Tuesday, November 20

Today we got out of bed when the aide arrived – very lazy!  She got David washed and dressed, and I took a shower and we were out the door in under an hour.  We walked up Fifth Ave to Cohen’s Fashion Optical and ordered David’s new glasses.  He made the decision very quickly, which was great and we were done and on our way home.  We stopped by the lounge at the building to finalize the reservation for December 15, and so David could take a look at the space.

We had lunch, and then Jennifer arrived at about 1pm.  Rose, the Physical Therapist was next to come, and we went down to the club level again to walk in the workout room in the gym.  It was great to have the space and David didn’t have to navigate quite as much.  He is walking more securely every day.

The we had a great visit from JoAnne Hurt.  It is great to see David able to get his ideas across.  Even when there are moments when I have no idea what he is trying to say, we persist, and finally get to the point – usually.

At 6pm the Speech Therapist came and worked with David.  She works using tones, so David repeats phrases with a rhythm and music.  We have some worksheets to work from as well.

We caught up with “Homeland” and then it was off to bed for David.

Monday, November 19

The week begins!  We had an appointment to have David’s eyes checked this morning, and I left a message for the aide to meet us, but she never showed up, and wasn’t there when we got home.  Oh well.  We had a visit from Stephane, which was great, and got an update on UNIS happenings.

Soon after, Jennifer came and we took David to have his blood drawn.  The Doctor called this morning and his INR number is low now, so we are trying alternating a full pill and half pill every other day.  Hopefully that will level things out.  From what Ritchie Montgomery told us (he is also on Coumadin) this will be a regular process.  Checking the blood and adjusting the dose.

When we got home, Abigail stopped by for a visit, which was great.  Thanks for the snacks – particularly the cashews, David loves them.  Then is succession we had Rose for Physical Therapy and Siobhan for Speech Therapy.  I took a nap during the Speech Therapy, and got up and made chicken piccata for dinner.  It came out well, I thought.  We then caught up on “Dexter” and “The Good Wife”.  Still have “Homeland” and “Boardwalk Empire” to work through.

David is in bed, and I am happy to say that last night, after I finished writing, I got one of the things on my list done, and three others were done today.  As I say to David, I just have to be happy if I am moving forward!

Sunday, November 18

Today David told me that while he still believes that I am lazy, I am great to him.  It was a relatively quiet day – no aides to help, but everything went fine.  He didn’t want me to give him a shower, but I insisted – he as not smelling like a bed of roses, if you know what I mean.

Steve and Judy came by at about noon, and David and Steve had a little competition – Steve did push-ups and David walked from the Living Room to the Bed Room and back.  While I can do the walking, I had to admit that the push-ups might be beyond my capabilities!  We then took a stroll up Fifth Ave to Bryant park and wandered around the Christmas market there, and watched as a woman had a very public surprise proposal of marriage made on the ice rink in the middle of the park.  Very sweet.  After that, we went for brunch at the Bryant Grill, which was very good too.  We then said goodbye and sent Steve and Judy off to see “Newsies”.  Tomorrow, we have a very early morning – 9:10 appointment with the eye Doctor on 17th and 2nd.  I think we may try for the bus, if we leave early enough.

I had five things on my list of tasks for today, and got not one of them done.  Although, I will get one or two done, once the blog is done.  It seems like I can only get work done after hours around here!

Good Night.

Friday/Saturday, November 16/17

Sorry I missed yesterday, and I am having to cover two days in one blog post.  Yesterday David had Physical Therapy early with Rose.  She told us that David should get up and walk every thirty minutes, which we have been trying to do.  The hemi walker makes it possible for David to get around pretty well, and each day he gets better at maneuvering through the doors in the apartment.  In the afternoon, Gail Johnson stopped by to do the Neuro Therapy with David, but had some problems with the program and will be coming back on Monday.  We had a visit from Lynda in the afternoon, and then Speech Therapy with Maria.  She was the new therapist, and was sure that David’s problem is from Apraxia more than Aphasia.  I could have told her that. I am getting tired of having to explain all the details to every new therapist.

