
Tonight I was called on the carpet because I didn’t make it clear in last night’s blog post that David also liked Kinky Boots very much.  He did, and I am sorry I didn’t make that clear.

Oxford is cleared up, and this time they gave us 12 sessions (6 PT and 6 OT).  That was a relief.  So tomorrow is a busy day!  We went to the Dentist this morning, and the temporary crown seems to be holding up – at least it is still in this evening.  We had a great visit with Jane and Henry, and Jane set David up with a quilting frame and needle and thread, so we will see if David can do a little quilting now.  After a great visit, Siobhan came for Speech Therapy, and she said that David was doing really well, and saying more and more clearly.  All true.
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Then, we had dinner and watched Project Runway (so glad that Richard finally got the boot).  Read the blog after that, but nothing else.  David was tired and I had to convince him to stay up and watch the runway!

Kinky Boots

We went to see Kinky Boots tonight – the new musical by Cyndi Lauper and Harvey Fierstein.  All I can say is run, don’t walk, and get tickets.  Thoroughly delightful!  I left the theatre floating on happy thoughts.  Great music, great book and the story is great too – see the movie if you haven’t already.  Charlie and Lola were outstanding, as well as Lauren’s first act song “The History of Wrong Guys”.  Anyway, my humble, musical geek opinion, may be taken with a grain of salt.  As I said to David after we left – I wish I had taken my Disco nap, because I wanted to go out dancing!

Saw two “stars” at the show – Marsha Mason and Mo Rocca (no, they weren’t together).  I love Mo!

Other than that, today I went to the dentist and was glad to get the stitches taken out that were beginning to feel like I had a macramé plant hanger in my mouth, and when I got home, we went down to the pool and David worked on his walking, etc.  No reading tonight, because we got home late.  Tomorrow!

Quiet day

Today there was no Speech in the morning because of Passover and no Physical Therapy because there is an issue with Oxford.  Again.  This time, I think it is RUSK who dropped the ball, and I left three messages, but never heard back from them.  I will call again tomorrow, and see if I can get to the bottom of it.  So irritating.

It was probably a blessing in disguise because he is still having pain in his right arm.  I spoke to the Physiatrist who said it was probably because he is working muscles that haven’t been used in a while and stretching tendons.  He said it should subside and to take tylenol.  He is resting quietly now, so that is good.

I read the blog to him from yesterday, and we listened to Julia.  They made their first trip back to the states and just as we ended, she was beginning to complain a bit about the French.  Then object number 96, a Russian Revolutionary Plate.


Today we headed out to Queens for Seder at David’s Sister Judy’s home.  It was a large group, and David lasted longer than I though he would.  It was great to see everyone.  Terrific meal too!  We did take a bit of an extended tour of Queens on our way out because I took a wrong turn, and then had to find our way back on track.  We ended up being just about 10 minutes late.

We started the day off with Occupational Therapy, and had a shock when we arrived because it seems that Oxford had not approved therapy yet.  I called Oxford, and the operator I was talking to had me on hold for quite a while, and said she was irritated because the department she needed to talk to had hung up on her five times.  She finally got to the bottom of the problem, and it seems that the folks at RUSK put the request in for therapy beginning on March 30th, and Oxford denied the request because it was made too early.  There is blame to go around, but it seems strange to me that they have to aim for a sweet spot when requesting additional therapies based on the date that they should start vs when the request is made.  I will spend the morning on the phone with Oxford to make sure that everything has gone through.

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When we got home tonight, David went straight to bed, and only woke up for our reading ritual.  I read four blog entries, and we listened to Julia’s story, and tonight she talked about not passing the exam at the Cordon Bleu, and how difficult it was to get the exam scheduled.  Basically, she aimed too high, and did not study the more basic recipes.  Mme. Brassart, the school’s director was not a favorite of Julia, and she had some harsh words for her.  Then, object number 95, a Suffragette Defaced Penny.

Home again

We had a great time in Vermont, and hope to get back a few times this spring.  The drive back was very good, and we made great time (thanks Joy!)  When we got back into the apartment I commented to David that it was nice to be home, but even nicer that we weren’t anxious to leave Vermont, but not really sad to be coming back to NY, but he made it clear that he would have liked to have stayed in Vermont.  To be honest, it was great to be there, very relaxed and without any problems.  We will begin at once to plan our return.

