Thursday, December 6

We drove back from Vermont this morning.  It was a very uneventful trip, and there was no traffic to speak of, which was delightful!  Even at the Lincoln Tunnel we breezed right through the EZPass lane.

Once we got upstairs, we watched some more TV – “Homeland” and “The Good Wife” and then Rose came for Physical Therapy.  Chrissie came soon after Rose arrived, and we walked down to the gym, a first for David.  He did a lot of walking and was pretty tired at the end.  We had a nice visit with Chrissie after Rose left, and then, ordered Thai food, some more TV, then to bed for David.

I will join him soon.

Wednesday, December 5

Another quiet day in Vermont. Colder today and we had some snow flurries this evening. It must have been because we watched “White Christmas” yesterday. Vera Ellen has a freakishly small waist that always distracts me – there is something just no right there! We went out to dinner with my Dad and Nancy, which was great
We are leaving early tomorrow and have therapy in the afternoon. Also got a call from the doctor yesterday, and he reduced the blood tests to once a week, which made David very happy. Me too!
The fire is blazing, and I am heading to bed.

Tuesday, December 4

Sorry it has been a couple days. We are in Vermont, and it has been quite a trip. Between getting the bathroom set up with gear for bathing and keeping the fire going, I haven’t had much time. David is now snuggled in the bed, and I am heading that way now.
It has been great being back up here, and David is loving it, but there isn’t much for us to do. The weather was great today, but it is raining now. There really can’t be enough said for an elevator and apartment living – pushing the wheelchair through the gravel and grass can be tricky!

Saturday, December 1

Where does the time go?  I suppose for the same reason I can’t find time during the day to write this, time just slips away, and it will feel like tomorrow when we get on the plane for San Francisco on the 17th!  Today we had visits from Susan and after we spent some time chatting, Marjorie stopped by.  Thanks for the bagels from both!

We took a nap in the afternoon.  Another question – why am I still tired when I sleep well at night and take a nap in the afternoon??  the cane arrived and David did some practicing with his new tool.  He seems a little frightened by not having as much support, but I think he will begin to trust it with some practice.
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At 5:45pm Dave and Pamela came by and we headed out for a great dinner at Artisinal.  Great food and company.  Congratulations to both on their recent engagement!!

Friday, November 30

We went to see “Argo” tonight.  It was great.  My audition went well, and it was funny, but it was in a theatre where I worked in the early 80’s doing wardrobe and make-up for a very strange production of “him” by e. e. cummings.  That was when it was called Vineyard Theatre.  One of the few things I remember about the show was a series of lines that went something like this:

Rich person: Are you hungry?
Poor crowd: Yes!
Rich person: Do you have any food?
Poor crowd: No!
Rich person: Well, then it is pretty stupid to be hungry.

It was riveting!

I didn’t write in the afternoon, but here is the video of the latest walking in the gym.

Thursday, November 29

You know, I was thinking today that when I write this blog, it is late, I am tired and it must sometimes come off in a weird sort of way.  I know (and sometimes catch) there are spelling and grammatical errors, because I rarely go back an proof them.  All through the day I think of things and say “I should put that in the blog tonight!”  and then just forget about them.  Maybe I will write something tomorrow afternoon for a change of pace!

So, I have another audition tomorrow.  I got an email from some company who saw my resume and headshot on Backstage.  I am not holding my breath, but, will go  I can’t even remember the name of the company, and don’t want to look it up right now.  Will let you know how it went.  We got up early this morning because Rose, the PT had a session at 8am.  David didn’t remember that I told him that this was scheduled, and was very confused.  He wanted immediately to look at the calendar to check to see if it was written down, and I know it wasn’t because she made the appointment late yesterday afternoon, and I thought just telling David would be OK.  I learned my lesson – if it isn’t written down, it isn’t happening.  He had a great session and Rose had David walking with a cane.  She has ordered a cane that will have a wrist strap and will have a wider base – sort of like the “Hurry-Cane” as seen on TV.

Today was one of those days when my multi-tasking came in very handy.  Between PT, OT, Calls from the Outpatient PT and OT and Pharmacy and trying to schedule the ST and a visit from Maria to go over menu options, I sometimes wasn’t sure if I was coming or going.  While I was talking to Maria and David was working with the OT, she asked him if he ever walked around apartment with the walker, to which he said no, and in mid sentence with Maria, I turned and said “yes he does”, and then right on with Maria.  I think she thought I was crazy!  Both Maria and Diane.

