Bon Appétit

So, this morning David thought that our lives were just a little too dull and decided to inject some excitement.  Onelsis was here, and we were just finishing breakfast, and he complained of a pain in his lower back.  I asked if he would like to lie down and if it was the chair, and he said sure.  We tried to get him up out of the chair, and he couldn’t stand, so let him sit back down.  He was sweating a lot, and wanted to give it another try, so he got up, took two steps and passed out.  Fortunately, I was holding him so Onelsis and I lowered him to the floor.  Yes, I know, you are thinking, thank goodness we worked on getting him up from the floor, right?  We called 911, and the EMT’s were here is a jiffy, followed by another pair of NY’s Finest.  We got to Bellevue pretty quickly, and the doctor saw him soon after we arrived.

It turns out that Bellevue is now part of NYU Medical Center (not sure if there is any healthcare facility that is not part of NYU now!) so they had all his records. Everything was fine, and the Doctor thinks that he was just dehydrated.  We were there for a while – blood tests, x-ray, etc – and the Doctor wanted to keep him overnight, but he would not hear of it.  We just have to see Dr. Karp this week and make sure he drinks lots of water.  We were home by about 4pm, and I have to say, compared with our visit to Columbia Presbyterian, this was a dream.  Not overcrowded, and we weren’t waiting forever to see a Doctor.  Glad that is over though.

We just relaxed and drank water this evening.  Also ate, of course.  Then to bed, but not before finishing My Life In France.  I was feeling a bit sad as she described leaving La Pitchoune, their home in Provence, for the last time.  She was quite a woman!

This brings me to Bon Appétit and yesterday, when I finally got around to making Julia’s Chocolate Mousse.  I don’t have an electric mixer here, and thought my arm would fall off with all the whipping!  It came out very well, if I do say so myself, but, oh my God, so rich.  Could really only have a little bit, but it will keep, and we will take our time enjoying it!

Oh My God, May is almost here!!

Today was our busy day, and we had Speech, Occupational and Physical Therapies.  We started in the morning with Speech, which was good.  We looked at wedding pictures, and David was able to get most of the names out, which was great.  I also showed Karen what I have been doing with the the Proloquo iPad program – putting in names, food, etc.  She also suggested that I download WordQ, which is a typing and word prediction program.  It will help, and David may be able to email from it as well.  I think that coherent emails are down the road, but, there is a road there, so I am glad.

Then we had Occupational Therapy with Maneshka, and David is very upset because she had been dating this guy, and it ended because he said she was too urban.  What a lame reason.  From what she said, I think he just isn’t as social as she is.  David made it clear that he wanted to give this guy a piece of his mind.  We worked on something that was quite scary for me, which was, how does David get up if I am not around and he falls.  The outcome was that he just couldn’t fall, unless I was there to pick him up.  He still has trouble with processes like that.  First step, roll over on your stomach, then get up on your knees.  That’s where we lost him.  He promised never to fall.

Then we walked home, David had some ravioli and I had a salad, then we both took a very short nap, and then back to RUSK.  On the way over in the morning our friend, Rush of 34th and 3rd was there, lecturing us about God and damnation.  I was glad that he was not directing it at us in particular, but all the folks passing by.  In the afternoon, he was having some lunch with, let’s say, Glenn Beck of 34th and 3rd, although, I am sure he is working another corner.  No lecturing, just planning between the two of them.

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Another nap for David, and I began cooking after Judge Judy.  Then for dinner I made a Bolognese sauce, and David had pasta, but I just had the sauce and salad.  Still working on the diet, and at the end of the blog I have decided to do my own weight watchers and list my current weight.  I will preface it by saying that my weight last week was 217, and inching towards 220, which I have to confess is not at the top of where I have been.  This morning I weighed in at 213.5.  Not bad, and if I don’t begin shoveling food into my mouth when noone is looking, I could actually get down to 175 where I should probably belong.  I’d be happy with 180, I think the last time I weighed 175 my Mother told me I looked awful, and what was I dining, I would never be skinny!

