OK, I was baking a cake

Sorry I missed last night, I was making David’s Birthday Cake – which looks quite good!  Chocolate and more chocolate.  If anyone wants a piece, please stop by today – not sure if it will last the night.

So, today is David’s Birthday – a youthful 66.  A very good year!  The weather is holding out, but it is supposed to rain later.  I won’t leave the cake out.  Last night’s object were the David Vases, which I thought were very appropriate.  Blue & White alter vases from the reign of Kublai Khan.

We had another good day, walked down to the lobby and back, had a great dinner, watched the latest The Good Wife episode and the season finale of Enlightened.  After reading the blog, I was told by David that I should talk about what a great pair we are, which is very true.  He works so hard, and as you all now, is making great progress.  I think we are going to lick this whole thing, and we are bout at the point where it will be under our control.  He is wanting to talk to folks on the phone more, and had a nice chat with Dave Sislen this morning for his birthday, which was great.  Also with Lynn on Saturday.  Little by little.

More tonight (unless I forget or decide to make another cake!)

2 thoughts on “OK, I was baking a cake

  1. Dear Scott & David – have been reading your blog for weeks now and have nothing but admiration and respect for both of you – you ARE an amazing couple!
    Wishing David a Happy 66th birthday and I hope you get this – haven’y quite figured out how this works

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