Maria brought some delicious sandwiches that we had for dinner and cookies for dessert – thanks Maria and Halcyon Gourmet!  Great, great stuff!  I had scheduled the MJHS Speech Therapist for 7pm tonight, and when she called at 7:10pm to say she was on her way, I told her not to come, it was too late.  David wasn’t happy about it being at 7pm, and at 7:00:01 PM he looked at his watch and then at me, and wanted me to call and cancel.  I was glad she called so I could save her the trouble, but he has no patience for that.  Rose – the PT and Siobhan are the only therapists since the HJD that seem to know how to keep a schedule.

At 8pm David wanted to go to sleep, and then at 9pm he called and said he wanted to get back out of bed and watch Project Runway All-Stars.  He went back to bed right afterwards.  We got the new chair, which is much lighter and easier to maneuver.  I think it is less comfortable, but it is really just for transport, and not sitting for long periods.  It may not be a bad thing if the wheelchair is not David’s favorite place to be.  I have been meaning to post another walking video and will do that tomorrow for my afternoon post!

Wednesday, November 28

We slept very late this morning.  David slept over 12 hours and I was almost at 10 yours when we woke up at 10am.  I guess maybe we needed it.  Jennifer came and got David showered and dressed and I went out to look at wheelchairs at a local store.  We need something more portable, and I bought a transport wheelchair that is light, and folds up more than the chair we have now.  David won’t be able to move himself in the chair, but it really is meant for me to push.  They are delivering it tomorrow.

Soon after I got home, Rose came to work with David, and will be coming early tomorrow morning for the last session.  She is going to put in for two more weeks, and we will see what happens.  It would be great to get the additional time before heading out west.  Then when we get back, I can schedule his outpatient sessions.

We watched “Modern Family” and a little bit of the “Downton Abbey” promo show on PBS, then off to bed for David, and I have been puttering around, and ready to head to bed now.  This is what I get for sleeping so much last night!

Tuesday, November 27

Today we went to the Physiatrist, Brian Im.  There was initially some confusion at the front desk about whether we were supposed to see Dr. Im or Dr. Ahm, but that got straightened out.  I am sure it happens often.  He was terrific, and spent over an hour with us.  He also had taken the time to read David’s file, so we didn’t have to waste time going over the basics.  We talked about his Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy and he suggested with add a Ophthalmology Therapist and a Vocational Therapist.  David was very excited about the additions.  We should be getting calls from the rehab center on E 38th Street, and I have to follow up with an appointment with the Neurologist, Dr. Blum.

Thank God Jennifer arrived before we left for the appointment, because I don’t think I could have made it alone, in the freezing rain/snow.  The wheelchair that David has will not fit in the cars, so I am going to have to order another “Transfer Chair” that will be smaller and lighter.  It will be good to have for the trip to CA and make it easier to get around.
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We came home after the appointment, watched some TV, had dinner (I cooked) and then finished object #2 in our journey through history.  More tomorrow!

Monday, November 26

Another dull day.  Blood test, walking, cleaning, lunch, more walking, speech therapy, calls and the second of 100 objects.  This one was a stone tool from 2,000,000 years ago – the first object in history.

We ordered indian food for delivery and tomorrow we have an appointment with a Physiatrist.  Hopefully the outpatient work will begin next week as the Physical Therapy ends on Thursday.

Good Night.

Sunday, November 25

The Mummy of Hornedjitef
The Mummy of Hornedjitef

Today was also quiet.  Baba arrived in the morning, and David remained in bed for a little while, then got up. I ran out for breakfast for us, made coffee, and then Baba gave David his shower.  Afterwards, I ran out to Home Depot for a better shower head and some other stuff I needed for the house, and went to Trader Joe’s for Davids Ginger Cashew cereal (thanks for turning him on to it Kathleen!)

When I got home, it was almost time for Baba to leave and I paid some bills, and we watched the news then took a nap.  I made a lamb stew for dinner, and David liked it, or that was the impression I got.  We watched some TV – the end of “The Women”, “Antiques Roadshow”, “Dexter” and “The Good Wife”.

Last night, David asked me to begin reading to him from a book he was given at the HJD called “A History of the World through 100 Objects”.  All the objects are from the British Museum, so I thought it would be fun to read it in a British accent – give me a little joy.  David told me tonight that it didn’t give him much joy, and I should read it straight.  As I was finishing the first chapter about the mummy of Hornedjitef, and the author was quoting an Egyptian author, David asked me to go back and read the author’s name again.  He then laughed at me, because he thought my pronunciation was a bit off.  I told him that I would, from now on, be alternating between British, Egyptian and German accents.