We read the blog and Julia.  The second volume is published and she is getting a little irritated by folks intruding.  Ah, fame!  I also read another chapter in a book Can you Drill a Hole through Your Head and Survive? and other unusual questions or something like that.


This morning I had a rehearsal at the theatre, and it is looking good.  A few fixes to the blocking, but both actors are good, and it will be funny.  The stage is weird – you know, off-broadway theaters.  When I got home, we had a visit from Hatam and Lidana from UNIS. Very nice visit, and pleasant conversation.  After they left, I felt really sleepy – not so tired, but sleepy, so took an unusual three hour nap.

Then got up, and ordered Indian for dinner – David asked using his new tool on the iPad.  Afterwards we watched Law & Order: SVU, The Daily Show and Foyle’s War.  We read the blog and I read a few chapters of a new book, and more about that tomorrow.  Now, heading back to bed to sleep.  ‘Night.


Tonight we went to the theatre to see Matilda.  I liked it a lot, but David was a little disappointed.  It was beautifully designed, and I loved the choreography.  The young girl who played Matilda, Milly Shapiro, was amazing along with all the children.  And don’t think that David didn’t notice the name.  It is just incredible that those kids do it every night, and do it so well.   And the headmistress was scary and funny and disgusting all rolled into one mass of ugliness.  There was one number in particular that got to me in the second act – When I Grow Up.  It was delightful, and a welcome escape from the dark halls of the school.  Anyway, I recommend it highly!  The review was in the Times for I’ll Eat You Last with Bette Midler, and so glad that I bought tickets already, because I imagine it will be impossible tomorrow.  So glad we are making sure we take advantage of being in NY while we can!

Today I had the Complete Theatre Company, and thanks to everyone who made a pledge.  We are inching out way to the goal, and I think we will make it!  When I got home, we walked to the barber to get haircuts, and David had a shave as well.  The barber was pleased to see that we walked – we always arrived in the wheelchair in the past.  Once home, we took a nap to get ready for the theatre.  We walked to and from the Shubert Theatre, and it was a nice night all around!
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Then we read the blog, but no Julia tonight.  Tomorrow.  We are getting close to the end of My Life in Paris anyway.

Back in the swing

Today we got back to work with Speech Therapy in the morning, then off to get blood drawn, home for a bit, and then back to RUSK for Physical Therapy.  Speech went well and David really is communicating better all the time.  Karen talked a bit about a conference she went to on Friday about how the brain rebuilds pathways, and has reemphasized the importance of repeating and practicing all the time.  The lab where David has blood drawn was abuzz with activity, and not sure why.  There were just a lot of people coming and going.

When we got home, we had lunch and watched a couple of Castle’s and then walked back to RUSK for PT.  Caroline did a lot of walking with David again, and she tried a new contraption on him.  It is a track that runs along the ceiling, and David is harnessed to it, and walks without the cane.  He was doing really well with this, except he was trying to go too fast.  As Karen said, it is just important to practice, practice, practice!

Tonight we had ravioli and watched RuPaul’s Drag Race (Go Jinkx!!), then the blog and Julia.  It is now 1970 and they are on the verge of publishing the second volume.

Now that is is warmer, we are walking more, back and forth to and from RUSK, and getting to know the sights and sounds of the walk.  As we crossed 34th Street walking up Third Avenue this morning, both of us noticed that the homeless man, who I have started calling Homeless Rush, was not in his usual spot lecturing passers-by about his right wing ideology.  Wouldn’t it be nice it the corner of Third and 34th was where the real Rush were relegated?!  I also noticed a truck that often had a line of High School students at it, and couldn’t figure out what it was all about.  It looks like a food truck, but has images of cell phones and electronic devices on it, and says “Digital Device Storage” and it finally dawned on me what it was about.  I am guessing that the students at the nearby High School are not allowed to bring their cell phones into school, so someone has set up a business where they can check their phones before school, and pick them up at the end of the day.  I still can’t figure out why they can’t put their phones in their lockers, but there must be more going on that I don’t know.

