According to the Kinsey report

Got an email from the service folks for the AC on the car, and she said that it could cost $3100 to fix the AC!!!  Yikes!!  She said that she was checking with BMW to see if they would cover the cost, because, while based on the date, we are beyond the warranty, based on miles, we are under the warranty, so I kept my fingers crossed all day.

David was upset when I told him a little about last night’s blog that I didn’t mention that Blade thought he was younger than he was, and I was older than I was.  Just wanted to put that out there.  Like I don’t see the dark circles under my eyes!

Anyway, we had a facetime chat with Alex, Claire and Theo, which was nice, but not as nice as our face to face visits.  It will have to wait until November!  Speaking of November, I think we are going to try to take a cruise before out month in Paris (can you say La Di Dah?  I can!)  They would only extend the time to June 2014 to take the cruise, and the only one that looks interesting is in October, so we are going to do it.  It was that or the fjords in June, which definitely was not in David’s dreams.  French Riviera or Norwegian Fjords, you choose!

Then, we had a dinner date with Steve here in Palm Springs.  We met Steve at his house, and had a drink and some nibbles, and also met the dogs – Julia and, oh God, Steve, let me know what the other one’s name was.  I don’t know if it was the drink or just me.  Anyway, we had a great dinner at Rick’s.  We also drove by Steve and Malcolm’s new house.  Looked great, and a great location.

Then we went home, and watched So You Think You Can Dance, the blog, but no book.  I think I may take a dip in the pool if the spirit moves me.  Oh, and by the way, the BMW lady called and they are covering the cost of the new evaporator.  Good for BMW!!

I can’t allow myself to have any doubt, it’s time to set my worries free

OK, so this morning I took the car in for service.  I neglected to mention that the AC in the car wasn’t working for our drive down from Napa, and it was quite hot in the San Juanquin valley, but we made it, and were only slightly wet when we arrived.  So, the AC should be fixed tomorrow, I hope.  Fortunately we have the other German car to get around in, and that one has AC.

We went to Physical Therapy, and the journey continues.  The therapist was a very nice guy named Blade.  Yes, Blade.  And I can’t tell you for sure, but I don’t even think he was ever a stripper.  David talked to him for quite a bit, and finally David asked if he was from California, and he said, no.  He grew up in Salt Lake City.  David’s response was immediately “Bad”, to which Blade said, yes.  I knew he had a certain Osmond look about him, if you know what I mean.  Also, this should be a clue to the heading.  He also told us that he was in Napa while we were there, and married his partner of 20 years.  David then asked why he wasn’t wearing a ring, and Blade said that it got in the way while doing physical therapy and that his husband asked the same thing!

When we got home, David was ready for a nap, and I joined him.  I slept for quite a while.  When I got up, we went for a swim and then dinner.  We watched My Favorite Wife with Cary Grant and Irene Dunne.  Great movie.  Then the blog and the book.

Suddenly the raindrops that fall have a meaning

We got home yesterday at a little after 6pm.  So nice to be home, even if it is 110°!  The drive was OK, and we only hit some traffic when we were going through Pasadena.  The house was in pretty good shape – lots of boxes, but otherwise, manageable.   David was very happy to be back.  This morning I took a walk before the sun got too hot.  Have to make myself continue to do that.

We exercised and went into the pool.  The pool was 90°, and while that would seem not to really help with the cooling off, the effect of evaporation when you get out of the pool makes 110° feel almost chilly.  We decided to go to the movies in the afternoon, and went to Blue Jasmine, the new Woody Allen movie.  I liked it, but David seemed to hate it.  He admitted that Cate Blanchett was terrific, but he thought the male characters were a bit unbelievable.  I thought it was a great modern take on the Streetcar story, and liked all the performances.

Then home, a walk after the sun went behind the mountain and I made some dinner.  We watched True Blood and Dexter.  David thinks he knows what is going to happen with Dexter.  No blog to read, but have started a new book.  Will fill you in on that once we have gotten into it.  Tomorrow we have our first Physical Therapy here in Palm Springs.

Traveling’s the fun, flashing by the countryside

So tomorrow we are on the road all day, or most of it, so you may not hear from me until we are settled back in Palm Springs.  It has been a great seven weeks, and David keeps on saying Thank You for such a fun time.  I say the same to him.  We are such good travel companions, even when I don’t make hotel reservations in Rome on Easter weekend.  That was a good story!  That was what David called the “Totally Booked” story.  Needless to say, it must be said with an Italian accent to be authentic.