We watched The Good Wife, which started 45 minutes late.  I am guessing that there was some sort of sports event that pushed it later.  Very irritating, and because it ended so late, we didn’t do our evening reading ritual.  We will begin back tomorrow.  I think that David doesn’t want the objects to come to an end.  I have to admit, neither do I.

Moonlight in Vermont

Joy and David
Joy and David washing dishes in Vermont

It is a lovely night tonight, and the moon and stars were glorious as we drove home from Bennington, where we went to the movies tonight. We saw The Call, which was quite harrowing for me. I thought it was going to be more of a chase suspense movie, and not so much a Silence of the Lambs type suspense movie. My eyes were closed for some pretty big chunks of it. David and Joy liked it. After getting home we watched an episode of Foyle’s War. Good series and good episode. David was tired and went straight to bed afterwards. We had a good day today – went to New Skete Nuns for cheesecake. Cloistered nuns, so you go into a room and pick up cheesecake and slip the money through a slot in the wall. Completely on the honor system, so David suggested we just pick up the cheesecakes and run! I can’t say for sure, but I think Joy probably slipped the nuns a few extra bucks! The cheesecake was good, and you can mail-order!

After we got back, we had a visit from Jay Elkin and his wife Stephanie from Fieldston. Great visit, and David was pleased to see him. After that, we had our call with Alex, Claire and Theo. Great, as always, and David is getting more across, even with FaceTime.

I missed yesterday, and it was also a good day. Had dinner with Dad and Nancy at an Italian restaurant in Cambridge, and I got my VT drivers license, and before that, had a tour of Hubbard Hall in Cambridge. I had sent my resume for a job there, and they told me that if I was up in the area, to call and meet and take a tour of the facility. Pretty impressive. An old rural opera house and they also have a series of buildings that were warehouses associated with the old train depot. Dance studios, rehearsal spaces, offices and a small black box theatre. Very nice folks as well, and similar in many ways to the Atlas, but very different. Will keep you posted on that progress.


Well, we got up to Vermont without any problems, and the house was in great shape.  A nice layer of snow around and the finished porch in the back was lovely.  Even without heat, and it was cold outside, the sun kept the room toasty warm.

We went out shopping for pants for David – his are beginning to fall off, so we needed to reduce the waist size a bit!  Some great bargains too!  Then, dinner with my Dad, but not after a nap and a few episodes of Rhoda (I love Hulu).  We went to a local place, Chauncey’s. The food is fine, and we all had a good time.

Then home, and I failed to make a fire.  Need to get some kindling for tomorrow.  It is supposed to be clear, but cold for the next few days, so  fire would be nice.  David made the trip upstairs and went to bed, and Joy is snuggled in bed as I type this.  We didn’t do any reading (I forgot the book) or listening to Julia, and I will double up on blog reading tomorrow.  We are also planning a musical evening, so we will sing some songs.  David was so happy to be back in Vermont and able to go upstairs – what an accomplishment!

A Balancing Act

Today was better, but not great, so we spoke to the Neurologist again, and made another adjustment – basically back to where we started from.  Fortunately, we didn’t have to go out today, so David’s lack of energy didn’t play into anything.  I had the theatre workshop, and had an x-ray done of my feet.  Spoke to my Dr. As well, and made some adjustments in my medication – finally weened off the prednisone (today was the last 5mg) and I have to eat a banana a day and drink a glass of OJ a day.  Those may be tough!

David took a nap, and then we watched a bit of TV, then early to bed in preparation for our trip to Vermont.  Looking forward to the change of scenery.  We leave to meet Joy in the Bronx and then on our way tomorrow morning!  Can’t wait.  Will report tomorrow.

Before sleep, I read the blog and we had more adventures with Julia and Paul, and this time it was flashbacks to her time with the OSS in Ceylon and China during the war.  What an adventurous gal she was!  She also took a trip with her Dad, Step-Mom and Sister to the south of France and Italy.  Then, the 94th object, a Sudanese Slit Drum.  No link this time, as they don’t seem to be working on the British Museum site anymore.

The worst eggs florentine outside of England

This was a quote from My Life in France which we heard tonight, and I couldn’t resist.  This was Julia’s description of a lunch she made for a friend.  Sounds like her, doesn’t it?  I loved it.