In the evening, David told me that he thought I was lazy.  He believes that because I am not able to get everything that I need to get done, for myself, that I am not working hard enough.  Needless to say, it took quite a while to get that across to me, and I have to say, it was worth the effort!    Today, we had a visit from Steve and Judy O’Keefe, and Judy agreed with David, in that, she thinks that I need to figure out a way to compartmentalize my time, and really steal time to just take care of things for myself.  This all came from trying to find a primary care Doctor, and make an appointment.    I also need to find a support group, and haven’t made that connection yet either, so Monday morning, I will send the aide off with David to get his blood drawn, and I will stay at home and make a Doctor’s appointment and try to connect with the support groups at Beth Israel.  Will let you know how that turns out.

So, today we had an aide this morning, which I was surprised by.  It was because there was one morning this week that was missed, and today was in place of that missed day.  We also had FaceTime calls with Lois, followed by the visit and lunch with Steve and Judy, and then the weekly Alex and Claire call.  I cancelled the afternoon aides for today and for tomorrow, and we went to the movies instead this afternoon.  We went to see “Flight” which I liked better than David did.  I thought it was a very interesting and honest portrayal of addiction and denial.

I think that one of the reasons that I missed yesterday, is that the days are now beginning to settle into a rhythm.  We get up at about the same time each day, and David generally goes to sleep early – tonight he was out by 9PM.

Thursday, November 15

Merrick arrived this morning, and we went immediately to get blood drawn.  After that was done, we went to see if we could find a barber that had no steps up or down, and we found one on 31st and Madison.  David got his haircut, while Merrick waited with him, and I ran to the ATM to get cash because they didn’t take credit cards.  When I got back, the other barber got up and offered me a chair to get a haircut, and I thought, why not!?  I could use a haircut, so I did.  David was done before me, and Merrick took him home.  I forgot my keys, but thank God we live in a full service building, so the doorman could let them into the apartment.  When I got home, I picked up the long awaited hemi walker, which was in the package room.

When I got upstairs, David was drying off after a shower, and he was excited to take the hemi for a spin, and he did.  It will take a little maneuvering  to get through the doors and around some the furniture, but that will all happen.  One more step towards independence!  We both took a nice nap this afternoon, and then Jane and Henry Berliss came by for a visit, and then we were joined by Hatam and his family.  Maya was very impressed with David’s colorful shoe collection.  They left, and I made dinner for us before our night out at the theatre.  I called for a car, and it arrived promptly.  I thought it would be a breeze, but was surprised that the wheelchair would not fit in the trunk of the car.  I guess the one hand drive chair is larger than the standard, and that couple of inches makes the difference.  The driver tied the trunk shut, and off we went. I decided then, that we would walk home from the theatre.  It was only about 25 blocks, and most of it was flat or downhill.  We made it home in less time than it took with the car.  Granted, I got a workout, but, I probably needed it anyway!
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“The Mystery of Edwin Drood” was OK.  David didn’t like it much and did utter “oh, please” as Chita Rivera finished a ballad in the second act.  That is the moment he finds the words and is able to speak them!  I don’t think she heard it, even though we were in the second row.  I liked it better than David, but it is not my favorite show.  The performances were generally good, but Will Chase is a chewer and spitter of the first order.  He chewed up all the scenery and spit out every last word (along with about a gallon of his saliva!)  Ah, Baritones!  I really can’t be too critical, I have spit at my share of fellow actors on stage.

Wednesday, November 14

Today we headed out to the Podiatrist to take care of David’s sore toe.  He had (emphasis on the had) an ingrown toenail that has been bothering him before Sandy.  The Dr fixed the problem very quickly.  The substitute aide, Merrick, helped get David to the Doctor, which was great.  We then headed back home, and soon had a surprise visit from Marilyn Milloy, it was great to see her, and David was very pleased with the visit.  Then the Speech Therapist from the MJHS came to work with David.  It was a short session, and I was pleased to see that David was able to communicate with her, without too much of my input.