A slow start

Today was quiet.  We were supposed to swim, but the instructor didn’t show up, and when I spoke to her, she said she didn’t realize that this was our new scheduled day.  Now she knows.  We did some walking in the hall, and Siobhan came for speech this afternoon.  They had a good time, and she suggested that we try to do some trivia to give something to speak about.  I think that when David tries to recall names and places like that, it is good practice.  I downloaded Trivial Pursuit on the iPad, but it doesn’t really work – they use too many pictures in this version.

I read last night’s blog before sleep, and I can’t believe how long it was!  Then, Julia, and they are settling into life in Provence when they are visiting, and having visitors.

I didn’t mention this last week, but on Thursday (the night when I forgot to post the blog entry) I also completely forgot about the caregivers group at RUSK that I enjoy going to so much.  As I was drifting off to sleep on Thursday, I thought, “Oh, crap, I didn’t go to the group!!”  Another month missed!

Absence makes the heart grow fonder, I hope!

Well, we were away for a couple days, and had a whirlwind visit to DC. First, let me apologize for the last post, which was sitting on my computer, unpublished.  When we went to visit the Clutes, Mary asked a question, and I said I had mentioned something in the last blog, and she said, no, there was no posting on Thursday night, so when we got back to our little house, I found that I had written it, but not published it, so I did.  So, Saturday’s post was actually for Thursday.

We took the train down to DC on Friday and Dave Sislen picked us up at Union Station and when we got to Bethesda, David and I were both ready for a nap, and settled into Dave and Pamela’s lovely guest house.  We brought with us thunderstorms and tornado warnings, so we stayed in for dinner with Dave and Pamela, and watched the breaking news from Boston.  Just as it was getting a bit like watching a white SUV drive through Los Angeles, but the saga came to a satisfying conclusion before we went back to our little house and went to bed.  Nice work!

David and Pamela left for Chicago early on Saturday, so we were on our own.  A little before 7am, David complained of a headache, and I had forgotten Tylenol, so I got dressed and walked over to CVS.  Fortunately, we were very close to downtown Bethesda, so it was a short walk, but unfortunately, CVS didn’t open until 8am, so I picked up coffee from Starbucks and went back for a while.  Then, back to CVS at 8am.  Got the Tylenol and all was right with the world.  Well, sort of.

You know when you travel, there is always that nagging thought that you forgot something.  Well, yes, I forgot the Tylenol, that was something, but more important, I forgot pajamas for me, which was not disastrous, but the real tragedy was that I forgot pants for me.  Later in the morning I went to see if I could find something, but didn’t, so made due with a pair of David’s that fit.  It also helped that Casita Sislen had laundry, so cleaned the jeans that I came in.

Our first visit was with the Clutes, where we had a lovely lunch with Peter, Mary and Andrew. Nice to see them, and spend some quiet time with them.  Talked about our plans for the next year or so, which I will share here soon.  Maybe in tomorrow’s blog.  We talked a lot over the weekend about what the plans are for us.  Loads of travel, and later in this posting, will talk about a few other travel opportunities for the next year or so.

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After a nice nap, we got up and dressed, and Liza picked us up at 7pm, and we headed over to Burke.  It was nice to see Liza, and she was a great friend to go with us.  We got into the school with little problem, but moving through the event was slow.  Between the crowds and everyone wanting to talk to David, it was a mob love-fest.  After running the gauntlet, we made it down to the gym where dinner was going to be, and got settled.  Then it was easier, because we stayed put, and folks came to see us and chat.  It was a great evening, and, at the risk of contradicting David, it was not bad.

Dinner was good, and afterward, there was a presentation that I was asked to participate in.  I read my lines off my phone.  There was only one major hiccup when my thumb scrolled through the script and it took a moment to find my place again.  It was nice to have a moment to thank everyone for all their notes, visits and good wishes, which really do keep me and David going.  Anyway, once I was sitting, the bidding for the live auction began, and while David can’t speak, he can raise his paddle and bid on items.  The two things he was eyeing were a week in Marbella in Costa del Sol and a European cruise on Azamara (a line we have not been on), both of which he bid on and won.  He also made a generous bid for the Support a Scholar.  Anyway, at the end of the evening, we dashed to get home and sleep.  Thanks to Liza for helping out and joining us for the auction.

