Pippin and Memorial

Last night I went to the theatre with Anthony.  We saw Pippin and it was much better than I thought it was going to be.  It isn’t my favorite show, but behind us were three rows of what looked like High School kids who must have done the show recently, and were very vocal in their enthusiasm for the show.  I thought I was going to go deaf, and the woman in front of me kept looking back, giving them the evil eye.  During intermission, Anthony and I were entertained by some amusing, enthusiastic theatre geek conversation.  Some crap about honoring Bob Fosse, while not being derivative and modern.   All at the same time!!  Oh, brother!  Anyway, it was good, and Andrea Martin did some things that a woman of her age shouldn’t.  Well, to be honest, a man of my age and maybe a few years younger shouldn’t too!  She looked great though, and was terrific.

During the day yesterday, we had Speech and Physical Therapies, and between had a great visit from Anne.  We sat and chatted for a while, and then picked up lunch at Second Ave Deli on 33rd Street.  Great to see her, and she was very funny with David, and he enjoyed trying to make her feel guilty for not visiting sooner.  He really didn’t mean it Anne, although, he will insist that he does, and never back down.

Anthony came by and we sat for a while again, and then set David up with dinner and ready for bed, then we went and grabbed some Pho on 32nd Street and walked up to the Music Box Theatre.  After the show, we wandered to try to find a place to get a drink, and after a few misses (we weren’t going to wait on line to get in someplace and it was a Friday night) we ended up at the Ritz on 46th Street.  Oh, the old days!  One drink, and I was ready to flee. Anthony walked me back to Fifth and 32nd, and we talked.  It was a great night.

This morning, we got up, I ran out for some coffee, and we relaxed.  Watched a Chopped (or two) and then had our call with Alex, Claire and Theo.  Great to see them, and it is getting even closer!!  Then we headed down to the 9/11 Memorial.  David has been wanting to go, and it was nice to see again.  We watched an exposé on people who take advantage of their handicaps to hire themselves out as guides to help people jump lines at Disneyland, and we were able to do the same at the memorial.  We bypassed the rather long line go get in, which, I have to say is the only advantage that we have.  After seeing the memorials and looking around, we took a walk to Battery Park City, and as we approached the marina, I remembered when Wayne was in the wheelchair, we took a walk in the same place and ran into Roger Rees, who was kind enough to take pictures with us.  I still have that picture on my desk in Vermont.  It was one of the surreal Wayne moments. We didn’t run into any nominal stars on our walk today.

Then home, a nap for David, and I made meat loaf.  Tonight we watched A Good Woman with Scarlett Johannson and Helen Hunt.  It is a loose adaptation of Lady Windemere’s Fan.  I enjoyed it, and the costumes were amazing.  Then blog, Paris Reborn and Bed.

I am sure I am leaving stuff out, and will circle around and pick up the pieces.  It is one of the dangers of skipping a day in the blog!