Anyway, today, we did our usual exercise and walk this morning, and Donovan headed off for his own adventure.  I was able to make a reservation for this evening at Bouchon, and we planned on meeting back here at around 5pm.  Bouchon was great, and reminded me a lot of our favorite spot in NYC – Artisanal.  Very French feeling.  It was a lovely meal and the waiter was very nice, I thought.  We even had dessert and coffee, which we haven’t done much.

I have been packing up, and have a few more things to get to before bed, and then an early night so we can try to get on the road at a decent hour in the morning.  I would LOVE to be in Palm Springs by around 6pm.  Read the blog and more of the short story.  I don’t think David is liking the story much, so am hoping that it will be done soon.

What’s left of summer but a faded rose

One more day. Or should I say, “One Day More”?  Today, Donovan went out on his own to see the Napa Valley, and it sounds like he had a good day.  We went to dinner at Ciccio’s, and again, it didn’t disappoint.  The folks there are so nice, and the food is great.  They had trouble with the AC, but event with a little heat in the air, it was a great dinner.

David and I went to two wineries to do tastings.  Both of the folks who helped us were great.  Elyse Winery and Silver Oak Winery.  The wines were good too, of course.  After the wine, we got ready for tennis with Dave, and headed to St Helena.  David did really well, and played for the full hour, even though it was pretty warm today.  On our way home, we ran into some traffic on the Silverado Trail that was pretty irritating.  It took almost an hour to travel what we usually do in fifteen minutes.  Crazy!!  I figured that it had to be an accident, but no, it was just the overflow from Rte 29 during the Napa Valley “Rush Hour”.

Tonight we watched Project Runway, and I caught the final episode of Food Network Star.  Then the blog only, and David went to sleep.  I have been up late, but will join him soon.

I got some salmon from Seattle last September

Claire and Alex left with Theo this morning to head back to San Francisco, and Claire met Donovan to hand over the car for the trip back to Palm Springs.  We were then waiting for Donovan to arrive.  While waiting, we went to have a wine tasting in Yountville and Hope & Grace winery, which was very nice.  It was sad to say adieu to Alex, Claire and Theo, but we will see them in Paris in November, so something to look forward to, and not so long off.  I keep reminding myself how much time flies!

Donovan got here at about 5pm, and we went to dinner at Goose & Gander in St Helena (sorry Alex).  It was a nice dinner and David had a great cocktail with cucumbers and huckleberries. Donovan and David both had the salmon too.  Very relaxing and a lovely atmosphere.  We sat outside under the persimmon tree.

Then, home and bed, but not before the blog and a little more of the short story.  We have tennis tomorrow, and then Friday will be our last day in Napa.

Aren’t they a gem

OK, the reference is cynical, but the day was terrific.  We had lunch at Redd’s in Yountville, and it was great!  Lovely space, and since it was David, Alex, Claire, Theo and me, even better company.  The food was the star though.  We did the five course tasting menu – with wine – and were pretty happy at the end.  David said he liked it even better than French Laundry, but I preferred French Laundry, though, this was amazing.  Larger portions is where David went over to the other side.  At the third course, David was worried that there was too much food.

David didn’t take a walk in the morning because he scraped his toe yesterday at the pool, and I didn’t see it until this morning.  We got it cleaned and bandaged up, and should be OK.  It was a little sore though, and we took a walk in the afternoon.

After the walk, we decided to head to Lucy, a bar at the Hotel Bardessono nearby.  We sat outside near the garden and pools.  What a way to end the day – drinks and a cool breeze.  Alex and Claire are heading back to San Francisco and Claire is arranging the transfer of the car to Donovan at 1pm, and he will be arriving in Yountville in the afternoon.  Only a few days left.  The time certainly flew!  Then, the blog tonight and more of the short stories.

I was sitting on a sand dune in Santa Cruz or Monterey, well, anyway

David and Theo by the pool at Francis Ford Coppola winery
David and Theo by the pool at Francis Ford Coppola winery

We met Liza (that is a bit of a hint for the heading for this blog entry) and Jon and their kids at Francis Ford Coppola winery in Geyserville, and had a great day at the pool.  Alex, Claire and Theo got there soon after we arrived, and we all made it into the pool (except for Liza and Jon).  It was great that Jon was able to get us in, and the day was about as perfect as it could have been.  Great to see them both, and Liza was impressed with David’s progress.  He didn’t believe her.