Today David was very, very, very groggy and I called the the neurologist, and she thinks it was the Tramadol that she prescribed yesterday, so that stopped today.  Hopefully David will be back to his old self tomorrow!  We made it through Speech, but barely survived Physical Therapy.  He was drifting off on the treadmill!
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After PT, we picked up his new glasses, and he said it was like a miracle!  He can see!!!  I am sure they will make quite a difference.  When we got home, he went right to bed, then up for just enough time to have some dinner, then the blog from yesterday, Julia’s cruel remark about English cuisine (and also a trip to England, where she had a nice time, but had a few more choice remarks about the food) and the 93rd object, Hokusai’s The Great Wave.

Occupational Therapy and Dr. Blum

David had Occupational Therapy this morning with Maneshka, which went very well.  She had to do some testing for a report to Oxford – yes, it is already time to go through the process of requesting more sessions with Oxford.  My understanding is that the therapists have to walk a fine line between he’s doing well, but not well enough to stop therapy.  So ridiculous.  She believes that there won’t be any problem with more sessions, but you never know.  Hopefully there won’t be any delays this time.  I will find out tomorrow from PT when the request goes in, and begin calling Oxford to make sure that everything goes through.

A portion of the therapy this morning was spent with David wanting to know how Maneshka’s date was over the weekend.  I guess she mentioned something on Friday, and David wanted every detail.  I don’t remember hearing anything about a date, but who knows what I was doing.  The date went well though, and there is another one this weekend.  She was surprised that David remembered.

We went home after the session, and relaxed before heading back for a follow-up appointment with Dr. Blum, the Neurologist.  She was very impressed by David’s improved speech and movement.  David never believes it when I tell him he is doing well, but he believed Dr Blum.  We are making some adjustments to his medications to help with the lingering pain in his side.  She thinks it is probably some neurological pain associated with the stroke, so we are dropping one drug, adding one, and increasing the dose of another.  David also wanted me to share that he got on the scale today, and he weighs in at 151 lbs, which pleased him, but it shocked and, quite honestly, annoyed me.  He weighs less than 3/4 of my weight.  You can do the math, but it is pretty irritating.

Speaking of fat, I found the name of the restaurant that Julia and Paul went to – Le Grand Véfour.  Tonight we watched a bit of Dancing with the Stars, then to bed, the blog, Julia continues classes at Cordon Bleu, Paul is becoming a wine expert and her sister is running around Paris in her Citroën.  Then, the object was an Early Victorian Tea Set.  Number 92.

Late St Patrick’s Day Post

Today I did a lot of reading, and I know that should not have precluded me from writing, but it did.  I am catching up this morning before we head off to Occupational Therapy.  Yesterday we stayed in and had a quiet day and did some catching up on reading and listening.  I read the blog in the afternoon and we followed the adventures of Julia and Paul, who are now joined by Julia’s sister, who recently graduated from Bennington.  Can’t wait to be in Vermont later this week!  We also read about another object, and it is sad to think that we will be done in less than two weeks!  Number 90 was a Jade Bi from Beijing.

We watched a very odd British movie about a gourmet road trip through the lake district with Steve Coogan called The Trip.  David didn’t like it much.  Between the accents, the impressions and a somewhat complicated storyline, it was a bit much.  Then in the evening, The Good Wife.   Finished off with some more time with Julia starting classes at Le Cordon Bleu and they stumbled on a great restaurant (can’t remember the name, but will look it up) off the Jardin du Palais Royal.  I like to keep track of places like this for future travels, and will try to find the name and share it.  Then, object number 91, Ship’s Chronometer from HMS Beagle.


The snow looked lovely from inside the apartment, and I was glad that we didn’t have to go out.  It didn’t look like anything was accumulating on the street, but it did look wet.  We had a nice visit this morning with Andy and Emma Klingenstein.  Whenever someone new comes by, David always points out how well they can interpret what he is saying, compared to me!  I just chalk it up to the fact that I have so many opportunities, and the odds are, I will get more wrong.