On Sunday, we got packed up and ready for the train back to NY, but went to Chrissie’s for brunch with the entire clan (minus Claire).  It was great to see everyone, and they were all very impressed with David’s mobility – walking, climbing stairs and general desire to get up and walk around.  So, after some great food and a terrific visit, we headed back to Union Station to catch the train back.  We had a slight delay on the train, but got in to Penn Station not too much later than expected.  I dropped David off at home with Onelsis, and ran to our first production meeting for the Complete One Act Festival, which is May 15 – 19, and I will send out more information when tickets go on sale.  Less than a month away!

Anyway, sorry I skipped so many days, but hopefully folks reading this will understand.  I have to say, I am having trouble staying in touch with everyone, and sometimes don’t respond to emails and calls as quickly or consistently as I might like.  Thanks for understanding and seeing life from my complicated vantage point!

Washington DC Here We Come

We are making a short visit to Washington for the Edmund Burke School auction, and hope to see lots of good friends there. It is too short a visit to fit everything in that we would love to. I want to try to arrange a longer visit before we head back west, so we can see more friends. We leave tomorrow and come back relatively early on Sunday.

Today was a good day, without much fuss. We took a walk down to the gym, and back up. David is now walking without the cane, but with me holding his arm and waist. I really don’t support too much, but rather make sure he is steady and am there for moral support. I used to have to do the same thing with the cane, so hopefully he will graduate to walking on his own soon. His is so much faster without the cane.

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Oh, no, not the Dentist again!

I went to the Dentist this afternoon, but it should be the last visit for a while.  This morning we got up at 9, had breakfast, showered and exercised.  Then I headed off to my theatre workshop.  It went well.  Before heading to the Dentist, David and I took a walk down the hall without the cane.  If I walk with him, making sure he doesn’t falter, he walks much faster and frankly, better.

After the Dentist, dinner and a couple episodes of Castle (one of David’s favorites), then bed.  David is still pretty tired, and I hope that this gets better soon.  Read the blog and Julia and Paul are spending more time in Provence and Julia and Simca are writing a second volume of “The Book”.

Marron Glace!

We have a winner . . . and David didn’t really lie to Siobhan.  Marron Glace or Candied Chestnut.  Valerie Severn is the winner!  Thanks, Valerie.  David was delighted when I told him, and it made sense.  We took this question to Karen (his RUSK Speech Therapist) and we couldn’t come up with it either, and she said that if David wants to stop guessing, he should just say so, and not pretend that we got the answer, but it really would have weighed on Siobhan’s mind, I think, if we hadn’t resolved it before she left.  I know it made me a bit obsessed when he told me he had lied.

After RUSK we went to have blood drawn, and the technician said that David was her favorite client.  Because they are drawing blood weekly, the vein is starting to harden, so she had to find another spot today.  It was a nice day, so we walked to and from RISK for both trips.  I also forgot to mention our bizarre, psuedo-celebrity sighting of Curtis Sliwa.  I thought I was on that 80’s show!

After lunch, we went back for Physical Therapy and Caroline walked David almost to exhaustion.  Today was the first time David actually said “enough”.  When we got home, both of us fell asleep and woke up a little before 6pm, when we were expecting Andrew and Susie. We had a great visit with both of them, and after they left, I made dinner for David and then dinner for me – yes, I am keeping to the plan.  Then, RuPaul’s Drag Race, and so glad that Jinkx Monsoon made it through to the top three.  Then read yesterday’s blog and listened to Julia.  They have built a house in Provence.

Tax Day

Aside from taxes (I sent my check to the IRS) and Boston (I am still processing that) nothing much happened today.  David was a little tired, and didn’t have much movement in his arm today.  Yesterday was so good, but it really does come and go, and if he is tired or not all there, mentally, the movement doesn’t come as easily.

