling food into my mouth when noone is looking, I could actually get down to 175 where I should probably belong.  I’d be happy with 180, I think the last time I weighed 175 my Mother told me I looked awful, and what was I dining, I would never be skinny!

We read the blog and Julia.  The second volume is published and she is getting a little irritated by folks intruding.  Ah, fame!  I also read another chapter in a book Can you Drill a Hole through Your Head and Survive? and other unusual questions or something like that.