Saturday, November 24

Another quiet day.  The aide, Baba, arrived at 9am, and got David showered and dressed.  Then, at 11am, we had a visit from Jane, who read one of her encouraging poems that she wrote for David.  We had a nice visit, and soon after she left, Joy came by.  We had lunch with Joy, and David keeps wanting to show off his walking for folks. The condition refers to the inability to achieve and maintain an this link viagra online erection for a good intimacy. Some of the common symptoms of stuffy nose or blocked nose such as allergies, hay fever, sinus infection, stress, viagra pfizer, cold air, spicy foods, deviated septum, vasomotor rhinitis and many more. When mice were treated with generic cialis viagra after having reversed light and dark cycles, effects of traveling were improved with the medication. This vardenafil cost causes the veins of the penis to absorb a greater amount of blood, upon which the muscles become relaxed and allow the user to obtain a suitable dosage and the guidelines depending on the underlying diseases and the severity of the diseases.The active ingredients of this medication helps ED patients to get back their lost happiness.  Joy, actually insisted that David get up and greet her at the door, and he also walked her out.  Little by little, walking is becoming more of our everyday existence now.

We took a nap in the afternoon, and then watched “Jezebel”.  Then, it was off to bed for David.  Maybe we will go to the movies tomorrow.

Friday, November 23

Today was quiet.  We went to get blood drawn, and there is usually a crowd and wait, but we walked in and were the only folks there, so we were done in about 2 minutes.  On our way back, we stopped at the corner to get two egg, cheese and bacon on a roll – a guilty pleasure.  There was no aide this morning, and when I got home, I gave the agency a call, and they, after some looking around, said that the insurance company ended the aides on Wednesday.  It would have been nice to have gotten a call letting me know that.  She said she called and left a message on David’s phone.  This was probably the fourth time I have told the folks at MJHS that David had a stroke and can’t speak, so they should use my phone number, but I guess none of those folks made a note of that.  Anyway, it looks like our services from this organization will come to an end next week.  I will use SelfHelp for the aides that we hire.  Much better service, MJHS has been a disappointment from the start.  I have never gotten calls returned, and every person they send has no idea what the situation is, so it took valuable therapy time to go over details that should have been relayed prior to the visit.

Jennifer came to help in the afternoon, and we did some walking in the gym and lounge.  After Jennifer’s shift was done, we went out to dinner for sushi around the corner.  I think it is probably the best sushi I have ever had.  Not cheap, but really good.  Then, home, some TV and early to bed for David.

Thanksgiving 2012

I am thankful today for David and his tenacity.  We had been debating whether we would use the wheelchair to go to Thanksgiving dinner or us the hemi walker, and when we woke up this morning, David announced that we would use the walker.  We didn’t have an aide today, so I got him up and showered in time for a visit from Liza and Jon.  It was great to see them both, and we had some nice lively discussion, and I now know that I have to order out more and not cook so much.  Who knew?

We left at about 4:30pm for the ride uptown to Nancy and Peter’s apartment on CPW.  It was a very nice dinner, and great company – Nancy’s Mom Norma, her aide, their daughter Rebecca, Frank, David and Me.  After dinner the dessert guests began arriving, and David started fading.  We made it to the apartment without too much stress, and the same for getting to the car on the way out – even with the steps in the lobby.  I was very impressed, and told David so.  Altogether, it was a great evening – thanks Nancy and Peter!

Wednesday, November 21

Merrick arrived this morning, just as we were getting up.  She got David into the shower and dressed, and finished up in time for Siobhan and Speech Therapy, which went very well.  Afterwards, we got a call that David’s new glasses were ready, so we went up to 36th Street to pick them up.  Fortunately, David wanted to go, because when we got there, they didn’t quite work for him, so they are redoing the lenses.  They will now be ready for pick-up on Friday.

Then, after 1pm, we went down to the gym and did some walking.  After that success, we decided to test the lobby out, and see if David could make it from the elevators to the front door, and he did, and turned around and walked back to the elevators.  I think that tomorrow, we may go to Thanksgiving dinner without the wheelchair and just take the walker.  David will be able to get from a cab to the elevator of the building and get upstairs to sit down.  It could either be a great achievement or a great mistake, but I am leaning towards the former.  We will see how he feels about it tomorrow.

We then had a visit from Michal and she came bearing gifts from the Queen’s campus – Starbucks and Rugelach, who could ask for anything more!! Then Lisa came bearing more stories of UNIS.

After the social hour, it was back to work with Diane the Occupational Therapist who showed me how to massage David’s hand, which he loves. And then Cynthia, the other Speech Therapist came by and worked some more with David.  She also thinks he is making progress, but just needs to keep practicing.  After that, I made dinner, and we watched and episode of “Boardwalk Empire”.  David found it rather confusing, and not sure how much of it he got.  We may have to backtrack a little to get him caught up.