After she left, Chrissie came by before her dinner meeting here in NY, and it was also a great visit, and we had lots to talk about.  Then Judith Honor from UNIS stopped by and they overlapped briefly.  Judith filled David in on the goings on at UNIS, and he loves getting these updates and being involved.  Finally, Siobhan came by and had a great session with David.  She works David pretty hard, and he likes it.

After everyone was gone, we took Chrissie’s cue and made the “Autumn Cocktail” that she told us about and had a great dinner sitting at the table.  I rearranged the living room a little so David can sit at the table for dinner.

Tomorrow we are going to the theatre, which will be fun and an experiment.  Not sure how I am going to deal with transportation, but I will deal with that when it happens!  I am sure that there was something that David wanted me to say here, but I can’t remember (a common problem) and David is fast asleep, so, it will have to wait until tomorrow, or maybe never.

Tuesday, November 13

Today?  What happened today?  Well, the morning aide didn’t show up, and two hours into the shift I got a call from the agency that she would not be in today – her daughter was in an accident.  Later in the day, I got a call from the agency that she wouldn’t be able to make it for a while, and they will be sending a substitute.  That doesn’t bode well, I think.  Before the call from the agency this morning, got a call from the Nurse from MJHS letting me know that she would be coming by to check on David between noon and 1pm – at 1:30pm, she called to let me know that she was on her way.  I told her that the aide didn’t come that morning, and if she was planning on seeing her, she wasn’t there, and even if she had come in, her shift was over at 1pm.  She came anyway and took David’s blood pressure and asked the same series of questions that the last nurse asked.

I got a call from Dr. Karp and David’s INR numbers are high, so he not only told me not to give David his dose of Coumadin, but called in a prescription for the antidote to CVS.  Tomorrow he will start back on the Coumadin at half the dose.  When I went to  CVS, as I am sure you can predict, they said that they didn’t have that drug and had tried to call – David’s number, of course.  She called around to other CVS’s and the one that had it was on 42nd and 3rd.  I wanted to pick it up before our visit from Marjorie (which was very nice) and since it was rush hour, there were no cabs to be had, so I walked.  By the time I was on my way back down Fifth Ave, my foot was feeling pretty miserable, and as I walked past Starbucks, I saw one of their holiday decorations on the window.  You know, those clingy plastic sheets with uplifiting sayings and this one said “Rekindle the Joy”.  I have got to try to do that.

Monday, November 12

I will start my story of today by going backwards.  David is now asleep in bed, after a terrific dinner with Bernie, Ritchie, Fran and Gerry – thanks guys!  We laughed a lot, and talked about many things – past, present and future.  We went to a restaurant called LuLu and Me on Fifth Ave, just south of 29th.  It was a good choice – not too much noise and the food was good.  Before heading off to the restaurant we met at the apartment and they were suitably impressed with 325 Fifth!

When Fran, Gerry, Bernie and Ritchie arrived, Sal was just leaving after a great visit.  Sal shared the stories of the past couple weeks at UNIS, and David said “I’m sorry” about once every three minutes.  He feels very responsible for Sal finding himself alone at the helm, without David being there with him.

Just before Sal arrived (they may have passed in the lobby) Siobhan was here working on speech with David.  I had help through the day from Jennifer in the afternoon and from Faye in the morning.  Jennifer regaled us with stories of working as an aide, and was sure to mke the stories two sided – some of the aides are bad and some of the patients.  Lots of laughs.  We also went out for the first visit to LabCorp for having blood work done.  It was a beautiful day and great to get out.  In the morning, Rose was here at 8:15am doing Physical Therapy, and again had David walking using the counter in the kitchen as his support.  It was an early day, and I am heading to bed!