After Andy and Emma left, we had our call with Alex, Claire and Theo.  It was a little short because Theo was cranky.  We all have our bad days!  Then we had a visit from Polly from UNIS, which was fun too.  She brought some tasty Italian goodies as well, including one of David’s favorites – Tiralli.  Thanks Polly!
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Tonight, I made meatloaf for dinner, which was tasty, or so David said.  Then we watched two episodes of House of Cards (UK) and the latest episode of Castle.  Then last nights blog, and a trip with Julia and Paul to Provence, and object 89, Australian Bark Shield.

The Ides of March are upon us

If you read the blog regularly, you know that Friday’s are our busy day, and today was no different.  Remember yesterday I said that David got his temporary crown put in.  Well, the emphasis was on temporary, as it came out while eating cereal this morning.  He didn’t seem to have any discomfort, so we just saved it for when we went back in two weeks.

Onelsis, the aide on Friday, went with David to Speech Therapy to work with him, which went very well, I was told.  I sat in the waiting room and was only called to fill in one blank – what is the sushi restaurant that we go to regularly?  Sen Nin.  When that was done, Onelsis went to her next client, and David and I went to Occupational Therapy with Maneshka. Good session, with a little more movement in his right arm, and also a little movement in his wrist – only in one direction though, but it’s a start.

After OT, I walked back with David and on the way we had blood drawn, and then stopped to pick up lunch at  Nanoosh on Madison.  David got a falafel wrap, and I a hummus wrap.  quite good, and I have been wanting to try them out along with Tina’s, a cuban place next door.  We had lunch from Tina’s the other day.  Also very good.  When we got home and David started eating, he began feeling some pain around the missing crown, so I called the NYU clinic, and they were closing up soon for the week!  The emergency clinic might be available tomorrow, but David didn’t want to deal with that.  I remembered that Gwen had given me the name and number of her dentist, and I called and was told that she could see him at 2pm – the same time a Physical Therapy.  We headed off early in hopes that she could take care of it quickly and maybe a bit early, and Dr. Wang did just that!  The temporary crown was put back in, and all was right with the world, and we made it to PT in time.  Did walking and then did some

David's Time Results
David’s Results

timing to compare.  There were three tests TUG – where he got up from a chair walked about 10 feet away, turned round, and came back and sat.  His time was very similar to his last time, but still much better than when we started.  The second test – 10MWT, he just walks from a standing position to 10 meters.  Carolyn things that if he had done this a second time today, he would have done better, but he was only off by about 4 seconds, and is still better than where we started.  Finally, he beat the 5x Sit to Stand test, where he just sits and stands five times, and he beat that and cut his original time in half.  Congratulations David!

So, then we headed home, and we both took a nap.  Then, up and I made some pasta for dinner, and the damned crown came out again!  I will call Dr. Wang on Monday, and I am sure she will take care of it.  I think when I had my crowns done, the temporaries stayed in at about the same length –  a couple of hours.  Even my permanent ones, came out pretty regularly.

Watched Project Runway, and I agree, they should all have gone home.  At least they stood their ground and declared none of them winners.  What a complete mess, and this is the one time watching this show that I thought – God, I could do better!  Another Foyle’s War as well then the blog (two entries) and David told me I forgot to mention that Gail Johnson had brought a special guest visitor, who he couldn’t tell me, but I hope the guest or Gail will be reading this and fill me in!  We only did one object and didn’t spend time with Julia, but will save that for tomorrow.  The object was a North American Buckskin Map, number 88.


Liza and Alan

Tonight I went with an old friend, Mary, to see Liza (Minnelli) and Alan (Cumming) at Town Hall.  All that you might ex[ect.  And, I was not terribly surprised to see Anthony seated two rows in front of us.  Didn’t have a chance to say hello until the end because there was no intermission.  We also ran at the end because I had to use the men’s room (did I say there was no intermission?)  Liza sang ’em all!  She rang them bells, she made it there, because she could make it anywhere and she reaffirmed that she isn’t going like Elsie.  Alan was great with a series of songs from Hedwig, and of course they ended with a string of songs from Cabaret.

Back to the beginning of the day.  It was David’s turn in the dentist’s chair, and he did well.  We were there a full two hours, and they did lots of work getting ready for the crown, but when they took the mold, it came out with part of the filling for the tooth, and we have to come back in two weeks to have that fixed and do another mold.  David wasn’t happy about that.  He has a temporary for now.