Siobhan came today, and they were talking about something, and she couldn’t figure something out that he was saying.  I am hoping that someone who reads this might help.  He was telling us about a crepe filling that he didn’t like much and said it started with the letters MO and was six letters.  He said it wasn’t a fruit, but was more like a nut (we tried hazelnut and chestnut already).  We searched online and looked in Mastering the Art of French Cooking but couldn’t come up with anything.  Anyone who sends me the right answer I will send a surprise gift as well as my undying gratitude.  WARNING:  The letters and number of letters may not be right as well as anything else that I have written above.

I am trying to diet to lose some weight, which is a good thing.  My approach this time is to cook different meals for me and David.  David had ravioli with pesto tonight, and I had a few slices of pork tenderloin.  I also skipped dessert, which might really make the difference!

Tonight, I read the blog and we listened to Julia.  She and Paul have moved to Boston (well, Cambridge) and they filmed the pilots for The French Chef for WBGH.  They seem to have settled into Boston (alright, Cambridge) like they lived there before, and I have to say, my first visit to Boston when I was in my late thirties (very late thirties), I felt like I had been there before.  Everything just seemed like home.  At the risk of sounding cliché, thinking of Boston tonight.


This morning Kathleen came by and we walked to Artisanal for brunch.  Had a lovely time and on the way back we were greeted by a very noisy Iranian/Persian parade down Madison Avenue.  David was able to navigate through the parade across Madison, which I gave him lots of credit for.  Whenever there are major distractions, his walking becomes less steady.  We made it back and I walked Kathleen to her bus, and on the way home picked up a ball for David’s thumb exercises and to get prescriptions from CVS.  Also some Claritin to try knock these allergies out.  They are killing me.  My foot is better though, and that’s a blessing.

We finished House of Cards (UK) and began the US version. Not much else to report.  Read the blog only tonight.

Here is the link the the Complete Theatre Company’s latest update on the One Act Festival.  Please take a look and if you can, make a donation.

Update – Meet the Directors

Lovely visit, walk and Trader Joe’s

We had a lovely visit from Kathleen this morning and afternoon.  As foreshadowing, she dropped off some delicious madeleines yesterday afternoon, and we finished them off this afternoon.  To be honest, I did most of the eating.  They were amazing.

After our call with Alex, Claire and Theo, I walked Kathleen downtown, and took the walk across town with her to Tompkins Square Park.  It was amazing to me the number of people out in the streets.  From Avenue A to Sixth Avenue, I was dodging people the whole way.  Where do they all come from!!  Went to Trader Joe’s on 14th Street, but they didn’t have David’s cereal, so had to head over to Chelsea, where, not only was the store saner, but they had the cereal.  The store near Union Square had empty shelves everywhere, and the lines were insane!  Also picked up some new sheets at BB&B.  We needed them and they look great.

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Then blog and Julia.  Paul has retired from the Foreign Service and the book has been released.  I think they are also on the verge of venturing in to television.  Well, we all know how it ends, right?

Missed a day, sorry

So, I missed yesterday partly because not much happened, but I was also tired.  I think my allergies are kicking in.  It is strange, but for almost the entire time we were in Washington, my allergies didn’t bother me too much, and you’d think with all the trees, it would be awful, but as soon as we are back in NY, I have started to have to take allergy meds.  Well, got some for tonight.

Yesterday we had our Assistive Technology session, lunch with Anthony and a visit from Hatam.  The session went well, and we are getting a new program on the iPad to help David communicate. Anthony had his PT session at RUSK, and we met him afterwards and went around the corner for a Greek lunch.  Nice place and we got the scoop on what is going on in his life. As we said to him, he has to come to Palm Springs for a visit asap. Hatam came by afterwards with Maya, and she showed us a sort of paper airplane made with straw and construction paper.  It flew very well, and she called it a circle air cutter.  Appropriate, and she was also intrigued by David’s “NO” button.  Everyone is, once the discover what it does.