Sunday, November 11

Today there was a Veteran’s Day Parade on Fifth Avenue that seemed to last forever.  We went out this morning for a walk – down to 30th and Fifth, then across to Madison, where there was, strangely, no cutout ramp on the sidewalk, so we then walked another block south to 29th and up the east side of Madison, and back home.  It was a great day, and as we came back into the building, the parade was starting, and was going for the next three hours.  We could hear the bands from the windows and I stole a peek or two from the balcony.

We had some of the lovely lox that Stephanie and Carla sent, and when Baba (the weekend aide) came, David got his shower.  I don’t think he liked it as much as the one he got from Faye – she seemed more thorough.  We had a great visit with Michal and she brought a great card from the kids in her class, and read each one to David, which he enjoyed immensely.  After that, we had the first visit from the Occupational Therapist.  She was asking questions like – “What do you do when you want to get something to drink?”  or “What happens if you want to have a snack?” – to which I replied, “That’s my job”.  She suggested that David should start doing some of these things on his own, and he, at first looked a little dubious, but by the end thought that might be a jolly idea.  He often forgets how much he really can do on his own, and what a vast improvement he has made.  When we were on the walk this morning, he helped propel himself using his left arm to push the wheel,  it was much appreciated, and did help with moving along.

He fell asleep watching “Dexter” so that will have to wait for tomorrow or Tuesday, and we will also catch up with “Homeland” and “The Good Wife”.  We begin another week and it is now two months since we arrived at the Jewish Home, and tomorrow Theo is two months old – Happy Birthday Theo!  It seems like it was yesterday and twenty years ago that we arrived at the hospital in Albany.  And at the same time, David has made such incredible progress, but has such a long way to go.  As long as we keep moving forward.

Saturday, November 10

We had a great visit with Richard Olderman and his wife Anne.  David was very animated and it was great to spend time with them!  We had an aide in the afternoon, and I went out to buy some stuff we needed at Bed, Bath and Beyond, and also stopped by Trader Joe’s for David’s favorite cereal.

Not much else happened today, we did some exercises and walked with the counter as his barre for a while, but otherwise, it was very quiet.  No word from the “Urinetown” folks. In simple words, some of treatments are affordable while other treatments are india viagra for sale out of affordability. With the help of natural penis enlargement methods, you can get it for a very less price sildenafil delivery and you can get it delivered to your door steps. Likewise, sperm production can generic viagra in australia be improved by taking 400 IU of vitamin E daily. The response period of time is quick and one can see getting viagra without prescription the effect running for at least 4 to 5 hours.  I almost hope they don’t call, so I don’t have to make any decisions – I know, I’m a coward!  Tomorrow David has his first session with the Occupational Therapist.  Hope it goes well.

Friday, November 9

I woke up early today and had some quiet time in the morning before David awoke.  Faye arrived a little late, after I had given David breakfast, and she stripped the bed and washed the linens.  Siobahn arrived at 10 and David had is Speech Therapy session and I worked on the sides that I had for the callback and music.  At noon, Gwen arrived with a great lunch for the three of us, and soon after, I left for the callback.  Gwen knew to expect Gail, who was going to do some Neuro Therapy with David.  On my way out, I ran into Jennifer Jones, who was relieving Faye.

The callback went well – I did basically what I did for the first audition, but also read some of Fipp’s lines.  The accompanist thought I was funny, which I thought was a good sign.  They should be casting in the next few days, so we will see.