Finally, we finished an episode of “Being Human” a BBC drama along the lines of “True Blood” without all the sex.  It is about a vampire, werewolf and ghost sharing a house in Bristol.  Much better than is sounds!


Tuesday, November 20

Today we got out of bed when the aide arrived – very lazy!  She got David washed and dressed, and I took a shower and we were out the door in under an hour.  We walked up Fifth Ave to Cohen’s Fashion Optical and ordered David’s new glasses.  He made the decision very quickly, which was great and we were done and on our way home.  We stopped by the lounge at the building to finalize the reservation for December 15, and so David could take a look at the space.

We had lunch, and then Jennifer arrived at about 1pm.  Rose, the Physical Therapist was next to come, and we went down to the club level again to walk in the workout room in the gym.  It was great to have the space and David didn’t have to navigate quite as much.  He is walking more securely every day.

The we had a great visit from JoAnne Hurt.  It is great to see David able to get his ideas across.  Even when there are moments when I have no idea what he is trying to say, we persist, and finally get to the point – usually.

At 6pm the Speech Therapist came and worked with David.  She works using tones, so David repeats phrases with a rhythm and music.  We have some worksheets to work from as well.

We caught up with “Homeland” and then it was off to bed for David.

Monday, November 19

The week begins!  We had an appointment to have David’s eyes checked this morning, and I left a message for the aide to meet us, but she never showed up, and wasn’t there when we got home.  Oh well.  We had a visit from Stephane, which was great, and got an update on UNIS happenings.

Soon after, Jennifer came and we took David to have his blood drawn.  The Doctor called this morning and his INR number is low now, so we are trying alternating a full pill and half pill every other day.  Hopefully that will level things out.  From what Ritchie Montgomery told us (he is also on Coumadin) this will be a regular process.  Checking the blood and adjusting the dose.

When we got home, Abigail stopped by for a visit, which was great.  Thanks for the snacks – particularly the cashews, David loves them.  Then is succession we had Rose for Physical Therapy and Siobhan for Speech Therapy.  I took a nap during the Speech Therapy, and got up and made chicken piccata for dinner.  It came out well, I thought.  We then caught up on “Dexter” and “The Good Wife”.  Still have “Homeland” and “Boardwalk Empire” to work through.

David is in bed, and I am happy to say that last night, after I finished writing, I got one of the things on my list done, and three others were done today.  As I say to David, I just have to be happy if I am moving forward!

Sunday, November 18

Today David told me that while he still believes that I am lazy, I am great to him.  It was a relatively quiet day – no aides to help, but everything went fine.  He didn’t want me to give him a shower, but I insisted – he as not smelling like a bed of roses, if you know what I mean.

Steve and Judy came by at about noon, and David and Steve had a little competition – Steve did push-ups and David walked from the Living Room to the Bed Room and back.  While I can do the walking, I had to admit that the push-ups might be beyond my capabilities!  We then took a stroll up Fifth Ave to Bryant park and wandered around the Christmas market there, and watched as a woman had a very public surprise proposal of marriage made on the ice rink in the middle of the park.  Very sweet.  After that, we went for brunch at the Bryant Grill, which was very good too.  We then said goodbye and sent Steve and Judy off to see “Newsies”.  Tomorrow, we have a very early morning – 9:10 appointment with the eye Doctor on 17th and 2nd.  I think we may try for the bus, if we leave early enough.

I had five things on my list of tasks for today, and got not one of them done.  Although, I will get one or two done, once the blog is done.  It seems like I can only get work done after hours around here!

Good Night.

Friday/Saturday, November 16/17

Sorry I missed yesterday, and I am having to cover two days in one blog post.  Yesterday David had Physical Therapy early with Rose.  She told us that David should get up and walk every thirty minutes, which we have been trying to do.  The hemi walker makes it possible for David to get around pretty well, and each day he gets better at maneuvering through the doors in the apartment.  In the afternoon, Gail Johnson stopped by to do the Neuro Therapy with David, but had some problems with the program and will be coming back on Monday.  We had a visit from Lynda in the afternoon, and then Speech Therapy with Maria.  She was the new therapist, and was sure that David’s problem is from Apraxia more than Aphasia.  I could have told her that. I am getting tired of having to explain all the details to every new therapist.