When we got home, we had a visit from Jim Dale, and very good conversation.  I had never met Jim before, and it was a good visit.  Then, we had a visit from Michal and then Mary joined us before we went off to the theatre.  Talked about school (Mary and Michal are both teachers).  This was the first time Mary met David, and they seemed to hit it off well.  They both have a rebellious spirit that I love.

When I got home, it was too late for the blog, Julia and an object, so I will double up one night this weekend.

Better and Worse Day

Better day for David, he was more awake, and up, which was terrific.  Worse day for me, I had dental surgery.  It took much longer than I or the Doctor anticipated, and the anesthesia kept wearing off.  Right now, I sit here with an ice pack on my cheek and I am hopped up on Advil.  Can you really be hopped up on Advil?

Anyway, before heading for the Dentist, I was the Speaker at the theatre company workshop today.  It went well, and I talked about festivals and about how to apply and research them and some tips on participating.  They seemed to enjoy it, and there were a number of good questions at the end.  I also found out that I will be directing the show that I wanted to for the One Act Festival.  Will keep you all posted on that.

Once home, I had to run out and fill prescriptions and do some grocery shopping at CVS.  I forgot that I would probably be off solid food for a couple days, so had to get some yogurt, apple sauce and ice cream.  Grocery shopping at CVS is a very strange experience.  We watched the latest episode of Ripper Street, then blog, Julia and Paul have adopted a cat and are expanding their circle of friends in Paris and the object, a Hawaiian Feather Helmet.  Number 87.


When I read the blog tonight, David had a correction, or more accurately, a clarification.  He said Hitler in the dialogue from yesterday because we have been watching a British TV Drama called Foyle’s War and all there are lots of nazi sympathizers and talk about the imminent German invasion.  He doesn’t normally have Hitler on the brain.  He wanted to make that clear.

Today was a rough day.  We had Speech Therapy, which was good, but when David got up this morning, he wasn’t himself, and when we got home from ST, he went right to bed, and asked me to cancel his Physical Therapy session and we didn’t go to the Young Stroke Survivors group that he has been looking so forward to attending.  He says he is just tired, and that is what it seems like.  We will see how he is feeling tomorrow before I begin to worry.  Not much happened except sleep.

Read the blog, and already made the correction, Julia and Paul have moved into their apartment on rue de l’Universite.  The apartment sounds quite appalling, but she says they are happy living a bohemian life in Paris.  Then, the object.  Number 86.  Akan Drum from West Africa, by way of Virginia.

A Speech Therapy Dialogue

OK, this morning we had a great Occupational Therapy session.  Some good movement with David’s right arm.  Nothing really useful yet, but it is getting there.  One of the exercises uses a small platform with wheels that David rolls with his right arm across a table.  Little by little.

I had an appointment with a Rheumatologist in the afternoon, and we are going to taper off the prednisone.  She thinks it is gout, but some more tests will tell.  Also, have to go have x-rays of my feet done.  I should be off the prednisone in a week.

David had a Speech Therapy session with Siobhan this afternoon, and here is a bit of the dialogue:

Siobhan: If you could meet one person, who is still alive, who would that be?

David: Hitler

Siobhan: No, a person who is still alive.

David: Oh (at this point, David can’t say the name of the person and writes a “G” on a pad of paper.)

Scott: “G”, do you mean George?

David: Yes

Siobhan: Ok, George.

Scott: George Bush????

David: No!!!! (this is accompanied by a look like I was crazy – good for him, then he writes another letter on the pad – “C”)

Siobhan: C?

Scott: Oh, I know who it is. (Scott mouths the sound C)

David: Coony. . . . Clooney

Siobhan: (laughs) Why George Clooney

David: (looks at Siobhan like she is crazy, then writes something on the pad)

Siobhan: Hot?

David: Of course.

Siobhan: OK, fair enough.  If you could meet anyone who is not alive, who would it be?

Scott: Hitler??!!

David: No. (Pause) Hemingway.

Sometimes I just don’t know where it comes from, and why Hemingway?  I mean, I get why Hemingway, but why does that come out?  There were a lot more of these questions, and he did a good job.  There was also another tangent about Hitler, and a joke about his being hot, and David shaving his mustache, but I digress.

Went to see Julie Halston, who was fabulous!!!  So funny, and anyone reading this should run, not walk to see her at Birdland where she will be on Monday nights in March.  Very funny and a great review in the Post.