After I arrived home, I called Fran to check if we were still on for tonight, but it had not be firmed up, so David and I bought tickets for the 5:30 showing of “Skyfall” and went to the movies!  We will see Fran and Bernie on Monday night.  The movie was just what the Doctor ordered, even if the Doctor didn’t order it.  We had a nice walk across 34th street, saw the movie, and had a good time.  I do have to say that it is amazing how unaware folks are when you are pushing someone in a wheelchair.  When we left the movies, as I was maneuvering to get the doors open and David out, one woman pushed through the door that I was pulling, and let it close on us, and as I was opening the outer door another man pushed past on his way out, as if I was in the way.  There were, by the way, four other doors that he could have used, but I guess, since I had opened the one that I was pushing the chair through, he thought that would be the easiest one to go through.  After all, I had it open for him, right?  He was also texting on his cell phone, which might give you an idea of the A#@hole that he was.  Amazing.
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When we got home, there were two bags full of goodies from Zabar’s thanks to our pals in Washington – Stephanie and Carla.  If any friends in DC are looking to buy or sell a house or refinance – give me a call!  I can give you the best Real Estate Agent and Mortgage Broker on the east coast!!  Even before the Zabar’s I was recommending them!  We had a delicious meal of Roast Chicken, Roasted Beets and Rice, and that was just the tip of the icebox as they say in Fargo!  We will be having lox with bagels tomorrow and Sunday as well!  David is now snoring away (he will deny it) and I am going to join him in a moment.

Good Night!

Thursday, November 8

We did have a different aide this morning, Faye, and she was terrific. She had a great rapport with David.  She gave him a bath, which he loved.  She helped around the house, and was just generally a very pleasant presence.  Tomorrow she will be back in the morning, along with Jennifer Jones in the afternoon, so it will be a good day!  This morning, I ran to CVS to pick up my prescription, and when I got home, David was sitting at his desk going through files and purging papers.  He asked about the retirement accounts, and I printed up a list and he was very confused, because he didn’t understand why they were increasing, and he couldn’t see what money was going in and going out.  It took a while to figure out what his confusion was, but then I explained that he had a checking account as well, and he said “of course”, and he wanted to look at those statements.  I told him I thought in might be best to wait for the weekend when we can both sit down and spend some time looking at them, that he might find them a little overwhelming, and I really am afraid that he will start obsessing about them the way he does the calendar now.  He also went through some UNIS files and wanted me to email folks about specific questions and people at school, which I did blindly – “Do you know anything about John Doe?  David asked me to ask you”.  Small steps back to that stuff I think is good.

We left at about 1:30 PM for our 3:00 PM appointment at the Hospital for Joint Diseases with Dr. Karp.  I ordered a car through Uber (thanks Gene) and we were picked up downstairs shortly after we got there.  The one problem was, they sent an SUV, which was very difficult for David to get into.  It took a lot of help from me and Patrick the driver.  The trip back was in a normal car, which was much easier!  We got there early, so we went up to the 9th floor for a visit, and it was great to see everyone.  They seemed more excited than David, and there was quite a love-fest!  The elevators at the HJD were very slow, and we found out the reason.  It seems that Sandy and its damage, forced an earlier than anticipated merging of the HJD and The Rusk Institute.  For anyone who visited, most of the building is under construction and that was to make room for Rusk, but now, they are all together.

We went to see Dr Karp, who was nice and serious.  He thinks that David will stay on Coumadin (a rat poison, if you didn’t know that already) for at least a year, but he thinks it will more likely be a lifetime medication because of the stroke and the clotting in the leg.  We have to go and get blood drawn twice a week initially, and hopefully will be able to cut that down to monthly over time.

I bought tickets for “The Mystery of Edwin Drood” for next Thursday, and we had a nice visit from Lynda and then Jon.  The evening was topped off with the delivery of the new wheelchair with one handed driving capabilities.