I brought the savory tarts and a tomato and cucumber salad.  The tarts were good, but the salad was great.  The tomatoes are so great tasting here.  David actually asked if I thought we would be able to find produce as good in Palm Springs, and sadly, I don’t think so.  We will try though.  They are just so amazing from the farm stand! David and I also picked up cupcakes to pre-celebrate Alex and Theo’s birthdays, which are both in September, but they will be in Paris.  We picked them up from Model Bakery, a place in St Helena that was recommended to me, and they were really great!!  The kids loved them (and so did the adults).

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Claire and Liza at the pool
Claire and Liza at the pool

Anyway, after swimming, touring and wine tasting, it was time to go for all of us, and we hit the road.  I loaded up the car, and soon after we left, the box with the few leftover cupcakes, blew around in the back seat, and the icing was demolished – the cupcakes were still delicious, just not as beautiful to look at.  When we got in, David took a nap, and we decided to head out for dinner after he woke up.  We went to Hurley’s, because it was the only place that had a table, and it was quite good.  Then home and we watched some Antiques Roadshow.  Then the blog and, since Paris Reborn is done, I began reading from an anthology of short stories.  It may be hit or miss with the stories, but until I find something better, they will have to do.

A great day!

The sun is on the lake, and everything is jake

David toasting to a better day
David toasting to a better day

Much better day today.  On David’s walk, we cut his time in half – the walk that normally takes 40 minutes only took 20 today.  I think he was trying to prove something after yesterday.  He was in much better spirits too.  We did a little shopping and I worked on the savory tarts.

I had a little trouble with the crust, but I managed to beat it into shape. After cooking, we had dinner then Dexter and finished Paris Reborn. At the end there was part about how much NYC wanted to emulate Paris, but weren’t willing to be run by a despot, so it wasn’t to be.

Tomorrow we are meeting Liza and Jon at the Coppola winery with Alex, Claire and Theo.  Should be a fun day at the pool.  More adventures!!

Savory Tarts for tomorrow
Savory Tarts for tomorrow

Everybody’s playing the game, but nobody’s rules are the same

We had a rough walk today.  Sometimes things just aren’t working as well as they might.  Not sure if David was just tired or just off.  Yesterday was great – easy and smooth, today was not.  And most of the day was like that.  He didn’t seem himself. Hopefully tomorrow will be back to normal.  We did go to the CIA for the demonstration, and David didn’t really like the product in the end, but I will try to make a version of the savory tart.  I love that – Savory Tart – sound like a British insult, no?

Was a little depressed about the passing of Eydie Gormé.  One of the best times I have had on stage was playing Steve Lawrence to my friend Karen’s Eydie.  So much fun!  Anyway, we got home and I did a little prep for the tart and then we watched a few episodes of Breaking Bad.  I am finding it very funny.  The blog and only one more chapter of Paris Reborn.  Napoleon III and his Empress have been exiled.

I know a place that quiet, ‘cept for daisies running riot

Today was quiet.  I took my walk in the morning, then coffee and breakfast, exercise and a walk.  We did it again without the cane.  Nice work by David.  He doesn’t believe it, but he is not leaning on me at all, just for safety and balance.  Then we went to have blood drawn.  We had a tomato and cucumber salad that I made late last night, and it was good. In simple terms, erectile dysfunction is defined as persistent inability to gain or generic overnight viagra attain erections sufficient enough for satisfactory physical relation. Now, ear lobes, wisdom teeth, the appendix and Full Article discount levitra rx the coccyx “tailbone”. GAINSWave treats erectile dysfunction and is a clinically proven method of successfully removing the micro-plaque that builds on blood vessels, restricting blood flow. viagra prescription Problems in her sex life can occur because of best viagra for women link side-effects of some medications such as calcium channel blocker, ACE inhibitor drugs, diuretic drugs, some antibiotics and anti-ulcer medicines among several others.  Again, good tomatoes make all the difference!  Delicious.  Speaking of which, tomorrow we go the CIA for a demonstration – tomato and olive tart.  Looking forward to that.

We took a second walk in the afternoon, then this evening we watched the end of True Blood and started the first episode of Breaking Bad.  It took a while for us to get around to that one, but it looks promising, and since the last season just started, we thought we would get it under way.  Then the blog and Paris Reborn.  Baron Haussmann got the boot, and the Emperor is in the last stretch.  While Haussmann was pretty roundly hated at the time, he gets a lot of credit from posterity for the transformation of Paris.

