Quiet day

Today there was no Speech in the morning because of Passover and no Physical Therapy because there is an issue with Oxford.  Again.  This time, I think it is RUSK who dropped the ball, and I left three messages, but never heard back from them.  I will call again tomorrow, and see if I can get to the bottom of it.  So irritating.

It was probably a blessing in disguise because he is still having pain in his right arm.  I spoke to the Physiatrist who said it was probably because he is working muscles that haven’t been used in a while and stretching tendons.  He said it should subside and to take tylenol.  He is resting quietly now, so that is good.

I read the blog to him from yesterday, and we listened to Julia.  They made their first trip back to the states and just as we ended, she was beginning to complain a bit about the French.  Then object number 96, a Russian Revolutionary Plate.

One thought on “Quiet day

  1. Hi David and Scott,
    I read your blogs every day to see how things are going for two of you. Nice to see that you went up to Vermont. I am amazed at how busy you both are, that’s it, don’t stop, just keep going. Life here in DC is the same, now the media are talking about the housing market picking, pretty soon everyone will be rushing out to buy houses and jacking up the prices to what they used to be before the crash.
    I just had foot surgery, a bunion repair and had two joints fused because of arthritis, so I have had to walk around on crutches, a walker and a scooter as I could not put weight on my foot for 6 weeks. I am now walking on it and have gone back to my swimming which feels good.
    Carl is traveling to Slovenia these days, he says that he has taken a sabatical from his retirement. Says it is a beautiful country, with lots of financial problems.
    My love to you both and I do hope to see you when I come to NYC next time.
    Michelle Lindgren

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