Wednesday, November 7

Today was full of activity.  First, we got our first post-Sandy delivery from Fresh Direct, so it is great to have some fresh food in the house.  We had some pasta tonight, which was quite good, if I do say so myself.  After the delivery, the first aide arrived from the MJHS, and she was not really very helpful, so if she is back tomorrow, I will ask for a change.  David was a little annoyed that I wasn’t more forceful with her, but I told her the two things that I needed done were some laundry and the boxes from the Fresh Direct delivery needed to be taken to the trash room a few steps outside the door.  Neither was done, and I just don’t have the energy.  After I asked her to do that, she went directly to the checklist that the nurse had left to see if either of those things were on the list, and then sat for the next four hours, except when David needed anything.  That was helpful, certainly, but not really to me.  At 12:30 the Nurse arrived to check in, and at 1pm the afternoon aide arrived who we arranged through Selfhelp.  She immediately started laundry and took the boxes out, dusted and cleaned the kitchen.  Then we sat and watched “The Hunger Games”. I was surprised that I liked it, I didn’t expect to, but was curious.

At about 3pm and just as the snow started collecting on the roofs outside the windows, Jonathan Deull and Sheryl Sturges stopped with some goodies from up north (Vermont) for a short visit – they had to rush to beat the snow upstate.  Then at 3:30pm, the Physical Therapist arrived, who was also arranged by MJHS, and she was terrific.  Rose is her name, and David liked her a lot.  She also had David walk using the kitchen counter as his “barre” which worked very well.  He was once again adamant about her coming back to work with him.  She thinks that the insurance will cover at least three weeks with two to three sessions a week as a bridge to outpatient rehab.  She suggested that we look into rehab at the Hospital for Joint Diseases – and we go full circle!  We are going there for a doctors appointment tomorrow, so I will check that out.  David and I are also looking forward to a visit to the 9th Floor.

The last bit of news, and as an introduction to a story – I was called back for two roles in “Urinetown” – Cladwell (which I played) and Fipp.  The audition is on Friday at 1:30pm, and I told David this, but he kept getting confused about how I was going to go to the Doctor with him, and go to the audition.  I told him that one was on Thursday and the other on Friday, so we were OK.  After the second time through this, I said it would be a good idea to print out a schedule for the next two weeks.  Well, that was a mistake!  I gave him the schedule and he started asking why something wasn’t on it that are happening three weeks from now.  For any of you have worked with David, this is par for the course.  He gets very, how shall I say, anal, and begins to think that I have left very important things off the schedule, which I probably have, but, you know, we will figure it out, and our dance-card is not even close to being filled!

Tuesday, November 6 – Barack Obama is still my President, and I am so excited!

Well, now I can write the blog and then sleep very nicely! I kept telling myself that it was going to go America’s way, but wasn’t sure – I was disappointed in 2000 and 2004 and said that it just couldn’t happen, but it did. Elizabeth Warren is just icing on the cake – thanks Massachusetts! I just hope that the Koch brothers and Sheldon are glad that they just wasted all that money.

OK, back to David and life here at 325 Fifth. We had visits from both the Metropolitan Jewish Home Service and Selfhelp Home Care nurses. We had an aide from Selfhelp this afternoon from 1pm to 5pm. She seemed very nice and her name was Jennifer Jones (Yes, Jennifer Jones). Tomorrow, we will have an aide in the morning from MJHS and then in the afternoon, Jennifer will be back. It was great to have someone here, and she did a lot of housework that I had not been able to get to. I had my audition for “Urinetown” and Sheila was good enough to visit with David while I was gone. The audition went well, I think, but again, they asked me to confirm my height, and who knows if being 5’8″ is a good thing or bad? Will keep you posted.

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Monday, November 5

Liz McHenry came for a visit today and with her she brought heat and hot water! Thanks Liz, you are a miracle worker! I know, many of you are saying, “well, that must be a coincidence” but I would rather thank Liz than ConEd, not that they don’t deserve it, but I don’t know them!
Anyway, wanted to send an update, and will write more tonight. I’m going to take a shower!