Hold my hand and I’ll take you there

This should be an easy one.  Today we walked our entire walk – 40 minutes – without the cane.  David just held my hand.  We also took another walk in the evening for about half the distance, and it took less than fifteen minutes.  When Alex is here on Monday, I will get a video of it.  Quite impressive.

I was going to use the title “Snaggy, shaggy, ratty matty” but liked the hold my hand better.  After exercise, walk and shower, we headed to Napa for haircuts for both of us. It had been too long, and we both needed them.  Nice to feel coiffed!  On the way back, we stopped at a winery, Trefethen.  We had a Riesling at the CIA that we both liked from there, so wanted to try the rest of what they had to offer.  We bought four bottles, so it was good.

Then home, and a nap before dinner.  We then watched Project Runway, and Sandro is gone.  I still think that he was an actor playing that role.  He just seemed too, well, just too.  Then read the blog, and only a short bit of Paris Reborn because my eyes were tired, and were getting blurry.

Feel like running and dancing for joy!

You Are Beautiful
You Are Beautiful


So, I found this tonight stuck to the bottom of my shoe, and I thought it was a sign. All along the walk that David and I take, someone has put these stickers on posts, the bridge, and fences. I thought that the fact that one of them found its way onto the bottom of my shoe, while not miraculous, was a nice touch sign from the cosmos.

We had a great morning – I took a walk, got home, exercised with David and then we walked – David walked half of our entire walk without the cane! – and Claire made some lovely eggs with goat cheese, tomatoes and chives. For lunch, before we headed off, we had the gazpacho, which I have to admit was good.  Fresh tomatoes make all the difference!  We drove to Domaine Carneros for a wine tasting, and afterwards, Claire, Alex and Theo headed back to San Francisco.  They will be back next week for their final visit before heading off to Paris.  We keep making a joke about when they are leaving, because they aren’t sure.  The consulate is getting their paperwork tomorrow, and hopefully they will be able to book a flight in the next week or so, and leave around the 20th, or soon after.  I think they are handling it much better than I would.  I would be a little crazy.  They may just be hiding it well.

Zenegra simply allows for an erection to occur in a situation of having sex as you are so petrified of whether you will be able to achieve erections. sildenafil samples Both these conditions have been linked to the damage renal intrinsic cells. on line levitra And ultimately a nutritional Supplement, the pills provide vital nutrients that are essential to properly nourish levitra buy online the hair. This will help the active chemical, Tadalafil to get absorbed viagra australia mastercard in the blood stream faster. We relaxed for the rest of the afternoon, and I ran to CVS to pick up some prescriptions and some things we were running low on.  Then we watched some TV, and were delighted to discover, by accident, that the season premiere of Law & Order: UK was on the BBC tonight!  I have also marked on my calendar that September 3rd is the start a a new season of Luther.  We loved that series, and it has been off for a while.

Then the blog from last night.  David was quite incensed that I didn’t say the he forced Alex to pour the additional wine at Inglenook, so here I am saying it – David made Alex pour the wine.  Just like he made Alex take french fries from the people who had left them on their table when he was 14.  Then Paris Reborn, and Haussmann is coming under fire, and the empire is beginning to crumble.



Time goes by, everything else keeps changing

Kevin, MaryHall, Scott, Malinda and David at Tra Vigne
Kevin, MaryHall, Scott, Malinda and David at Tra Vigne

Another delightful day.  We are finding our regular haunts, when when MaryHall, Kevin and Malinda arrived, I thought, we should go to Tra Vigne!  It was perfect.  Well almost perfect – after the train and the ambulance noise went away.  We had a great afternoon talking about all sorts of things, and Alex and Claire were happy to spend time with all of us.  The meal was great, as it was the last time, and we sat outside on the patio.  It was a nice, leisurely afternoon, and great to see MaryHall.  We managed to only talk briefly about the Atlas and Intersections.

I got up early this morning and made Gazpacho, and we will have that for lunch tomorrow.  I think it came out good, but tomorrow will be the test.  I am planning on making an avocado/crème fraîche sauce for the top.  Had an abbreviated run/walk also.  I ran more than I walked, which was good, I think.  It is great being up here with Alex, Claire and Theo and just relaxing.  When David got up, we exercised and then walked.  I have convinced David to try to walk more without the cane.  I also have started to get him to hold the cane, but not use it unless he needs some help balancing.  His steps are much better, and he walks much faster without the cane.  Usually when he stops, it is because he needs to rest, not because he feels unsteady.  Little by little.  I also need to begin more speech with him, but I don’t really feel as prepared for that.