Today we had Speech, Occupational and Physical Therapies.  It was raining most of the day, and fortunately, we were able to get into PT as soon as the others were done, and saved ourselves a trip back in the rain.  Afterwards, we took a nap.  To be totally honest, I took a long nap, and David, a very short one.  Then we caught up on GLEE.  Very silly episode, I thought.  We also watched a few taped episodes of Chopped and was glad that Sunny won for N Street Village!

This morning, I had a few email exchanges with Sal from UNIS, who is in Hanoi, and this put David off a bit.  He kept saying that it should have been him! My response was, we can go to Hanoi on our own, if you want.  David is now asleep.  Snoring, of course, but he will deny it!  Before sleep, the blog and Julia.  The book was rejected by Houghton Mifflin, but picked up by Knopf.  They are still in Oslo.

Stroll up Fifth Avenue

Today I had the workshop with The Complete Theatre Company, and we met in a different space – on 43rd Street off 8th Avenue.  It was nice being in a new space.  When I got home we got ready to go the the Opthomologist on 42nd Street.  We took a walk up Fifth and back after the appointment.  Dr Cohen said his glasses are good, and it seems to have cleared up the double vision.  All good stuff.

Soon after we got home, Siobhan came for Speech, and I headed to the therapist.  When I got there, we talked about insurance and it seems that Oxford won’t cover the therapy, so I would have to pay out of pocket, and not sure if it is worth it.  It is a lot of money, and could be spent in lots of other ways to make me happier, if you know what I mean!

Then dinner, the blog and Julia.  They are posted to Norway, and the book is with the publisher.

Young Stroke Survivors Group

Tonight we were able to attend the Young Stroke Survivors Group at RUSK.  It was great to be there, and there were a wide variety of stages and disabilities represented, from folks who you would never know (one woman had her stroke in February, and has no noticeable handicap) to people who had severe impact and who have been in recovery for 4 years.  The discussion was interesting, but dealt mostly with returning to work – there was debate about how to deal with the missing four years on your resume and, do you have an obligation to tell a prospective employer that you had a stroke.

The day was glorious – 80 degrees, sunny and dry and I did a lot of walking – from home to RUSK to the dentist back home and then to RUSK again.  Not sure what the distance was, but I am sure it was a mile plus.  So nice to be out though, and Madison Square Park was packed from sidewalk to sidewalk!  We had Speech first thing, then the dentist, then home for a bite to eat, and a little rest.  Finally, in the afternoon we had Physical Therapy, and she did some more of the time tests, and David beat all the times from March 15 by two seconds each.  She was most pleased with the sitting to standing test, because his time puts David outside of the “fall range”, which means his risk of falling is diminished.  Good to hear.

Then we took a walk outside to waste some time before the group.  On our way home, we ran into Rose who was David’s Physical Therapist when we first got home from the Jewish Home.  She was very impressed with David’s progress, and very glad to see us.

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Here is the video that I promised of David’s arm movement.  It is amazing how a little cheesecake can motivate the arm to move!  He actually does this without the cheesecake, which, as you can hear, he doesn’t like too much.


I know you are thinking, what does he mean by Knuckles.  Well, I have been meaning to write about this, but kept on forgetting – I think I need to pick up David’s old habit of having a pen and pad always nearby to make notes to remind myself about things I think about.  He used to do that a few times through the night, wake up and make notes, and I actually miss that.  The other thing he used to do through the night was to crack his knuckles, which I didn’t like so much, but recently, he has started to do that again, and it made me happy to hear.  It made me feel like we were beginning to get back to the way things were.  Gave the nights a sense of normalcy.  Anyway, I thought I’d share that.

Today the aide was late, but made it in time to get David showered and dressed and we walked over to RUSK in beautiful springlike weather.  It went well, and I took video of his arm movement, which I will share, once I have edited it.  May be a day or two.  Afterwards, we went to get blood drawn, and then home.  Our Monday morning ritual is to get home and watch The Price is Right with the aide, who usually has it on in the background.  That show was my Grandmother’s favorite, and there was a contestant on who reminded me of her in a strange sort of way.