Sunday, November 4

Well, I think November 9th for heat and hot water was ambitious.  The sign in the lobby says that they won’t be back until November 11th.  Tomorrow, I am going to the Spadium down the street for a sauna and shower!  Also will check if it accessible for David, which would be great.  Tomorrow is a catch-up day with calls to Doctors and the Home Health aide companies to arrange for the start of services.  Hopefully tomorrow will be more successful than Thursday, Friday, Saturday or today.  Have gotten not a single returned call.  The number one priority is to get David an appointment with a Doctor this week.  He has to have his INR levels checked to make sure the Coumadin is doing it’s job (is that the right use of it’s or is it its? – I am too tired to be too concerned – or is it two concerned?  To?)

We had a great call with Alex, Claire and Theo, but no other visitors, which was fine.  Watched some television – Law & Order, The Good Wife and the HBO movie about Hitchcock and Tippi Hedren.

I am going on Tuesday for an audition in Queens!  Yikes!  There is a small theatre (I assume it is small) who are doing a production of “Urinetown” and had a posting in Backstage for submissions, so I thought, well, why not.  They called me for the same role that I did in March in Palm Springs.  Always nice to start off knowing most of the role.  We’ll see.

Not much else to report, so, good night.

Saturday, November 3

David keeping warm
David keeping warm all bundled up in bed

Still no heat or hot water.  I spoke to the building management, and they said that it was a steam problem with ConEd, and that they were not given an estimate of when the problem would be fixed.  I called ConEd, and they said they had no record of there being a problem at our building, but on their outage map, it says that we are out, and that their estimated date for fixing the problem is November 9!  Yikes!  I have to say though, in the scheme of things, heat and hot water are pretty minor.  It could be worse.  I will go out and try to find a space heater tomorrow and maybe check out one of the Korean spas on the block.  A shower and sauna might be just what the doctor ordered and they may also be accessible.  My hair at this point looks a little stiff, if you know what I mean and I am grateful that I don’t have to ride on the bus or subway.

Today we watched the movie “Drive” which we have wanted to see for a while, and, now we are able to start catching up on movies.  David really liked it, but I had to close my eyes a bit to avoid the violence – otherwise, I thought it was good.  Last night we watched “Arbitrage” as well, which I liked more than David. We are planning on have movies nights (or days) on Mondays or Tuesdays and go out to the movies.  Also looking forward to starting to go to the theatre as well.

Tonight Joy visited and we had dinner at home.  It was, as always, great to see her, and we had a nice time.  After she left, I put David to bed and he is sleeping now.  Tomorrow we have our weekly FaceTime with Alex, Claire and Theo.
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My knee is better, but foot is worse, so little by little, we inch along.  Hopefully tomorrow both will be better!  I can dream can’t I!  I am ending this entry with a video.  Today, David made it his mission to be able to say my name.  Earlier in the day it was hit or miss, and I would often have to prompt him with the first sounds, but by the time Joy arrived, he was proudly saying my name loud and clear.  Needless to say, the humorous part of this was that at various points during the day – usually when I was in another room, David would say “Scott” and I thought he was calling me, and I would come to see what he wanted, but he was just practicing.  I became very teary eyed, and you can imagine by all of this, and you can tell by the look on his face how proud he is of being able to say it.

We practiced other names as well, Alex, Claire and Theo (he was not getting Theo very well).  Joy was please to know that he had no problem with her name. Here is the video – he has some trouble, but perserveres.

Friday, November 2

The theme has been little by little since the beginning, so,why should today be any different! The only things that were not little are the flowers from Alex, Claire, Theo and Pat (thanks guys!) and my continued exhaustion and the pain in my knee and foot. I took the car back, which was easy and a great load off my mind. We also got the first delivery of home care equipment – a raised toilet seat, which already makes a huge difference in both of our physical exertion. viagra properien 4frontimports.com The factors which help agni to digest the food rapidly. Located at Kharghar, sector7, Aum Sai CHS, Plot viagra wholesale no-C/23, next to Royal Tulip Hotel. This plant is known generic soft viagra http://www.4frontimports.com/wines/rhebokskloof as “Kadali” in Sanskrit. 4frontimports.com cialis india generic Subsequently nitric oxide causes muscle relaxation and dilation of arteries also help blood spreading in different directions near the male genitals. Still waiting for the transfer bench for the bath, but that is supposed to arrive in Monday, and without hot water, what’s the use, right?
The lights to the south of us came on this evening, which was good to see, and Ray in the package Ron said that the heat and hot water were supposed to come on tonight as well. I won’t hold my breath!
We had a good afternoon visit with Michal from UNIS who gave us lots of positive energy, and we are looking forward to our first weekend at home.