David, Alex and Theo listening to the guide before the tasting
David, Alex and Theo listening to the guide before the tasting

Yesterday, we went to Inglenook – the Coppola winery in Napa – and took the tour and had a great tasting in a private room. Alex was bold and gave us some more pours when the guide left the room.  Mostly from the $200 bottle of red!  The history of the estate was interesting, and the guide was new, so he was checking his notes, and there were times when I felt like we were testing him.  It is just such a great place, and it will be another place that we will return to, I think.

Tonight we all went to the CIA for dinner.  It was nice, but not spectacular.  Then home, So You Think You Can Dance and some reading, then bed.  I will be heading there shortly!

It’s our problem-free philosophy

We got up a little late thing morning, walked and exercised. My crème fraîche was delicious this morning, and has some with strawberries for dessert after dinner. After lunch, we decided to take a drive to Pride Mountain Winery. It was quite a drive up the mountain! The winery is unusual because it straddles the border between Napa and Sonoma. The views were spectacular for the top of the mountain too! Our guide took us through the caves and we tasted a number of wines, but also tasted from the barrels, which was interesting.

Then, home and the drive down the hill was just as winding.  Once we got home, we took a little nap, and then began dinner.  Made shrimp with a spicy tomato sauce and some pasta.  Quick and easy.  Then, Dexter tonight, the blog and Paris.  More about the impressionists and how the new Paris inspired them.
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by Gustave Caillebotte
by Gustave Caillebotte

When the dawn comes, tonight will be a memory too

This is just a selection of pictures of our time here in Napa, and we have been talking about how our time here is coming to an end soon.  And to think, four short weeks ago David was saying we were here for too long!

Another good, quiet day.  Walk, exercise, walk for David.  We then went to the Culinary Institute for another demo – summer squash soup, which was delicious, and I have crème fraîche in the works now and picked up some squash on the way home.  We had a visit from the owner of the house, which was very nice.  It was great to meet her as she and her husband were on their way to a wedding in St Helena.
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Then the blog and more Paris Reborn.  The 1867 Universal Exhibition happened, and in many ways put Paris on the map as the place to be, and the Impressionists have been introduced to the story.

Days may be cloudy or sunny

I heard this one this morning on my walk, and thought it was appropriate.  Like the video below, my wagon is permanently attached to David’s.

So we drove down to Albany (near Berkley) and met with Steve Schwartz who sells and customizes these trikes for folks with physical challenges.  He showed us a bunch of stuff, and then we went for a test drive.  You can’t really see it in the video, but the view of San Francisco and the Golden Gate across the bay was spectacular.  Of course, we weren’t prepared for the chill that was in the air, but it was great to be out and cycling.  We now have an estimate for the cost for a pair of trikes, and we will discuss whether it is something that David will be interested in doing.  I was worried that the mechanics might be a problem for him, but he got the brake (most important) and steering seemed to work fine for him.  He had a few moments where we had to show him the difference between pedaling forward and backward, but he got that pretty quickly.  I think it would be great for exercise and just getting out and moving.

We were home in plenty of time for a nap and then Alex, Claire and Theo arrived in the afternoon.  We went to Ciccio’s for dinner, which was great, again.  The hostess remembered us well, and was glad that we were back.  Lots of babies in the restaurant, and all very well behaved, as was Theo.  Then home, and we watched Project Runway.  So glad that Timothy is gone (along with his unicorn!)  He just irritated me.  Then sleep – no blog and no Paris Reborn.

Today, I got up and took my walk.  Ran just a little bit.  When I got home, Alex told me that David had an episode where he felt faint.  He laid down, and was much better after a little while.  We went for coffee, and then breakfast, exercise and a walk.  We then headed off to a wine tasking at Paraduxx which is nearby.  A friend of Claire’s had recommended it, and said that it was even better than Frog’s Leap.  It was very nice, but not really better than Frog’s Leap.  In very much the same style and feeling, but the porch at Frog’s Leap really is special.  After hanging out under the trees for a while and sampling the reds, we decided to head over to Mumm, which was also great.  A little noisy because there were I think two groups of bridal parties – a little bachelorette action!  Then home and Claire and Alex packed up to head back to San Francisco.  Always nice to have them visiting, and Theo is a delight.

Tonight we caught up on True Blood, I read the blog from the other night and we read a bit of Paris.  Napoleon III is sick and on his way out of the picture, and France is on the brink of war with Prussia.