We had lunch, sat on the balcony for a few minutes, played some scrabble.  We had a nice night with dinner followed by Antique’s Roadshow and then, RuPaul’s Drag Race.  So glad to see CoCo go – No T, No Shade, as they say.  Then the blog, but no Julia.

More Scrabble and first rehearsal

We played some more Scrabble today, took a few walks, and didn’t have an aide this morning, so it took a little longer to get going this morning.  Also had to make two trips to the pharmacy, first for my refill, and then when I got home I realized that there was one waiting for David as well, only it wasn’t.  Have to get a new prescription from the Doctor tomorrow.

Tonight we had our first rehearsal, which went well.  We have to cut about 4 minutes from the script, which, I think was pretty easy, and will work on that tomorrow.  Cassie and Alec are great and bring such great energy and ideas, so it will be a great process.
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Then, the blog, and instead of Julia, we watched Chopped in bed and then David went to sleep.  I will join him shortly.


Today we played Scrabble against each other, and for anyone who has Scrabble on their iPad or computer, try to set up a game with David using his aol email address –  It is a little challenging for him, but great practice – both with language and coordinating and moving the letters.  Today I won, which was a first for me, but I only won by about 10 points, so that might tell you how bad I am and how not his usual killer self David is, but he is enjoying it.

Then we had a great call with Alex and Claire, and Theo is looking terrific.  I am so grateful to have these calls every week and to watch him grow.  Then, we had a visit from the Olderman’s from DC.  Great to see Richard and Anne, and we had a lively visit.  They were both very impressed with David’s progress, particularly his walking and speech, but then we showed them David’s arm movement, and they were very impressed by that.  David, of course, thinks it is nothing, and needs to be convinced (usually by someone other than myself) that he should be pleased, and he was.  He mentioned that I hadn’t mentioned his arm movement in the blog (which I have), and maybe I haven’t mentioned it enough, but here it is.  I told him we should do a video so people can see it.  Project for tomorrow.

Tonight we watched the movie Kinky Boots and it does always amaze me that with good musicals when you go back to what they were based on, it just seems so organic.  During the movie, I kept thinking, I hear a song coming on!  It did help that there was a lot of music in the movie too.
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Anyway, then the blog and Julia.  Paul was recalled tonight to DC where he was interrogated and accused of being a socialist homosexual.  Julia was furious, as you can imagine.  They also were moved to Bonn, Germany, which they weren’t really pleased about.  La Belle France as Julia keeps saying!

Hopefully tonight I will sleep better than last night.  I had trouble getting to sleep because it started dawning on me that I need to start thinking about getting ready to move.  It is only a little over two months away, and that will fly. I do need to look at the calendar and make sure that all weekends are spoken for and that rehearsals, etc are in place.  It could start to get crazy around here!!

On the mend

The day started painfully for me.  We went to RUSK for Speech and Occupational Therapies.  Getting to and from 38th Street was difficult, but therapy went well.  Once we got home, David said that I should cancel his session for the afternoon, which I did, then went to the Doctor. This medication is available is only one strength of 10 mg, which is the normal sildenafil pfizer, making side effects unlikely, but you may experience some common side effects include: headache, dizziness, flushing, indigestion, nasal congestion, diarrhoea, rash. Make sure to drink plenty of water to flush out toxins and eat plenty of fiber to keep things in your gut by 50% Cancer Auto-immune levitra prescription diseases (your own immune system attacks your body tissues), including Parkinson’s, celiac, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, chronic alcoholism, heavy metal poisoning, nerve injuries, spinal cord and nerve damage from pelvic operations can lead to ED in men. This sildenafil 25mg is what is happening in the body for men who repeatedly fail to get erections on sexual stimulation. Sex can provide excitement, relaxation, a release of endorphins all cialis cost low of which can ensure a long-lasting pleasurable lovemaking session for you.  She put me on another drug and said that it should be cleared up in 3 to 4 days.  So far, with two doses, I feel a difference and will sleep tonight.

Tonight it was the blog and then Julia.  She quoted a letter from her father telling her that she should come back to the states soon because hanging around with Europeans was making her a socialist, like FDR and Ike.  Oh brother!