Progress is a good thing

This morning, I got a call from the home health care agency that the aide was running late about ten minutes before we were heading out the door for Speech Therapy.  I told them not to bother, and that we were leaving.  It was actually fine – I had gotten up early, showered and got David up on schedule, so we were OK.  We had Speech Therapy with Christina, and she had some more tips and cheat sheets for us to communicate with.  She also began her interview with David about Progressive Education.  It is an interesting process.

After Speech, we had a short break before Occupational Therapy.  She went through dressing, and undressing, and suggested that David try to use the bathroom without any help, and he was able to do it.  All day, he has been relatively on his own – I am there only for safety reasons, and have been utterly useless.  The only part that is proving difficult, or at the worst, time consuming is buttoning his pants.  We also tried getting in and out of the tub at the session, and he was able to do that as well, so tomorrow, he will shower on his own.  Like I said, progress is a good thing!!

We walked home from Rusk, had some lunch, and then went back out for Physical Therapy.  He had a substitute therapist, and she was good and he walk don the treadmill for a while with the harness for support and then some more exercises.  Then for gym he worked on one of the weight machines that he had trouble with the first time, and was making progress with raising his right leg at the knee.  Progress!

Then, home and Indian food.  We talked about the schedule, and he asked me to contact a few folks.  I also got an email from the theatre company that I will be directing one of the plays for their One-Act Festival.  Have to read the plays tomorrow and make my choices.  We also talked about the plays that I have already read, and David is excited about this project for me.

We watched The Newsroom and Enlightened – first episodes of each.  Enlightened looks funny and quirky and I look forward to where it goes, The Newsroom will be fun, but I don’t see it going far, just being topical.  Then bed, and the blog and TWO objects – The Kiwa Pot Sherds and The Lewis Chessmen.