Quiet Sunday

Onelsis arrived this morning to get David up.  She is the aide who spent the night here when I ran away.  It might be because they spent all that time together, but they have a special bond.  She seems to understand what he wants to say and he wants to tell her things, and hear about her life.  It is nice to see.  She was also very impressed by David’s new found mobility and independence.

We watched a movie this afternoon – Win Win, which we liked a lot.  It was very sweet and funny.  We also watched some more of Enlightened, which continues to be intriguing and is drawing me in.  David had two naps, and at the end of the evening, we had dinner – I made meatballs – and watched the season finale of Downton Abbey.  Not too shocking, we could see it coming, but still hard to take.

Tonight’s object was Ife Head.

Thanks to everyone for their input on the lease, and I had both legal and personal advise.  In the end, we are going to just pay the additional amount, in the short term, but may revisit at some point after we are gone.  That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.  Thanks again for all the great advise!

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