Once a day don’t you wanna throw the towel in

OK, twice today.  I think David is doing better without the drugs, but that brings its own set of challenges.  He didn’t take a nap today, and that meant that I didn’t really have a break, and he seems to want my undivided attention.  There were two moments today when I lost it.  Just as I was in the middle of something, David would want my help with something, and wouldn’t take “in a moment” for an answer.  I didn’t throw anything, not even a towel, and apologized for being so cranky, but I think I need a break.  I will talk to the folks at the Stroke Recovery Center about finding some help. Tomorrow he has speech therapy, so I may be able to slip away for a bit.

He forgave me, so that was good.  The day was, otherwise, uneventful.  We went to the fabric store, and I will begin my sewing tomorrow.  Was going to do it after David went to sleep, but the machine makes too much noise.  We did our usual activities (sans the walk) and also played the Wii for a bit.  Also did shopping for dinner tomorrow.  We are having a visit from York and Stuart, friends who we met on the pre-wedding cruise to Hawaii.  It will be great to see them.  Just in time, our first lemon ripened on the tree, so I am making Chicken Provençal.
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For dinner tonight, we had the tamales that Maria dropped off.  Very good, but this batch was a bit spicier.  David still ate them, and there was no steam coming out of his ears, so I think it was OK.  Watched Dexter and some more Breaking Bad.  Then the blog and more of the book.