Blog, more time in Paris with Julia and Paul and object number 85, Reformation Centenary Broadsheet.

Is it really March already?

Another quiet day.  Went to the movies this afternoon to see Oz, The Great and Powerful.  We both liked it.  I am a sucker for the Oz stuff, and visually, it was pretty great.  Also watched another episode of House of Cards (UK) and The Good Wife.  Neither were particularly satisfying.  I can’t remember what made last week so much more rewarding, but they were.

More Julia Child, as she and Paul arrived in France and she has her first meal.  It is fun to hear her, even though someone else is narrating, it is her voice you can hear.  Then the blog and object 84, a Mexican Codex Map.
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I feel like I am letting the readers down lately.  We have been getting into a rhythm or rut, if you will, and I suddenly realized that time has begun to slip by.  I cant believe that it is almost mid March!!  The days go by with an unsatisfying regularity.  David sensed it tonight, and was concerned with my well being.  This week, I am going out twice – to see Julie Halston at Birdland tomorrow at 7pm (join me if you can – David may also come, but we will decide tomorrow) and on Thursday, going to Town Hall with college pal, Mary, to see Liza and Alan Cummings in concert.  Looking forward to seeing Mary!  Its been too long.  Anyway, I will try to make the days more interesting and report!!

Julia Child and Wayang Kulit

We went shopping for books on tape today, and ended up with My Life in France by Julia Child.  We had to listen to a number of samples to make sure that the person who was narrating was good for David, and this one was the best.  It also will be interesting and neither of us has read it.  I may even pull out my copy of Mastering the Art of French Cooking, and begin cooking from it again.

We got up this morning and exercised.  The aide got David up and showered.  After I got dressed for the day, we went to Unique Eyewear on 34th Street to get new glasses.  Thanks to Marjorie for the recommendation.  They were very nice and helpful and we picked frames in about five minutes.  I am still going to Cohen Optical to return the glasses that they made incorrectly and either get a refund or have a spare pair made.  So ridiculous.  How can you make the glasses wrong twice!

This afternoon and evening we watched the PBS documentary about Woody Allen.  Very good and funny and insightful.  We also had our call with Claire, Alex and Theo, which was good.  David showed off his arm, a little, and he tried to recreate what he did that made me laugh so much yesterday.

Anyway, then to bed, Julia Child, the Blog and object – number 83 (only 17 to go) Shadow Puppet of Bima.  Good night!

Back on track

Today we got back on track with therapy.  We had Speech first, which we knew would not be a problem.  Had a great conversation with Karen and Christina about the trip and the Barnes Collection.  Karen tried to convince David that he is, indeed saying more.  Then we had Occupational Therapy with Maneshka.  I told her that David was able to move his arm, and she went to work on that immediately.

As I said, David didn’t believe me when I told him that he was moving his arm, but she did some exercises with him that made it clear that he was moving his arm up and down.  It is, as you can imagine, weak from not being used for over six month, but, that is was the work is for.  Now we have some more exercises to add to our daily routine.  She was very impressed, which, in turn, made David impressed.  I do wish that I had videotaped the session, particularly the moment when David made fun of the movement that he did have.  I almost couldn’t stop laughing.  Maybe it was the morning, but I was very prone to laughter in Speech Therapy as well, and Karen did chastise me at one moment when I laughed at something that David wrote.

Once we were done with OT, I checked with Physical Therapy to see if we could get in early so we wouldn’t have to make an additional trip in the snow.  Caroline was available, and we got to work.  David worked on the treadmill, and did some walking around the gym.  He also worked on one of the machines to get more strength on the muscles on his inner leg.  He is turning his foot out because his outer right leg is stronger than the inner.

When we were done, we headed home.  Gail came at 2pm with a surprise visitor from UNIS, Almaz (sp?), and it was a great visit.  David was able to ask what she thought of Jane, the new ED who will be coming this summer, which I was impressed with.  He did some more work with Gail, and then we had a visit from Michelle bearing gifts from Second Ave Deli.  Thanks.  Again, great to hear stories from UNIS.

After Michelle left, David was ready for a well deserved nap!  It was a busy day.  Then, dinner, an episode of House of Cards (UK), the blog, there were comments and corrections, but David just wanted to go to sleep. But no sleep before object number 82 – Miniature of a Mughal Prince.