In the evening, David told me that he thought I was lazy.  He believes that because I am not able to get everything that I need to get done, for myself, that I am not working hard enough.  Needless to say, it took quite a while to get that across to me, and I have to say, it was worth the effort!    Today, we had a visit from Steve and Judy O’Keefe, and Judy agreed with David, in that, she thinks that I need to figure out a way to compartmentalize my time, and really steal time to just take care of things for myself.  This all came from trying to find a primary care Doctor, and make an appointment.    I also need to find a support group, and haven’t made that connection yet either, so Monday morning, I will send the aide off with David to get his blood drawn, and I will stay at home and make a Doctor’s appointment and try to connect with the support groups at Beth Israel.  Will let you know how that turns out.

So, today we had an aide this morning, which I was surprised by.  It was because there was one morning this week that was missed, and today was in place of that missed day.  We also had FaceTime calls with Lois, followed by the visit and lunch with Steve and Judy, and then the weekly Alex and Claire call.  I cancelled the afternoon aides for today and for tomorrow, and we went to the movies instead this afternoon.  We went to see “Flight” which I liked better than David did.  I thought it was a very interesting and honest portrayal of addiction and denial.

I think that one of the reasons that I missed yesterday, is that the days are now beginning to settle into a rhythm.  We get up at about the same time each day, and David generally goes to sleep early – tonight he was out by 9PM.

Thursday, November 15

Merrick arrived this morning, and we went immediately to get blood drawn.  After that was done, we went to see if we could find a barber that had no steps up or down, and we found one on 31st and Madison.  David got his haircut, while Merrick waited with him, and I ran to the ATM to get cash because they didn’t take credit cards.  When I got back, the other barber got up and offered me a chair to get a haircut, and I thought, why not!?  I could use a haircut, so I did.  David was done before me, and Merrick took him home.  I forgot my keys, but thank God we live in a full service building, so the doorman could let them into the apartment.  When I got home, I picked up the long awaited hemi walker, which was in the package room.

When I got upstairs, David was drying off after a shower, and he was excited to take the hemi for a spin, and he did.  It will take a little maneuvering  to get through the doors and around some the furniture, but that will all happen.  One more step towards independence!  We both took a nice nap this afternoon, and then Jane and Henry Berliss came by for a visit, and then we were joined by Hatam and his family.  Maya was very impressed with David’s colorful shoe collection.  They left, and I made dinner for us before our night out at the theatre.  I called for a car, and it arrived promptly.  I thought it would be a breeze, but was surprised that the wheelchair would not fit in the trunk of the car.  I guess the one hand drive chair is larger than the standard, and that couple of inches makes the difference.  The driver tied the trunk shut, and off we went. I decided then, that we would walk home from the theatre.  It was only about 25 blocks, and most of it was flat or downhill.  We made it home in less time than it took with the car.  Granted, I got a workout, but, I probably needed it anyway!
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“The Mystery of Edwin Drood” was OK.  David didn’t like it much and did utter “oh, please” as Chita Rivera finished a ballad in the second act.  That is the moment he finds the words and is able to speak them!  I don’t think she heard it, even though we were in the second row.  I liked it better than David, but it is not my favorite show.  The performances were generally good, but Will Chase is a chewer and spitter of the first order.  He chewed up all the scenery and spit out every last word (along with about a gallon of his saliva!)  Ah, Baritones!  I really can’t be too critical, I have spit at my share of fellow actors on stage.

Wednesday, November 14

Today we headed out to the Podiatrist to take care of David’s sore toe.  He had (emphasis on the had) an ingrown toenail that has been bothering him before Sandy.  The Dr fixed the problem very quickly.  The substitute aide, Merrick, helped get David to the Doctor, which was great.  We then headed back home, and soon had a surprise visit from Marilyn Milloy, it was great to see her, and David was very pleased with the visit.  Then the Speech Therapist from the MJHS came to work with David.  It was a short session, and I was pleased to see that David was able to communicate with her, without too much of my input.

After she left, Chrissie came by before her dinner meeting here in NY, and it was also a great visit, and we had lots to talk about.  Then Judith Honor from UNIS stopped by and they overlapped briefly.  Judith filled David in on the goings on at UNIS, and he loves getting these updates and being involved.  Finally, Siobhan came by and had a great session with David.  She works David pretty hard, and he likes it.

After everyone was gone, we took Chrissie’s cue and made the “Autumn Cocktail” that she told us about and had a great dinner sitting at the table.  I rearranged the living room a little so David can sit at the table for dinner.

Tomorrow we are going to the theatre, which will be fun and an experiment.  Not sure how I am going to deal with transportation, but I will deal with that when it happens!  I am sure that there was something that David wanted me to say here, but I can’t remember (a common problem) and David is fast asleep, so, it will have to wait until tomorrow, or maybe never.