Thursday, November 1

Well, I ran across the street to CVS and they filled the Lyrica prescription, but not without drama.  The technician said that they insurance company denied covering the drug, and I said that I needed it, so she should fill it, even though it would cost around $300, and I got on the phone with Oxford.  They said that they would cover two retail fills for this prescription, but after that, I would need to buy the drug my mail order and that CVS should have gotten a rejection message with an override code.  CVS showed me the their rejection message, and it didn’t say anything about overriding.  So, I got back on the phone with Oxford, and they said that CVS would have to call them.  Oh, Brother!  The technician said that she would not be able to call for a while, but then I think she saw the panic and frustration in my face, and took pity on me, and said she would take care of it, and I should come back in 20 minutes.  When I went back, it was there.

Had a nice visit from Jackie and hope to see more folks over the weekend, if the weather is nice for walking.  I called Metropolitan Jewish Home Services (MJHS) who have been breathing down my neck for over a month, waiting for David to be released so they can pick up our business, and after being assured by the Jewish Home and MJHS reps that the day after David was released, someone would come by and make an assessment of his needs, and service would start the next day.  I left a message yesterday and this morning, and then called again in the afternoon to try to arrange for the visit, and the person I spoke with said that they were having trouble getting in touch with Oxford, and wouldn’t be able to come out until sometime next week!!  I told her that I had been on the phone with Oxford three times this morning.  I then sent a note to the lovely lady who came to me over a month ago to see if she could help expedite this or I would begin looking for a company that would be more responsive.  Haven’t quite decided whether this was really just bluffing, or if I have the energy to start calling providers on the list from Oxford.  I could, naturally, believe that there might be a delay because of the weather, but that wasn’t the reason that I was given.

Anyway, this brings me to how exhausted (not to mention dirty and smelly from no hot water!) I am.  I hate to sound like I am complaining, but. . . it ain’t easy!!  This is the first time, now that I put David to sleep, that I have sat down for some time for myself, and on top of everything, a flare-up of tendonitis in my knee.  It is a perfect storm – Sandy, no heat or hot water, no home care, my limping around, pharmacies, insurance companies – it has got to get better!

Here’s to better days!!

Wednesday, October 31

David is home and I just tucked him into our bed.  I was quite nervous about his coming home, and as soon as got into the house, I had to run out to get his prescriptions filled, and while CVS turned me away (we close in an hour, and I won’t be able to fill this), Walgreen’s (who also closed in an hour) was thrilled to help out and fill the prescriptions. We had something to eat, he took his pills, and seemed exhausted, so off to bed!  I will follow shortly.

I drove up in the morning and sat in on Occupational and Speech Therapy, and then drove back down with a bunch of stuff from the room.  They weren’t sure if David would be released today – his INR number was still 3, and they wouldn’t release him until it was under 2.5, and they were running another blood test.  I got in the car at 4pm to head back uptown, even though I hadn’t gotten a confirmation that he would be released.  The drive uptown, which usually takes 20 minutes or less took over an hour and 20 minutes.  Madison Ave was a parking lot.  Coming back, while not as bad as the trip up, was still filled with traffic.

Anyway, we are home and have electricity, but sadly, have no heat or hot water.  ConEd has to get that up and running soon!  I really can’t complain as I look out the window at the dark black outline of the city to the east against the lights of Queens and Brooklyn.  So far, so good!