You have the cool, clear eyes of a seeker of wisdom and truth

I was going to go with “You’re always a day away”, but that seemed too easy.  Tomorrow we go to Albany, CA to test drive trikes for David.  There is a company that does custom trikes for folks with mobility issues, and we have an appointment.  I think David will be able to do it, but am prepared for whatever happens.

Today, we went to Inglenook and had a lovely afternoon with Megan who works at the wine bar.  The place is really delightful, and the wine was good.  Megan comped out wine, coffee and cheese because they didn’t have anything that we asked for on the menu.  She also gave us some great recommendations on other wineries to visit.  We are also going to plan on making another visit to Inglenook even if it is just to sit outside the bistro and have a relaxing afternoon.  Really beautiful.

Then, I ran to the store, had the car washed and when I got home, made dinner, then an episode of Dexter.  Then the blog, and Paris Reborn.  It looks like the book is coming to an end soon, and Mssr. Haussmann is going to get what a lot of the folks at the time thought he deserved.  Now to bed and rest for tomorrow’s adventure!

The sun comes up, I think about you

Well, I didn’t think about you last night, as I neglected to write this.  When I got up this morning, I thought I had.  I think I am losing my mind (hint, hint – no really, it’s obvious).  Yesterday we got off to a rocky start when after David’s walk he was a little put off because I wasn’t paying enough attention to his walking – I was doing French flash cards on the iPhone.  I was physically there the whole time, but my head was elsewhere.

After I got over that, we hopped in the car to go to Gott’s Roadside for burgers.  Well, David had a BLT, but I have the blue burger.  It was tasty, but very messy.  Because the bun has a glaze on it, when you bite into it, it gives just enough resistance to make the contents of the burger squish out the sides.  I managed, but it wasn’t pretty!  Never thought that the quality of a bun could cause so much havoc, right?  The fries were great!
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Later in the day, David went for another walk and I didn’t bring the phone this time.  Then we had a snack (lunch was still with us in many ways) and watched So You Think You Can Dance. Sad to see Curtis go, but justified.  Then the blog – no additions or corrections – and Paris.  The Île de la Cité got a makeover and Notre Dame was restored.

When you pinch me, try to pinch me where there’s fat

From one of my all time favorite musicals.  A little cheeky, and the relation to the events of today will be a hint.  We went to Tra Vigne for lunch today with Luba and her friends visiting from Italy and staying in Santa Rosa.  Lunch was delicious and the setting was pretty glorious too.  We sat out on the patio under the trees and the whole feeling was Italian.  We started with some roasted padron peppers (varying levels of heat) and Mozzarella “al Minuto” which was delicious.  Not sure if the the fresh mozzarella or the bread was better!  David and I shared the fig and gorgonzola pizza – also terrific!  It was great spending the afternoon with Luba and her friends!  Thanks for coming over the hill to visit us.  Luba also asked that I start adding more pictures and videos, so here is something that I didn’t put in a few days ago.

David at R+D
David at R+D

Yesterday, we went to the movies and saw “The Way Way Back”.  I really liked it a lot.  David liked it, but he had some problem that he couldn’t explain to me.  I think he just doesn’t like Steve Carrel and Toni Collette.  I thought they were both good – the characters were not really very sympathetic though.  And Allison Janney was relentless!  Funny.  When we went into the movies, it was sunny and warm, and when we walked out, it was shocking.  The temperature had dropped drastically, and was downright chilly.  The sun was still out, but a cold flow must have come up the bay from San Francisco.  It was pretty cool today to, but really pretty delightful.

Sorry for missing the blog for the past two days, but there really wasn’t much to report, and I was a little tired and uninspired.  Some of you may still think I am uninspired, but, I do the best I can!  In a nutshell, for the past two days – I went to the CIA alone to learn to make stuffed grape leaves, we went to the Hess Estate to look a the art which was fun, but didn’t do any wine tasting there, we watched So You Think You Can Dance (split over two days), Food Network Star, and that is about it.  When I read this tomorrow to David, I am sure there will be something that I forgot that I will need to add.

Paris continues to be reborn, and we are really enjoying that.  I keep going to the iPad to look at maps and check out what the landmarks that they talk about in the book are, and how they changed the city.  It really is impressive.  Also continue to work on my French, but am afraid that it will all be theory until November, and then I will be pushed into the deep end.

Anyway, I will end with another quote from the above musical that is less cheeky, more sentimental and heartfelt – “Maybe it lasted a day, maybe it lasted an hour, but somehow it will never end”.  Just feeling this tonight.